A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 315 Squib Filch’s Hope

"I..." Mrs. Pince looked at Snape, lowered her head slightly, and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Although Runes is also a type of magic, it is only an elective course, while Potions is a compulsory course. The status of the two is self-evident. The entire magical world knows that runes are the words of death and can only be used for academic and archaeological research.

Potions are different. It not only has a rich historical heritage, but also plays an important role in the life of the magical world. No matter from which angle she looked at it, Mrs. Pince couldn't understand Bathsheda's question, let alone where she got the courage to question Snape.

She thought for a moment and then told the truth: "Potions is more important."

"What!" Bathsheda's eyes flickered between the two of them, and she shouted angrily: "That's just because you two are idiots, you can't even carve runes on clay tablets..."

"The tongues were sealed and the throats were locked. They were all petrified and fell to the ground in a coma."

At this moment, Snape coldly recited three spells in succession. Bathsheda instantly muted and turned into a sleeping statue.

"Severus... you?" Mrs. Pince looked at the wand in his hand, with surprise written on her face.

"Send her back." Snape took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down his emotions.

Despite this, his left hand clenched his fist involuntarily. What on earth did that boy Rogge do to make Bathsheda so excited? It seems that the tasks assigned by myself are still too few!

"Laughing at me for misleading my children? You still want to steal my students?" Snape stared at Bathsheda's dissatisfied face, wishing to give her another spell.

Mrs. Pince sighed and persuaded him softly: "You know, Bathsheda is a bit stubborn. She should come back tomorrow."

"Hmph, then let her do it." Snape replied coldly, "Beat me first, and then talk about other things."

The expression on Mrs. Pince's face couldn't help but stiffen. She shook her head slightly and left the room with Bathsheda.

Suddenly, a "thank you" came from the quiet dungeon. Mrs. Pingsi raised the corners of her mouth slightly and hummed softly.

Rogge, who returned to the dormitory, was completely unaware of this matter. He only felt that Professor Bathsheda was a little too crazy. She was still a student, how could she extend her magic hand to herself?

"Can carving runes on clay tablets really improve mental strength?" Rogge muttered and looked at the panel.

Roger Travis

Magic: 108/120

Mental strength: 60

Talents: Heart of Elements, Dark Affinity, Strong Will, Night Vision...

"Nothing has changed at all." He said to himself, wondering: "Why don't you find someone to try?"

Rogge suspected that it wasn't Bathsheda's inference that was wrong, but that the increased value was too small to be displayed at all. After all, your panel can only display to one decimal place.

As for the professor's ability to activate the runes on the clay tablets, he suspected that it might not be his spiritual power, but the papyrus in the glass bricks.

"I don't know where the emerald slate is?" Rogge said to himself.

Just think about this legendary artifact now. He had better solve the problem of Nagini's blood curse first, lest she pop out of the crystal ball with his head on his head and scare him from time to time.

On Saturday morning, Ilvermorny's Thunderbirds arrived at Hogwarts. Although this was the first time for most of the wizards to set foot on British soil, they felt familiar with the surrounding architectural environment, as if they were in their own school.

Filch hugged Mrs. Norris and prepared to go to the Quidditch pitch to watch the game. Rogge suddenly called him: "Filch, are you free?"

"Yes, yes, what's wrong?" Filch walked over quickly, feeling a little uneasy. He still owed Rogge a large sum of galleons and was afraid that the young wizard would ask him to pay back the money now.

"I might find a way for you to use magic..." Filch interrupted Rogge before he could finish.

"Really!?" He yelled, and Mrs. Norris in his arms was suddenly startled and jumped down in panic.

"Rogg...Rogg, my friend, I..."

Rogge signaled him not to be so excited and said, "How about we go to your office to chat?"

"Okay, okay..." Filch quickly led the way and eagerly opened the office door.

There were shackles and chains hanging on the wall, and the leather whip on the table was maintained by Filch and shined brightly. He asked Roger to sit down and hurriedly prepared tea.

"I...I specially bought good tea leaves from outside, good tea leaves without adding sugar." He stressed nervously.

"It's okay, don't worry." Rogge smiled and walked towards the oil painting in the corner, which was the Fat Lady's.

The part that was torn apart by Sirius has been repaired, and the missing piece has been painted with white paint and looks ready for the next stage of painting. There are also buckets of paint and scrapers and other tools placed against the wall.

Rogge admired the almost completely restored oil painting and exclaimed: "I didn't expect you had such a hand."

Filch laughed naively and said, "I just restored it to the way it was before, it's no big deal."

"Actually, in the Muggle world, there are many people who make a living by copying famous paintings. I think if you lived there, your life might be easier than now." Roger said with a little regret in his tone.

However, Filch shook his head firmly: "I know that Squibs can live in the Muggle world, but as long as I have seen the magic of magic, I will never leave Hogwarts again."

He looked at Rogge, his eyes shining with anticipation, and he asked: "Rogge, do you really have a way to teach me how to use spells?"

Rogge was noncommittal and just took out the clay tablet, chisel and wooden hammer from his bag, and then said to him: "Using the chisel to carve runes on it can improve your spiritual power. I think, when you can carve runes on the clay tablet, When you carve a hundred runes, you can use magic."

Filch quickly took those things, his eyes flashed with doubts and curiosity, and he asked cautiously: "Really?"

"Try it." Rogge shrugged, with a hint of frankness in his voice, and told Filch his guess honestly: "The higher the mental power, the stronger the magic power in the body. According to my speculation, when your mental power When the power exceeds a certain critical point, you can use magic spells. However, when carving runes, you must follow the requirements and stay focused."

As he spoke, he looked around the room. He was so poor that he didn't even have a clock. Rogge reluctantly used his transformation technique to turn the shackles on the wall into a clock, and the sound of ticking sounded in the room.

"When you carve runes, you won't notice the sound of the bell, even if you enter a state of mindlessness. Only in this way can your mental power be improved." He said and took out a book: "Elementary Runes" .

"Thank you, thank you!" Filch had tears in his eyes and took the book with trembling hands.

"Maybe none of this will be effective. But I think it will be more useful than correspondence courses anyway."

Hearing this, Filch, who was extremely moved, couldn't help but show a hint of embarrassment on his face. How could I be stupid enough to sign up for the "Expedited Mantra Chanting Correspondence Course"? he thought to himself.

"Come on, I have to go watch the game." Rogge said with a smile, asking him to ask himself if he didn't understand anything.

The method he told Filch was only a small hope. Carving a hundred vivid runes on clay tablets was an almost impossible challenge.

The stadium was very lively at this time, and the students of Hogwarts used waves of cheers and warm applause to scare away the cold wind. Fox flew over the court, his fiery red feathers flashing dazzlingly in the sun. The last game before Christmas also kicked off.

I want to take a day off tomorrow, can you?

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