A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 316 Opponents who exploit loopholes

"It's snowing~"

When the game whistle blew, the snowflakes in the sky also fell one after another. Rogge stood on the audience stage, cheering for the team enthusiastically with other little wizards.

Although the relationship between the two schools is deep, at this moment, no little wizard is willing to accept a gift called failure at Christmas. The players flying in the air refused to give in and started a fierce confrontation.

Against the background of snowflakes, the players of Hogwarts rode the unified Nimbus 2000, looking extremely proud. The Thunderbirds on the opposite side are also extremely well-equipped, and they are Stardusters 20 produced in the United States. Not only is it not inferior to Nimbus in terms of speed, but what is even more interesting is that their brooms also have various personalized decorations.

The star whisks under everyone's buttocks pulled out gorgeous tails, like rainbows painting in the heavy snow.

"Malfoy, Angelina, pliers!" Thomson, Hufflepuff's chaser, gestured to his teammates, which was their tactical signal.

The three chasers work together to launch a pincer attack on the opponent who is attacking with the ball.

The so-called pliers is the abbreviation of Parkin's pliers tactic. The name comes from the inventor of the tactic: Wigtown Wanderers.

On the commentary table, Li Jordan introduced everyone to the intense situation on the court with excitement: "Look, Malfoy and Thomson are approaching the opponent's team at lightning speed. And our big star, Angelina, is hitting the opponent head-on. .Can they grab the Quaffle?"

Seeing the Malfoy trio getting closer and closer, the opponent slowly showed a confident smile. His finger quietly pressed the broom switch, and the next moment shocked everyone.

A ball of flame instantly burst out from the tail of his Star Rider 20, and he flew high into the sky like a rocket, quickly flying away from the surroundings of Malfoy and the other three. Malfoy and the other three were stunned, unable to believe their eyes, and could only look up helplessly at their opponents to escape.

"Disperse!" the Hogwarts beater shouted nervously. He swung his bat and knocked the Bludger into the air toward a Thunderbirds Chaser in an effort to prevent the other team from scoring.

The three Malfoys looked down subconsciously and saw that they were about to collide. They twisted the broom in panic and scattered in different directions. At this time, they completely lost their speed and could not catch up with their opponents on the Rockets.

"Kyrie, pass the ball forward!" Another Thunderbirds chaser shouted, trying to catch his pass and score directly.

However, Kairi didn't seem to hear it and rushed towards the Hogwarts goal alone.

"Does the opponent want to perform a one-on-one attack?" A question came from the commentary desk, not understanding this lone wolf style of play.

Although the players behind Kyrie kept reminding him, he seemed to completely ignore their voices. He carried the ball forward alone and seemed determined to score the first goal of the game.

The audience suddenly fell into silence, and even the commentator forgot to continue. Everyone was staring closely at Carey and the Quaffle in his hand to see if he could successfully score.

On the other hand, Wood didn't panic at all when faced with the rushing chaser. He stared closely at the opponent's every move, waiting for the moment when the Quaffle was released, and he would take action immediately.

"Oh, it's a starfish hanging upside down!" Daphne waved the flag in her hand and exclaimed in surprise.

On the court, Wood clutched the broomstick with one hand and hung upside down with his other foot. His broom was parallel to the ground, and his limbs were spread out, blocking the goal like a starfish.

"Wood defended it!" Shocked shouts kept coming from the commentary box. Wood caught the Quaffle at a tricky angle in the eyes of his opponent in disbelief.

He turned over and mounted the broomstick, flicked it hard, and the Quaffle was knocked away by the tail of the broomstick.

"Thomson!" he shouted upfield at the top of his lungs.

At this moment, the Thunderbirds members reacted and turned around in a hurry. Before the broom could be started, the excited voice in the commentary box sounded again: "Goal! Fox vs. Thunderbirds, 10:0."

"How is this going?"

Every player on the Thunderbirds was confused. They didn't understand why their opponents scored so quickly? It was obvious that the Quaffle had just been hit by goalkeeper Wood.

In fact, after the three of them almost collided, Malfoy immediately realized that they could not catch up with their opponent, so they flew in the opposite direction towards the opponent's goal. They believed in Wood, and Wood did not disappoint his teammates.

The Quaffle, which was knocked away by the broom, landed accurately in the hands of Thomson in the frontcourt. He evaded the batter's attack, deceived the opponent's goalkeeper with fake moves, and finally passed the ball to Malfoy. Draco easily sent the ball into the opponent's empty goal, winning points for the Hogwarts team.

"That's the Pokov Seduction Technique!" Hermione introduced to the surrounding companions who were celebrating eagerly, holding a Quidditch tactics manual.

"They used a tactic to deceive the chaser and get past the goalkeeper. It was really exciting!"

The Thunderbirds saw their goal breached, with teammates glaring at Carey who missed the opportunity. They all remained silent and launched a counterattack with their heads down.

The snowflakes were falling heavier and heavier, and the vision was slowly beginning to be affected. Mrs. Hooch hurriedly found the referee, hoping to open the stadium's protective dome. However, the Thunderbirds' coach firmly opposed the request, firmly believing that Quidditch should be played in a real, natural environment.

"Daphne, look there." Rogge shouted softly, pointing to the golden light flashing in the distance.

Daphne looked in the direction of his finger and said in surprise: "Is that the Golden Snitch?"

In the slowly falling snow, the high-speed flying Golden Snitch stood out. The golden trail it left behind crossed the sky and was clearly visible.

This trace was not only noticed by the surrounding spectators, but Cedric the Seeker also discovered this clue. He immediately turned his broom around and flew towards the Golden Snitch.

The Thunderbirds coach saw Cedric's sudden turn and knew what it meant. However, their Seeker was still wandering around in the snow.

He couldn't help scolding, and wanted to agree to Mrs. Huo Qi's suggestion and let the referee activate the stadium dome.

"No, I don't agree." Mrs. Huo Qi coldly rejected his proposal. She said firmly: "Players should play in a natural environment..."


The score was updated again. The Hogwarts chasers did a great job and successfully widened the score difference to 40 points.

Although the wind and snow affected their vision, their offense was not affected in any way by the familiar stadium and tacit cooperation. They launched an attack again, but the Thunderbirds could only rush to intercept, but they were full of loopholes.

"Cedric has followed the Golden Snitch... Look, he's about to catch him!"

The audience's eyes were all focused on Cedric, and even Malfoy and the others who were attacking slowed down. Once the Snitch is caught by Cedric, the game ends immediately.

Just when everyone was preparing to welcome victory with great anticipation, sending cheers to Hogwarts’ Christmas hero: Cedric. Suddenly, a black shadow ruthlessly shattered the snowflakes and hit Cedric.

"What! This is impossible!"

"He was hit, help!"

All kinds of urgent shouts echoed in the falling snow, which was frightening.

The sudden Bludger knocks Cedric off his broomstick from high in the sky. Madam Pomfrey's eyes widened for a moment, and she quickly rushed into the field to check on Cedric's injury.

"Harry, come on!" Mrs. Hooch shouted nervously.

She noticed that the path of the Bludger was very strange, and there was no batter near the starting point of the trajectory. Instead, there are the opposing chasers.

However, the current situation did not allow her to think about whether the opponent had committed a foul, because the Thunderbirds' chaser had already rushed towards the Golden Snitch without any scruples.

"How...how could this happen?" Daphne covered her mouth and looked at the situation in front of her in shock. She never expected that the victory that was so close would fly away in the blink of an eye.

Rogge's expression became extremely serious, and his deep voice was full of determination: "It was the Bludger that the Chaser hit with his broom."

"What? They violated the law!" Upon hearing what Rogge said, Daphne immediately roared with righteous indignation.

Not only Rogge, but also many people in the audience noticed the abnormality of the Bludger. However, the referee in the snow and wind did not see this scene.

Facing protests from the spectators, the referee ordered the game to continue. As for the foul issue complained by Mrs. Huo Qi, we can only wait until the end of the game to make a decision.

After sitting on the bench for almost two months, Harry's passion and fighting spirit had already been suffocated and felt quite uncomfortable. When he heard Mrs. Huo Qi's order, he rushed into the court like an arrow off the string.

I originally wanted to take a leave of absence, but I finished another chapter and updated it.

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