A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 318 Christmas Heroes on the Stadium

The atmosphere in the audience was suffocatingly tense, and all eyes were on the Thunderbirds' chasers. He was riding on a flying broomstick that shone with magic, his eyes were firm, as if he had seen the dawn of victory. The closer he got to the Golden Snitch, the brighter his smile became.

Just when he felt that victory was inevitable, suddenly, there was a heavy breathing sound in his ears. He subconsciously turned his head, and a gray-haired figure with shining glasses caught up to him. That was Harry Potter.

"Fake, how did you catch up?" The Thunderbirds chaser suppressed the surprise in his heart and did not forget to complain in a low voice.

However, Harry ignored his teasing and followed him closely, looking for an opportunity to pass.

At this time, the Golden Snitch, which was originally flying high in the sky, suddenly changed direction. It seemed to be attracted by some force and smashed straight towards the ground. Harry didn't hesitate, he adjusted his broom dexterously, and like a falcon, he plummeted down at an astonishing speed.

In just the blink of an eye, Harry completed the overtake, and his figure streaked across the night sky like a shooting star. The audience in the stands applauded enthusiastically and applauded his wonderful operation. Marcus and others on the other side looked unwilling. In order to prevent Harry from stealing all the limelight, they desperately dribbled the ball to attack.

"210:60..." The numbers on the scoreboard kept beating, and every beat meant that Hogwarts was getting closer to victory.

"230:80! We are still one goal away from victory!" Li Jordan stood up excitedly, his voice echoing over the entire stadium: "Now the Quaffle is in the hands of the Thunderbirds. Harry is only one step away from the Golden Snitch. a step far……"

Before he finished speaking, the Thunderbirds' chasers also accelerated to catch up. His majestic body was like a moving wall, pushing Harry away with one shoulder. He laughed loudly at Harry, thinking that such a thin wizard would be bullied in Ilvermorny.

"Oh!..." The audience suddenly screamed, and Harry's figure rolled in the air, almost falling off the broomstick.

Looking at Harry's figure hanging on the broom, Roger couldn't help but sigh: "My strength has become stronger this year, and I can actually climb up with the strength of my arms."

"230:90." Li Qiaodan shouted.

Harry seemed to hear his voice and accelerated downward suddenly. The opponent swayed left and right, hoping to block Harry who was trying to overtake him, but the more he did so, the more his speed was affected.

Facing the golden snitch hitting the ground, neither of them hesitated or feared. The Thunderbirds' Chaser relishes in the excitement and loves nothing more than playing chicken with others.

For example, two people are flying toward each other on broomsticks at high speed. Whoever deflects first is the coward. Even if they bumped into each other, they would not have gone to the school hospital to recuperate for a few days.

Besides, there was thick snow below, so he would definitely not be fatally injured. The opponent squeezed the switch tightly, and suddenly erupted a bunch of green flames from its tail, rushing towards the Golden Snitch like a farting poisonous dragon.

Harry, who had suffered a loss, quickly shifted his position and flew on the edge of the smoke. Although his vision was somewhat affected, it did not prevent him from tracking the Golden Snitch's trajectory.

"250:100." The numbers on the scoreboard jumped again, and the tension of the game reached its peak again.

The scores of both sides were constantly updated, but Hogwarts' goalkeeper was still unable to prevent the opponent's counterattack. The score was clinched, and everyone looked at the field nervously.

"Marcus grabbed the Quaffle!"

Suddenly, Marcus slammed his opponent into the audience. He picked up the Quaffle and quickly launched a final blow towards the opponent's goal.

However, the Thunderbirds' Chasers have already reached for the Golden Snitch. The outcome of this game seems to be coming soon.

"You are going to lose!" he shouted arrogantly, and the ridicule seemed to be the fuel for the Star Flirter 20 to spit fire wildly.

He stretched out his hand and felt the little shiny golden thing.

"Faster! Faster!"

At this critical moment, his Star Rider 20 suddenly stalled after a long period of acceleration. The broom seemed to have been drained of life, losing power in an instant and falling straight from the air.

It looked like a classic car, with clouds of black smoke emitting, sweeping up the fire-burning Star Flirter 20. The spectators on the court breathed a sigh of relief.

The Golden Snitch dangled in front of him, as if mocking his failure. He stretched out his hand to grab it, wanting to sacrifice himself in exchange for victory in the game, but the opportunity slipped from his hands like sand.

If the opponent had just made a decisive decision and jumped off the broomstick, the game might have been overturned due to his desperate efforts.

It's a pity that giving him a chance is useless!

He watched eagerly as Harry surpassed him, and watched as Harry's palm got closer and closer to the little golden thing.

"Win!" The people in the audience suddenly burst into cheers, because they understood that victory was already in their hands.

Marcus bumped the batter away and faced three rings alone. On the other side, Harry also caught up with the Golden Snitch.

Ding ding ding... The end of the game signal sounded at the same time as the referee's whistle, and Hogwarts deservedly won the game.

"410:100! We won!" In an instant, the game was ended by Marcus and Harry Potter at the same time.

The tacit cooperation between the chasers and the batsmen gave them a full 160-point lead over their opponents. At the same time, Harry also captured the Golden Snitch and gave Ilvermorny a complete defeat.

"WTF?" The Thunderbirds players blurted out in mid-air, unable to accept such a serious defeat.

Looking at the tall scoreboard, their faces became increasingly ugly, and the voices of mutual accusations echoed in the air.

"How can I play Quidditch well with people like you!" Carey cursed and knocked the Bludger away with his broom, and by chance, it headed towards the Slytherin auditorium.


A bright and sudden sound came from the auditorium, and Roger took out the scarred bat and hit the Bludger back. Kaili's vision went dark and he lost consciousness instantly.

"What are your players doing?" Mrs. Huo Qi angrily found the opponent's coach and complained: "They actually attacked the audience!"

"I...we didn't..." the other coach stammered in defense, but was interrupted by Mrs. Hooch with a cold snort, "Humph, just wait. I will submit a review to the International Quidditch Federation, yours The behavior was all recorded!”

After saying that, she patted the magic projector at hand. This is a magic item sold by Miss Granger, which is particularly useful for replaying games.

The dejected Thunderbirds fled into the fireplace with their defeat and disappeared from the sight of Hogwarts. They tried all their means and made many despicable tricks against the Hogwarts players, but they still could not change the outcome of the game and could only leave with a disastrous defeat.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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