A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 319 A Christmas gift for Harry

Although every student in Hogwarts is eager to give the Thunderbirds a spin, and even Avada can bite the big melon. But they still fulfilled their promise and ensured that their opponents returned home safely before Christmas. What they also took away was failure.

The stadium instantly became a sea of ​​joy, and both Marcus and Harry were praised as Christmas heroes. As expected, the Slytherin and Gryffindor students quarreled again over who contributed more.

Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff happily accepted the congratulations from their classmates and welcomed Christmas in a cheerful mood.

"Roger, your shot was really good just now." Daphne's eyes flashed, and she imitated Rogge's swing.

"Why don't you join the school team..." She kept asking her questions, and Roger answered slowly.

The two slowly walked towards the castle in a warm atmosphere, laughing from time to time. However, this happy atmosphere was broken by the sudden appearance of Snape and Bathsheda joining hands.

Professor Bathsheda's hair was messy and looked like it had been "spoiled". However, Rogge believed in the character of his teacher Snape, and he would never do such a thing. The only possibility is that Snape taught her a lesson with a curse.

"Rogg, you must learn runes from me." Bathsheda said bluntly, and even walked up to him and started to touch him.

She held Rogge's hand tightly, turned to Snape and shouted: "Severus, I still have that opinion!"

Bathsheda's eyes shone with unyielding light: "Even if you hang me upside down on the ceiling, I still have to say that the Potions class is useless!"

In an instant, the surrounding air turned into a biting wind. Rogge saw that the muscles on Professor Snape's face were stiff, like stone sculptures, and couldn't help but glance at Bathsheda secretly. He lamented her courage, and even more lamented that it was probably Merlin who saved her from being killed by Snape.

"Professor, I will take the rune class." Rogge said cautiously.

But Bathsheda shook her head firmly and explained: "No, the normal course progress is too slow and will only delay your talent and mental power in runes. I have customized a set of rules for you. Niven Study Plan.”

As she spoke, she pulled out a piece of parchment from the wide cuff of her robe, which was densely written with words, completely ignoring Snape's increasingly gloomy expression next to her.

“On Monday, we will learn about hieroglyphs from around the world; on Tuesday, you will carve 100 runic clay tablets by hand; on Wednesday, you will learn about magical archeology; on Thursday and Friday, you will invest in observing and studying the draft of Tut.

As for the two days on the weekend, I will take you to the pyramids in Egypt for on-site teaching..." Bathsheda continued to elaborate, "This is just the initial learning arrangement..."

"Bathsheda, didn't you say let Rogge make his own choice?" Mrs. Pince grabbed the chattering Bathsheda and motioned her to look at Snape next to her.

Bathsheda stopped and said with aggrieved tone: "Irma, why are you helping Snape but not me?"

"I'm just providing Rogge with some useful suggestions, and I'm not forcing him to study." Her tone became weak and she muttered: "Of course he has the right to make his own choices."

Bathsheda turned to Rogge, her eyes full of expectation: "Rogge, I believe you can make the wisest decision. Whether you choose to learn runes or hieroglyphs, I will support you."

Rogge looked at the professor with a dark look on his face and thought, what is the difference between runes and hieroglyphics? A little, but not much.

Snape snorted, but his expression softened slightly. He walked up and looked at his student seriously and reminded: "I hope you can seriously consider it. A dead text is not worth wasting too much time and energy on your part. Especially if you are just starting out in potions. You should be focused on everything.”

"Snape, who said Rune is dead!" Bathshedda retorted, "As long as I am alive, Rune is not dead."

Seeing Snape's cold eyes, she immediately hid behind Mrs. Pince and said unyieldingly: "There are many wizards who are good at potions. As far as I know, Granger and Malfoy are both good. By the way, you guys are good at potions." Letling and Theodore who makes the juice.”

"In addition to them, isn't there Harry Potter?" Bathshedda seemed to be poking at Snape's lungs. She kept chattering: "I remember that his mother Lily was very talented in potions. Harry must have inherited it. Some."

Snape's face turned red from suppressing his emotions. If he hadn't been in front of the students, he would have slapped Bathsheda in a chokehold immediately.

Although Harry Potter was Lily's son, he did not inherit his mother's talent for potions. On the contrary, he learned all of James' bad habits.

Seeing Harry surrounded by people on the court, his heart was full of resentment, and he even couldn't help but want to curse. Harry loves Quidditch, loves to be clever, and always takes reckless risks. He is just as annoying as James.

Look at his friends, the Weasleys, they are also a bunch of fools. Fortunately, there were no stupid pure-blood friends like Black or werewolf monsters like Lupin, which kept Snape's mood from deteriorating.

"Bathshed." Mrs. Pince reminded her to stop talking. If this continued, Snape might really be tempted to take action.

Bathsheda curled her lips and glared at Snape unconvinced. She had been really frightened by Snape's various spells in the past two days. After she finished deciphering the "Tut Draft", she must let Snape see the power of runes.

She had already thought of marking Snape's dungeon with an invisible beast so that he could not continue his classes. Don't leave out the floor either. It's best to use Nine-headed Dragon. His office would become a mess and no potion would be brewed.

She also imagined inscribing runic phrases on Snape's potion table so that every time he brewed a potion, he would unleash a host of troublesome magic. For example, test tubes will suddenly disappear, materials will suddenly age...

Bathsheda, who was enjoying a bright future, stared at the sky in a daze, imagining Snape's embarrassment. The rune professor was completely immersed in his own world and didn't hear what Rogge was saying just now.

"Professor? Professor?" Rogge shouted twice more, and Mrs. Pince patted her again before she brought Bathsheda back to reality.

"Ah? Rogge, did you agree? I knew you would agree!" Bathsheda said excitedly.

"Ha..." Snape sneered, turned around and walked towards the castle, his steps obviously much lighter.

Mrs. Pince shook her head and said with relief: "Bathshedda, Roger said he would think about it carefully during the Christmas vacation. I...I have to go back to the library."

"Huh?" Bathsheda looked at them leaving and felt a sense of loss.

She secretly encouraged herself: "It's okay, I believe Roger will definitely choose runes! Christmas? Yes, I want to prepare a gift to let Roger know how powerful runes are!"

The Hogwarts Express started on time again, and Roger specially distributed hippogriff meat to everyone to taste. It's just a pity that Harry and Ron are spending the holidays at Hogwarts.

"As classmates, we must share delicious food!" Rogge thought, packed three flavors of jerky and handed it to the owl. He believed that Harry would love this Christmas gift.

I can't bear the cough anymore. I have to take leave tomorrow.

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