A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 320 Shop for Muggles

The first carriage of the express train was originally a luxury box reserved exclusively for prefects. After Rogge tore it down, the school converted it into a large dining hall shared by everyone.

This change has made the train more people-friendly and full of life. Many students ran to the big restaurant, holding glasses of juice and laughing.

The presidents of the student union and the prefects of the four colleges who should have enjoyed privileges were asked by the school to assist the professors on the train in maintaining order on the train.

Their original arrogance disappeared after being severely taught by Rogge. Many people foresaw that as long as Roger was still at Hogwarts, the prefects could only act with their tail between their legs... No, they would serve their classmates.

Taking into account the festive Christmas season, the professor sent by the school to accompany him was Dean Flitwick. He is very popular among the students, and the students on the train fight without any pressure.

"Professor, try this quickly." Rogge handed over a piece of meat with a smile on his face.

Flitwick took it and took a bite. After chewing it for a few times, the taste buds were conquered by the mixed taste of meat and honey. Its texture was crispy and not greasy, and he immediately fell in love with the cubed meat.

"Rogg, what's it called? It's so delicious! This is the most delicious food I've ever tasted in my life!" Professor Flitwick took the plate, and he couldn't stop eating the three flavors: original, spicy, and honey.

Especially after tasting the spicy meat, his eyes instantly turned red and he gasped for air. He felt as if he had taken a bite of deviled pepper and his whole mouth seemed to be on fire.

Oh, forgive our Professor Flitwick, he has never eaten meat that is so pungent, and he can't stand even a little spicy.

"Hiss... Roger, this is too spicy~" Professor Flitwick breathed out and couldn't help but put more meat into his mouth.

Although there was a hint of pain on his face, his eyes shone with satisfaction. Apparently, his love for this spicy meat has surpassed his fear of pain.

The more he chewed, the more addictive he became, the spicy and refreshing it became, as if he was caught in a vortex of delicious food and couldn't stop at all. The plate full of meat jerky was wiped out by him almost in an instant.

Looking at the empty plate in front of him, Professor Flitwick touched the top of his head with sparse hair and showed an awkward smile.

"I just can't help it..." He sneered and apologized to Rogge.

Rogge said it didn't matter and fully understood. He took out a few more bags of meat jerky from the box and stuffed them into Professor Flitwick's hands.

"Professor, I have a lot more." He said, taking out a few large packages of dried meat from his pocket, and motioned to Goyle to distribute them to other people on the train.

Professor Flitwick quickly took the bag and expressed his gratitude with a grateful face: "Thank you very much! Roger, if you want to learn any spells in the future, you can come to me."

Watching Professor Flitwick leave with a satisfied smile, Malfoy in the carriage couldn't help complaining to Theodore: "Can't you take out a few bottles of fruity drinks to share?"

Theodore shook his head resolutely, but still put out two bottles and showed them to Malfoy: "I have two bottles of drinks here, one is worth 1 Sickle, and the other is also worth 1 Sickle."

He turned to stare at Malfoy, with a sly smile on his lips, and asked: "Which bottle do you want now? If you want to treat everyone to a drink, I can give you a 20% discount!"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became relaxed. Everyone shifted from Theodore's stinginess to Malfoy's generosity.

"Twenty percent off?" Malfoy hesitated, looking at the two bottles of drinks and said, "I have to think about this carefully..."

He pretended to think, and when Theodore wasn't paying attention, he snatched both bottles away.

Theodore looked at Malfoy in shock, and quickly got up and chased after him. The two of them rolled into a ball on the sofa, causing a burst of laughter.

"Hahaha..." Hearty laughter came from all around, and both the members of the Jackdaw Club and other wizards couldn't help but laugh.

Theodore was known as the "Iron Rooster" among his classmates. He obviously made a lot of money from drinks, but he was unwilling to spend even a knut.

The cost of each bottle of drink is carefully calculated, and even the principal's expenses are clearly calculated. Now everyone found it funny to see "Iron Rooster" Theodore being snatched away by Malfoy with two bottles of drinks, and the scene was extremely joyful.

Hermione pursed her lips and smiled, watching the farce, and did not forget to ask Rogge about his next plan: "Rogge, what are we going to do next with our Coke plan?"

"Well... everyone will continue to make magic props according to their own preferences." Rogge did not set specific goals for the members, "However, I have an idea."

His voice was low and mysterious, immediately attracting everyone's attention. Even Malfoy and Theodore, who were still fighting just now, stopped fighting and looked at Rogge curiously.

"Do you think we can open a store in the Muggle world?" Rogge asked in a low voice, his eyes shining with a challenge to the "Secrecy Act".

"Muggle world? Are you going to sell things to Muggles?" For a moment, everyone looked at Roger in shock, with expressions of disbelief written on everyone's face.

Hermione opened her eyes wide and reminded him in a serious tone: "Roger, wizards can't let Muggles notice our existence."

"Yes, yes, the revised secrecy laws of the Ministry of Magic are stricter. I heard that Arthur's flying car was smashed by his own hands after he found it." Anthony added, his tone revealing his awe of the Ministry of Magic's strict measures.

"So cruel?" Several people whispered, obviously skeptical of Rogge's idea.

Neither the school nor the Ministry of Magic would allow Roger to open a store for Muggles. Not to mention, he wants to sell magic items.

However, Rogge was not discouraged by everyone's opposition. After thinking for a moment, he explained: "I understand your concerns, but our target is not ordinary Muggles."

He elaborated on the basis of his plan: "Although the Statute of Secrecy is very strict, there are some Muggles who know that wizards exist. For example, the Prime Minister of No. 10 Downing Street, and other prominent figures in the Muggle world."

"My plan is to sell items to them. After all, ordinary Muggles cannot afford these magical goods." He said, bringing over the soda as an example: "Theodore's bottle of soda can only be sold in the wizarding world. One siko, according to the official exchange rate, is probably worth just over one shilling.”

"But if you package it as a noble soda and sell it to Muggles, its value will be at least several times higher." Roger saw that everyone still didn't believe it, so he turned to Hermione and asked: "Hermione, do you know that Britain How much does the most expensive pure water cost?”

Hermione thought for a while and said uncertainly: "I've heard of Wilt's natural mineral water, which comes from France. A bottle seems to cost 25 pounds..."

"25 pounds!" Theodore's eyes widened when he heard the price, and a new force seemed to surge into his body, pushing Malfoy aside.

"A bottle of mineral water costs 5 Galleons? Are all Muggles so rich?" Theodore's eyes flashed with golden light. He rubbed his hands and asked excitedly: "Mr. Vice President, are you sure that is ordinary mineral water and there is no magic in it?" ?"

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