A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 322 Dangerous Black Ancient Book

Roger couldn't help but laugh, thinking that this was so typical of Bathsheda. Such a long and gorgeous text is really consistent with her personality.

In contrast, the Christmas gifts that Snape sent every year were poorly packaged, with almost no decorations, and not even a greeting card.

Curious, he untied the knot and found a book wrapped in papyrus. As soon as he took it out, the book suddenly expanded and expanded from the size of a palm to a huge book as big as a bed. Youmi was startled by this sudden change. She floated in the air, her eyes fixed on the mysterious black book, full of curiosity and vigilance.

Rogge struggled to lift it and was almost crushed to death. He stared at the black cover, which had complex patterns intertwined with geometric shapes such as circles and triangles. When he carefully opened the pages of the book, he saw a few words written on the title page: "Thoth, the Underworld and the Book of the Dead."

A mysterious and strange feeling surged out from the title page, as if some unknown power had been awakened. A dark wind suddenly blew up in the house. Although the doors and windows were closed, the shadows under the moonlight seemed to come out of the gap under the bed.

Rogge felt as if the whole room was shrouded in a black veil, and the surrounding air became oppressive and cold.

The cold feeling made his hair stand on end, and he seemed to feel something quietly coming out of his back. The golden Best statue on the desk in the distance, its emerald-encrusted eyes suddenly flashed at an inappropriate time, as if responding to some kind of call.


At this moment, Yumi suddenly jumped on Rogge. She shouted in the direction of Golden Best, waking up the absent-minded Rogge. He slammed the huge book shut, and a dull sound echoed in the room, making the whole room a little brighter.

"Huh..." Rogge gasped for air and found that he was soaked in cold sweat unknowingly.

He looked at the Christmas gift sent by Bathshedda, and for the first time he had this thought in his mind: In Hogwarts, there are professors who are more terrifying than Snape and Dumbledore.

The scary thing about Bathsheda is not how powerful the spell is, but the fact that she possesses many ancient and mysterious magic items. These items may have come from the depths of the pyramids or from sunken undersea continents. But no matter what, at least she should give some hints!

Opening the window, the cold wind of Christmas Eve whistled into the dull bedroom. Rogge faced it and felt a touch of warmth. He couldn't help but turn his head to look at the ancient books on the bed. The cold touch of his sweat-soaked pajamas reminded him to stay alert.

He took a few deep breaths, folded the thick ancient book back, and tied it tightly with papyrus and hemp rope. This Christmas gift from Professor Bathsheda was so extraordinary that he was both uneasy about it and unable to resist the temptation to find out more about it.

This conflicting feeling kept Roger awake all night. He hugged Youmi tightly and kept his eyes fixed on the silent Golden Best in the distance until dawn.

He yawned and looked at the sky. At this time, Hermione should have seen the phoenix quill, and Daphne also received the dragon skin cloak. There is also a record given to Mr. Snape. I wonder if he has a record player to play... Oh, and Harry Potter. I wonder if he is satisfied with the taste of his friend.

"Hi, Merry Christmas!" Ron, who stayed at school for Christmas, was particularly excited and threw a pillow at Harry. Although he said he would spend the holidays with Harry, he actually wanted to get rid of the constraints of his parents and spend the holidays freely.

The two began to pick up pillows in the dormitory and hit them from one bed to another. As for the Christmas gifts beside the bed, they were long forgotten in the midst of the intense pillow fight. Weasley was a little unwilling to suffer the disadvantage. He jumped on Harry holding a pillow. The two rolled into a ball, entangled together, and fought for a long time before they separated out of breath.

"Let's open the presents..." Weasley looked into Harry's eyes, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"Hmm~" Harry nodded quickly, put on his glasses with a blushing face, and was about to start opening the Christmas gifts sent by everyone.

In the dim light, Christmas gifts were piled on the bedside. As the savior, Harry receives a lot of gifts every year. The two quietly opened the box, trying to hide the uneasiness on each other's faces.

"Look, the hooded leather coat your mother gave me is still scarlet." Harry said and tried it on. Mrs. Molly's workmanship was very good and the dress fit perfectly.

Ron smiled and nodded, pointing to the remaining things and said, "Mom also sent you a bag of beef pies and pastries..."

The two of them opened the gifts while talking to each other, and finally, there were two strange packages in front of Harry. One is a mysterious wizard from Russia and one is Roger Travis.

Harry looked at Ron and asked, "Which one should be dismantled first?"

Ron thought for a moment, pointed to the package from Russia and said, "This one. I think it must be safer than the gift from Travis. There must be some mischief magic in that small box."

Harry nodded, thinking Ron's judgment was wise. He drew his wand and carefully unknotted the large package. In an instant, a set of exquisite and meticulous broomstick maintenance tools appeared in front of him. The level of luxury was far beyond his imagination.

The little black box he received for his birthday pales in comparison to the set of tools in front of him. The tools in that little black box are like those from a roadside stall, but the set of tools in front of you is made by a master, and every detail reveals exquisiteness and nobility.

Harry excitedly inspected these tools, 12 silver broomsticks and thin pruners, each of which was engraved with exquisite patterns, a solid gold compass sparkling in the light... and many more that he had never seen before. He couldn't help but admire the exquisite design and exquisite workmanship of the modification tools.

"Wow, it's so luxurious!" Ron exclaimed from the side, "If I had such a set of tools, I would definitely be reluctant to use them. They are simply works of art."

"Harry, who sent these tools?" Ron asked with a hint of envy. "Could it be a distant relative of our family in Russia? Like Aunt Muriel?"

Harry shook his head, not knowing anything about it. He tossed the discarded little black box aside to make room for this new set of tools, filled with anticipation for the new tools he was about to explore.

Then, their eyes turned to the package sent by Roger Travis. In the first two years of Harry's enrollment, the other party never gave Harry a Christmas gift.

Especially this year, Harry also sneak-attacked Rogge. Knowing what they knew about Travis, there was no way he was sending gifts for no reason. The two exchanged glances with each other, each took out their wands and took a few steps back warily.

"Split into pieces!" Harry cursed at the small package in the distance. The wand flew out with a beam of light and smashed the package to pieces, and the meat inside was scattered all over the floor.

Harry and Ron looked at each other in confusion. They had never seen such food before and couldn't help but ask, "What is that?"

"It smells delicious. Do you want something to eat?" Ron twitched his nose and smelled a meaty aroma.

They tiptoed closer to the spilled meat, still clutching their wands tightly. After testing for a long time, the two finally determined that there were no magic traps, just ordinary packages.

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