A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 323 Harry’s delicious companion

"It seems we overreacted." Harry breathed a sigh of relief and said with a self-deprecating smile, "Maybe we misunderstood Roger."

Ron shook his head firmly and said to Harry: "I don't think so, the other party must have a conspiracy! I know Slytherin, there is no good wizard in their college. And Travis, he bullied us a few times. ?"

Ron continued his analysis: "Harry, think about it carefully, will you give Malfoy a Christmas gift?"

"No, of course not!" Harry said decisively, "I would rather chop off my own hand than give Draco a Christmas gift!"

They picked up the dried meat scattered on the ground and put it on the table. The alluring fragrance hit their nostrils and aroused the greed in their stomachs. Having been influenced by British food for a long time, the two of them couldn't control themselves when faced with this fragrant square piece of meat.

"How about we..." Ron swallowed and his eyes lit up when he saw Banban in the cage: "We let Banban try it."

Harry watched Ron grab Scabbers in front of his breast and hesitated: "Is Scabbers in danger?"

"It's okay, it's just a prank at most." Ron said, placing Scabbers in front of the meat.

Unexpectedly, Banban didn't wait for Ron's urging, so he took the initiative to grab the meat with his two little paws and ate it. It's so pitiful that he has spent more than ten years at the Weasley family, and today he finally had something good to eat.

"Look at his eyes, which are red and even crying!" Ron shouted, "I knew Travis was not a good person! There must be something wrong with his Christmas gift!"

Harry didn't agree immediately. He looked at Scabbers who was devouring the meat and asked doubtfully: "But it looks like Scabbers is eating very well. Look, he can't stop at all... Could it be because these meat slices are so delicious?" ?”

The two fell silent for no reason, hesitated for a moment, and each picked up a piece of meat to try. Banban shook his little head, seeing the two people's movements, and then started eating even more crazily.

"Sweet (spicy)!" In an instant, they shouted in unison. Harry's face was full of surprise, and Ron's face was so excited that he burst into tears.

The honeyed and spicy flavors respectively stimulated their taste buds, which was a food enjoyment they had never experienced before. They finally believed that Roger's Christmas gift was not a curse or a trap.

The two of them quickly ate the meat, and the delicious taste on their fingers made them unable to stop sucking, while their eyes searched around on the floor. Suddenly, Ron found a small card.

He bent down to pick it up and read the words on it: "Death is not the end, it lives with you."

"What does this mean?" Ron frowned and asked in confusion, "Are you threatening us?"

Harry shook his head. "It's not like a threat. I've heard something similar from the Headmaster: for a sane person, death is just another great adventure."

He took the card and carefully thought about the profound meaning that Rogge wanted to convey. He couldn't help but think of the inscription on his parents' tombstone: The last enemy is death.

In fact, things were not as complicated as Harry thought.

Roger originally placed the card on top as a reminder to them: even the dead Buckbeak will live on in another form with his friends.

Although it sounds very hellish, it is the truth. The eaten hippogriff is converted into energy and becomes molecules in the stomach of the diners. It lives in the body of everyone who enjoys the food.

Rogge didn't know how Harry would feel when he learned that it was Hippogriff jerky. Anyway, I don’t have any psychological pressure.

Except for the dangerous book sent by Professor Bathsheda, the other gifts Roger received were quite good.

For example, Grindelwald sent a stack of manuscripts on the study of Horcruxes, which recorded in detail the steps for making Horcruxes. These information are so detailed that even the stupidest wizard can make his own Horcrux according to the instructions in the manuscript.

Rogge couldn't help but lament that Grindelwald still made people feel safe in prison. He is simply a living, walking encyclopedia of dark magic in the wizarding world. I really don’t know how he plans to take classes next school year.

Mrs. Huo Qi sent a beautiful bat. Apparently she still couldn't forget about Rogge giving up the school team...

"Oh? I like this gift." Roger opened the envelope, and Black informed him that he had brought the werewolf back to his old house in London. You can continue your own experiment.

Under the warm morning light, the Christmas family breakfast looks particularly rich. Jessica carefully prepared bacon, sausages, bread and freshly squeezed orange juice.

At the long table, in addition to Roger and Jessica, other family members were also there. Yumi, Diana, and Sailor all have their own seats, making the long table look less cold.

As for Bubbles and other elves, they are waiting as waiters, ready to serve everyone at any time.

"I thought you would spend Christmas at Hogwarts?" Jessica tasted the delicious breakfast and looked at her son who was cutting sausages with a smile.

The two of them have never had a good Christmas in the past two years: the first graders were busy opening a store during Christmas, and Roger also went to Moscow. In the second grade, I finally had some free time, but my son stayed in school to watch the drama performance of the Savior.

This year, Roger finally spent Christmas safely at home.

Rogge's eyes followed Yumi who was jumping around on the table, and he responded with a smile: "Mom, I'm not worried that you are too busy."

"What's there to do?" Jessica rolled her eyes lightly at her son, and then said: "Sophie is taking care of the affairs in the store, and other matters of the Chamber of Commerce are also handled by other wizards. Oh, by the way, do you remember a man named Lisa’s witch?”

When she said the name, Jessica's eyes flashed with curiosity, and she stared at her son intently.

"Lisa?" Rogge's thoughts paused briefly. He frowned slightly and searched for the name in the depths of his memory: "It seems to have some impression, but I don't remember it clearly. Who is she?"

"The seventh-year witch at Hogwarts submitted a resume to our Flash Golem House and also proposed that we open a branch in Hogsmeade Village. What do you think of this idea?" Jessica asked. He probed with traces.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter to me." Rogge seemed careless about this kind of business expansion. He was more concerned about how to better discipline the restless kitten in his arms.

He gently held down Yumi, who struggled in his arms, biting his hand and kicking with his hind legs.

"Maybe I can take Yumi to school after school starts," Roger scratched his belly and said to Jessica, "Let him play at home, but it doesn't seem to make any progress."

Jessica nodded in agreement. She was thinking about something and was silent for a moment before speaking: "That Lisa claims to be your girlfriend."

"Pfft!" The orange juice that Roger was drinking spurted out instantly. His eyes were wide open and his face was filled with disbelief. "Girlfriend? I'm not even familiar with her name! This is slander, a complete slander. !”

"Pay attention to table manners!" Jessica waved her wand casually to tidy up the messy dining table. She threw over a resume, and Roger's eyes fell on the photo, and he finally realized who Lisa was.

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