A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 324 Hermione ran away from home

In the photo, Lisa showed a sunny smile, with eight shining white teeth, and a cunning light in her eyes. She took off her loose school robe and put on a well-tailored strapless dress.

This dress perfectly outlines her graceful figure and makes her look even more alluring.

Rogge remembered her. After he killed a large number of dementors, a senior witch did invite him to Hogsmeade for tea. That witch is Lisa in the photo.

However, he had long forgotten about it. What she didn't expect was that she would still miss him. He even lied about being his girlfriend in front of his mother, Jessica. This is completely false and nonsense!

Rogge couldn't help but wonder, are jobs in the magic world really so scarce nowadays? In order to get a job, he got involved to this extent? Or is she simply greedy for her own body?

"She's talking nonsense, it's true! I guarantee it with my personality!" Rogge raised three fingers indignantly, "I swear to Merlin."

Faced with Rogge's assurance, Jessica did not ask any further questions. She just responded lightly: "I understand."

Her tone was as light as an illusory cloud, and she didn't sound trustworthy at all. It seemed that she already had the answer in her mind: her son might have turned into a playboy-like wizard.

Hearing his mother's tone, Roger suddenly felt frustrated. He chewed the bread dully, feeling that he was really wronged. It's completely like a person sitting on a pot at home comes from the sky, and he can be shot even while lying down.

After breakfast, Roger and his mother went shopping in Diagon Alley and also took a look at their own store.

Rogge looked up and saw that the entire Diagon Alley seemed unchanged from when he entered school. This commercial center of the magical world seems to have been forgotten by time. No matter how many years have passed, it still maintains its ancient and unique style.

Gringotts and Madam Malkin's Robe Shop... still have their traditional decoration and operations. The smell emanating from the Magical Zoo is complex and unique. It seems that someone used magic to fix everything here.

When they walked to the Flash Golem house, they saw the "Auto Chess Queen" Susan killing everyone. With her rich deck and skillful card skills, she can kill any opponent who dares to challenge her. The parrot on her shoulder was screaming excitedly: "The Queen is in pieces, the Queen is in pieces..."

Seeing this scene, Rogge couldn't help but laugh. In this Diagon Alley, which seemed to be frozen in time, he successfully brought something different. The store with unique decoration style, the more intense auto chess competition, the shining cameras on the shelves... are all his unique gifts to this ancient street.

The shop was crowded with wizards, some of whom were admiring the magical photos on the walls, and some of whom were having heated discussions around auto-chess. The fiery atmosphere brings fresh vitality and vitality to the ancient Diagon Alley.

Roger takes the crystal ball and prepares to go to the Magic Zoo to pick up the unicorn he fostered. Three adult unicorns and one cub, four in total.

When he walked past the window of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, his eyes suddenly focused: "Hermione?"

Miss Granger is always smart, calm and seems to have all the answers. At this moment, she was wandering alone in the bookstore, like a bird that had lost its direction.

Surrounded by magic books stacked to the ceiling, these books were usually spiritual food for her. But now, it seems to have turned into a wall to help her isolate the world, allowing her to briefly escape the loneliness and uneasiness of running away from home.

Hermione's heartbeat suddenly accelerated when she heard someone calling her name outside. For a moment, she was at a loss and subconsciously hid behind the nearby bookshelf. Her emotions were very complicated. She wanted to be discovered, but at the same time she was afraid of facing familiar faces.

Deep down in her heart, she expected her parents to come to her. However, when the man walked into the bookstore and called her name, Hermione realized that it was the familiar Roger.

She walked out from behind the bookshelf and grabbed a book in a panic, as if she wanted to use its power to stabilize her mood.

"Roger, what a coincidence..." Her voice was low, with a hint of panic that was difficult to conceal. He didn't even finish his words, he just stood there not knowing what to do next.

Looking at Hermione who was a little strange, Roger asked in a very gentle voice: "Merry Christmas! Did you come to Diagon Alley alone?"

Hermione smiled back and tried to sound calm: "Well, I'm here to buy a book."

As she spoke, she raised the book in her hand, looked at the title on the cover and read: "That's it, "The Breeding Guide of the Moon-Crazy Beast"..."

On the cover, there is a drawing of the Moon-Crazy Beast with two overlapping heads, and the buttocks that are spreading out are still moving. Her cheeks flushed instantly, and she was so embarrassed that she almost wished there was a hole under her feet so that she could get into it and disappear immediately.

She hurriedly stuffed the books into the bookshelf and quickly changed the subject: "Thank you for the Christmas gift."

Hermione took out the exquisite phoenix quill pen from her pocket, her eyes showing her sincere love for this gift. This pen has many functions and will undoubtedly play a huge role in her studies and research.

"As long as you like it." Rogge didn't know what happened to Hermione, so he asked softly: "Are you okay?"

"I..." Tears welled up in Hermione's eyes, but she held back the tears, "I'm fine."

Roger didn't ask further, but he guessed that Hermione might have had a quarrel with her parents. Although he didn't know the specific reason, he felt that going home during the Christmas vacation was better than staying at school.

Although Hermione was missing from the Hogwarts lunch, there were still 13 people, but I didn't know who would be the first to leave the meal. Professor Trelawney's predictions of fate always make people love and hate him.

"Want to see a unicorn?" Rogge asked softly.

Hermione raised her head, her eyes shining with curiosity: "Unicorns? Aren't they supposed to live in the Forbidden Forest?"

Rogge answered vaguely: "Most of them do live in the Forbidden Forest, but there are always exceptions."

He didn't want to explain too much about the origin of the unicorn, but just asked Hermione: "Want to go and see it together?"

Hermione nodded, and the two left the bookstore and walked into the magical zoo not far away.

In addition to the common magical animals, there are also several brightly colored parrots in the store. I heard that due to Susan's influence, many wizards who play auto chess will buy one.

When the clerk saw the big customer Roger, he immediately greeted him enthusiastically: "Young Master Travis, I wish you and this witch a Merry Christmas. Do you need any help?

We have a new group of penguins from Antarctica arriving here. They waddle around and are very interesting and cute. The price is also very cheap, for only 3 galleons you can take one home.

If you purchase three or more, we can also give you a small polar box as a gift..."

Roger hurriedly interrupted his sales pitch: "I'm here to pick up the unicorn."

He silently calculated in his mind that the foster care fee for four unicorns in two years would reach tens of thousands of galleons. A large part of it is used as confidentiality fees. After all, smuggling unicorns is strictly prohibited by the Ministry of Magic.

Looking at the wooden door in front of him, Rogge couldn't help but wonder if their family had a secret smuggling business. Although there are no illegal magical creatures in the store, the penguins on display in the polar box definitely have abnormal origins.

Because when the Ministry of Magic legislated, it did not consider that wizards would smuggle ordinary creatures from the Muggle world. So when they sell penguins, they don't hide anything and focus on being fair and aboveboard.

"Ah!" The clerk was stunned for a moment, looking a little disappointed. He quickly adjusted his attitude and said, "Of course, the unicorn you foster gave birth to a baby last year."

As he spoke, he pushed open the wooden door, told Roger the location of the unicorn, and then went to the front to greet other customers.

The moment the wooden door opened, Hermione was immediately shocked by the vast world hidden behind it.

This unexpected vast world was like a picture scroll, slowly unfolding before her eyes. Towering jungles, clear lakes, rolling hills and green grasslands... In this secret realm, various magical animals live in harmony.

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