A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 325 Hermione’s Prank

The two walked for a while and finally found the unicorn in a small hidden valley. These pure natural spirits are foraging for food on the grass leisurely.

They are very different from their vigilant brethren in the Forbidden Forest. Under the careful care of the wizards of the Magic Zoo day after day, these unicorns have shown rare trust and closeness to the wizards.

When Roger and Hermione slowly approached, instead of running away, they looked at them curiously. Especially the baby unicorn, which blinks its cute big eyes and almost melts people's hearts.

"Wow, it's really cute!" Hermione's voice was full of surprise. She carefully reached out her hand to touch the unicorn, and the little unicorn actually walked towards her.

"Its horns are actually soft!" Hermione's eyes reflected the reflection of the unicorn. She did not forget to take out her phoenix quill pen, and while gently stroking its smooth fur, she recorded the strange things about the little unicorn.

The one-year-old unicorn looks like a foal and is very dear to him. Its spiral horn, shining with golden luster, gently pressed against Hermione's arm, rubbing it affectionately. The horn felt soft and elastic to the touch, making Hermione laugh uncontrollably.

The little unicorn seemed to like the witch in front of him very much, and fell lightly into Hermione's arms, as if looking for a comfortable harbor. Hermione snuggled into its fur as white as snow, feeling the soft and boneless touch, and felt a warm current in her heart.

At this time, three adult unicorns came slowly. They looked at them with tender eyes, then slowly bent their limbs and expressed their affection with intimate licks.

The simulated sun in the sky shines brightly, and the sunlight falls through the gaps between the branches and leaves. Pieces of mottled light and shadow fell on them, swaying and jumping in the breeze. The scene in front of you is like a dreamlike picture, which makes people look at it infatuatedly, and they are intoxicated and forget their troubles.

Hermione's long chestnut hair spread gently on the side of the unicorn, and her eyes sparkled with pure light. The corners of her mouth raised slightly, revealing a sweet smile, like an elf walking out of a natural garden.

"Roger?" Hermione's voice was light and sweet, and she stretched out her hand to invite Rogge to lie down next to the unicorn.

The two rested on the unicorn and looked into each other's eyes. That pure gaze complements the holiness and nobility exuded by the unicorn.

"I ran away from home today." Hermione said it frankly without any secret.

She lay there on her side, looking at Rogge's sharp face, and continued: "My parents still treat me as a child. They think I have to listen to them at home."

Rogge slowly turned his head, his eyes showing a soft light, and listened quietly to Hermione.

"I had a big fight with them." Hermione took a few deep breaths and looked up at the low blue dome, as if looking for answers.

"Roger, do you think our parents have to control us?" Her voice was full of confusion, "I obviously have the power of magic, but I am still being disciplined like a child at home. This is not okay, and that is not okay either. .”

She waited for Rogge's answer, but all she heard was his breathing getting slower and slower. Hermione turned around subconsciously and found Roger sleeping peacefully next to her.

"Humph, you lazy idiot." Hermione wrinkled her nose slightly and sat up. Staring at Rogge's peaceful sleeping face, she unconsciously stretched her hands to his cheeks, preparing to pinch them hard.

Suddenly, just when her hand was about to touch Rogge's cheek, she stopped suddenly. A naughty smile appeared on Hermione's lips. She took out the Phoenix Tail Pen and began to draw lightly on Roger's face. The little unicorn looked at the witch who chuckled from time to time, his big eyes full of curiosity and confusion.

Hermione finished her "work" and nodded with satisfaction. She had been away from home for several hours, and her parents should have realized that she was free and independent.

She thought so, looked at the ink marks she drew on Rogge's face, and couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

"My Sleeping Beauty Princess," she said, stretching out her hand to twist Roger's nose, and then left the Magic Zoo and went home in a cheerful mood.

The little unicorn looked at the witch walking in a hurry, and then looked back at the wizard sleeping soundly on top of her. It shook its fur and threw Roger to the ground.

"Hmm~" Rogge opened his eyes in confusion, looked around, and found that Hermione was gone.

Just as he was about to get up, he saw the little unicorn bumping towards him excitedly.


Rogge didn't pay attention and was knocked to the ground by the little unicorn. The naughty little guy seemed to be very proud of the prank just now. He snorted happily and ran away.

"Hey, you offended me and you still want to run away?" Rogge said, taking out the crystal ball and shouting: "Do you dare to agree if I call you?"

The four unicorns were naturally speechless, and before they could express their objections, they were put into the crystal ball. Nagini in the castle is still hibernating and will not cause any disturbance to these cute guys.

Roger stretched, thinking about the soft fur of the unicorn, and sighed that sleeping on it was indeed a kind of enjoyment. If he remembered correctly, there was a complete unicorn skin in Mr. Snape's collection room, which could be borrowed to treat sleep problems.

When leaving the Magic Zoo, Roger knew that Hermione had gone back. He was a little curious as to why the clerk was staring at him with that strange look. Was there something wrong with his face?

He thought for a while and decided not to rush to No. 12 Grimmauld Place today. The full moon night is still the day after tomorrow, he still has time, there is no need to rush.

So, he randomly bought a few large bags of snacks and threw them all into the Hufflepuff Gold Cup. He was curious about how much this golden cup could hold, but after a few months, it still seemed like it wasn't full.

Roger ignored the inexplicable laughter on the road, pushed open the store door and shouted: "Mom, I'm back."

Jessica nodded in response, glanced at her son inadvertently, and then suddenly froze. Her eyes widened and she shouted at Rogge: "Don't move!"

"Huh? What's wrong?" Rogge looked at the corners of Jessica's twitching mouth and didn't understand what was going on.

"Hahaha..." Even though it was her son in front of her, Jessica couldn't help laughing. She held the table with one hand and held her stomach with the other, unable to control the laughter that surged out of her.

Rogge finally realized from the direction of Jessica's finger that there must be something on his face, and quickly went to look in the mirror.

What he saw in the mirror surprised him: his nose was painted in the shape of a pig's nostrils, and there were two big circles, one purple and one red, painted around his eyes. There are patterns of spiders and caterpillars on the face, and there are even two small antlers outlined on the forehead. The most annoying thing is, there is a line of words on the chin: Merry Christmas!

The level of ridicule in this line is second only to: Hermione is here!

Roger's muscles were trembling with anger. He rubbed his face vigorously in the mirror, but there was no change in the ink. He shouted in his heart: Granger, you actually used the Christmas gift I gave you to play a prank on me!

Fortunately, the ink that comes with the quill is not pork seal, otherwise he would be embarrassed to see people this Christmas. With deep resentment, Rogge used several basins of water to wash away the ink on his face.

Mom Jessica stood nearby, not only not helping, but also admiring the talented graffiti in the photo, and laughing knowingly from time to time.

"Mom, stop laughing!" Rogge said helplessly. He didn't even know how many times he had protested.

"I...I didn't...haha." Jessica couldn't help laughing again.

Rogge touched his face, which had several layers of skin rubbed off and was slightly hot, and secretly made up his mind. After returning to school after the holidays, Hermione must also taste the same "revenge".

What should I draw on Hermione's face? Roger looked in the mirror and thought seriously. Turning to look at his mother who was still laughing, he said with some complaint: "How could you take such a photo of me?"

I’m adding illustrations for the first time, so they’re placed at the end so they don’t affect everyone’s ability to read the text. It's the end of the month, please vote.

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