A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 328 The choice given to Black

When the doorbell rang again, Kreacher hurriedly opened the door. It lowered its head slightly and said respectfully: "Young Master Travis, our young master hasn't come back yet."

"No need to wait for him." Rogge looked at the newly renovated house. Although it was very old, it was at least clean. He nodded, looked at Kreacher with a smile, and said, "Are you interested in coming to my place?"

Walburga in the portrait shouted: "Whose little wizard are you? Do you know that Kreacher is the property of the Black family!"

"Of course." Rogge nodded and looked at the old woman on the wall: "But you are not Walburga, you are just a painting she left in the magic world."

"Do you know how I deal with family portraits that like to chatter endlessly and cannot place themselves clearly?" Roger sneered, and then said: "I will throw them into the pile of Muggle books."

"What a good idea." Blake, who was blushing, just came back and waved his wand to cover his mother's portrait with a curtain.

"You look good." Rogge looked at the injuries on his face curiously, and it took a lot of effort not to laugh. He walked to the glass cabinet, picked up the pendant box that could not be opened, and said, "We agreed, I will take this."

"Wait..." Blake wanted to stop Rogge, but was met with a fluorescent wand.

Rogge's lips curled up slightly and he looked at Sirius and Kreacher: "You are the heir of the Black family. You won't refuse to accept the deal you made, right?"

Sirius stared at Roger and said, "Of course I won't go back on it, but you have to tell me what it is."

"Well, how should I put it?" Rogge flipped his wrist and the wand disappeared. He sat on the clean sofa and said, "It's something Regulus stole. I can't say anything more."

Compared to Blake's confusion, Kreacher standing in the corner was much more shocked. It originally thought that the prodigal Sirius had lost an item to the opponent, but now it understood that Rogge was here for this item.

"Is it related to Voldemort?" Black asked. He was not a fool, and he had also investigated the cause of his brother's death.

According to the known information, it was his cowardly brother who wanted to leave the Death Eater camp, but unfortunately died. But based on the information Rogge said, he suspected that his brother stole Voldemort's things, which led to his final death.

"Who knows?" Rogge shook his head slightly and opened the iron cage imprisoning the werewolf with a smile.

The cursed werewolf was still asleep, and Rogge fixed it on the cross, waiting for the full moon to rise.

Blake looked at the potions on the table curiously and asked, "What is this?"

"Iron chelate." Roger opened the window and let the moonlight shine in. After a while, the werewolf on the cross began to transform.

His mouth slowly grew longer, and the hair on his body turned into thick black bristles. The canine teeth become longer and everted, and the hair disappears rapidly. The originally thin body was quickly filled with strong muscles.

Blake looked at the unresponsive werewolf and asked doubtfully: "What did you do to him? Werewolves usually become quite violent after transformation. Is he too quiet?"

"Don't worry, it's just the fainting spell from before." The corners of Rogge's mouth raised slightly. His own spell was more directly effective than anesthetics.

He put on dragon leather gloves, opened the test subject's mouth, and poured the entire bottle of iron chelating agent into it.

"This was originally for the blood orcs." Rogge put the empty medicine bottle on the table, started the magic projector, and began to record the changes of the werewolf on the cross.

The bound werewolf's limbs began to twitch unconsciously, and his skin became red and faintly hot. A low howl came from its throat, as if it was experiencing great pain.

Blake stared intently at the twitching werewolf, feeling a surge of sympathy and pity in his heart: "Can't you help him?"

"This is necessary for the experiment." Luo grabbed him and comforted: "Believe me, all this will be over soon."

Although he said this, he secretly murmured in his heart: Nagini didn't react so badly when she drank the iron chelate.

Rogge quickly checked the experimental records, and soon found the reason for the completely different effects of the medicine on one of the pages.

"The werewolf's blood still belongs to him."

"What does it mean?"

"I just said that the iron chelator was developed for blood magic orcs. Its mechanism of action is that when the wizard's blood is converted into other creatures by the blood magic spell, it will interrupt this conversion path.

To put it simply, the blood curse is still in effect, but the medicine has built a barrier to prevent the curse from affecting the human body. "

"However, werewolves are caused by magical viruses, just like dragon pox in the past. They are all parasites and will not change the blood of the infected person." Rogge took out a silver dagger and gave it to the werewolf on the cross. The most classical Western medical treatment: bloodletting.

Hot blood spurted out along the wound on his arm. Fortunately, Rogge was prepared and guided the blood into the prepared wooden barrel. The originally painful werewolf gradually calmed down and his muscles stopped twitching.

He lifted the wooden barrel filled with plasma and began to extract the werewolf virus. As for the werewolf who is still bleeding, as long as he does not die at this stage, it will be fine.

Blake stood in the living room, looking at Rogge who was completely immersed in research, and suddenly felt that he seemed redundant here. He sat on the sofa next to him and stared blankly at the cross.

With the experience of extracting the virus from Lupine's blood last time, Rogge was more skilled in the operation this time. In just twenty minutes, he successfully extracted a test tube full of blue floc from the plasma, which was the werewolf virus.

Now, the werewolf on the cross can die at any time.

Rogge magnified the virus sample several times and photographed its sinister form. Who would have thought that these werewolf viruses that prompt wizards to transform actually contain magical switches that use the magic of the moon. The next thing to do is to visualize this switch as a mantra or rune phrase.

"I've found what I want." Rogge closed the note and looked at Blake.

Blake looked at him in confusion and asked, "Have you found a solution to the werewolf virus?"

Rogge shook his head and said: "My goal is to solve the blood curse. As for whether the werewolf virus can be solved, it depends on you."

"Me?" Blake was very puzzled. His potion knowledge had been returned to Hogwarts a long time ago, so how could he possibly solve the werewolf virus.

"The effect of the Wolfsbane potion is on the brain. It suppresses the rage by stimulating the brain's excitement and nerve sensitivity." He pointed at the werewolf and said: "So, if you want to solve the werewolf virus, the answer lies in his brain. One Using a fresh werewolf brain as the main material, I can prepare a potion to break the curse."

I'm having dinner with my friends tonight. I wish you all a happy New Year. The second chapter will be updated later.

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