A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 329 The weird snake man

Kreacher's eyes flashed with great longing, and his huge eyes couldn't help but reveal deep yearning after witnessing Blake beheading the werewolf.

The biggest wish in its heart is to be like its mother, who is trusted by its master: in the final chapter of its life, it can end its life by the master's own hands. And he used his head as a badge of honor and mounted it on the plaque of the Black family.

"Here you go!" Blake threw the werewolf's head towards Rogge, his action full of disdain.

Rogge placed it on the table next to him, then used the Shenfeng Wuying to peel off the furry outer skin, deftly cracked open the skull, and carefully took out the soft cerebral cortex inside.

While putting the werewolf's brain into a special container, he said to Blake: "I forgot to tell you that the potion made with it may have some sequelae."

The living brain of the werewolf floats gently in the transparent liquid, and the blood vessel patterns on the surface are clearly visible.

"You!" Anger flashed in Blake's eyes. He glared at Rogge with an accusation in his voice: "Are you kidding me?"

"Don't be so excited, just listen to me." Rogge waved his hand calmly and explained calmly: "Lupine was not infected by this werewolf, so the effect of the potion will be insufficient."

"But I can guarantee that he will still be a wizard on a full moon night and will not completely transform into a werewolf."

"Completely?" Blake raised his voice in surprise, "You mean, some parts of his body will change?"

"Indeed." Rogge nodded affirmatively, "But after sunrise, those deformed parts will return to their original state."

After hearing this, the sullen look on Blake's face gradually softened. Although using the brains of other werewolves, the resulting potion would be deficient. However, since it would not affect Lu Ping's normal life, he felt that such a price was within an acceptable range.

Before leaving, Rogge said in a low voice: "Sirius, you know Lupine. If he knew the source of the potion's raw materials, I'm afraid he wouldn't take it."

"I will keep it a secret." Blake nodded in agreement. He looked at the headless werewolf on the cross, and there was an indescribable complex emotion in his heart.

He originally just helped Rogge bring the werewolf back from Moscow, but he didn't expect to end up becoming a murderer. He put his hand gently on his forehead and began to wonder if he was under some kind of evil spell, but he actually cooperated with Rogge to kill the werewolf and take out its brain.

"Kreacher," Black shouted, "clean the house and these things."

"As you command, Master." Kreacher responded.

Blake, who only wanted to save his friend, didn't know that this magic potion to destroy the werewolf virus would trigger a killing spree among werewolves in the future.

Not many werewolves want to be outliers in the wizarding world, but many are eager to reintegrate into society as wizards. The price paid for his return was just the head of another werewolf.

Under the afterglow of the full moon, Roger walked on Tower Bridge in London carrying a suitcase. In the middle of the bridge, a blurry black figure stood quietly. Rogge held the wand in his hand and stood there staring at the other person warily.

Suddenly, the black figure turned its head strangely, its eyes shining with green light. It leapt to its feet and plunged into the wide Thames below.

"What?" Rogge whispered to himself, a trace of confusion flashing in his eyes.

Tower Bridge was drawn into two long black shadows by the moonlight, and there was a light layer of white mist on the river. Rogge's eyes were fixed on the ripples under the bridge, and he instinctively sensed that there was a problem ahead.

So, he decided to change his route and prepare to take a detour home. However, at this moment, an adult wizard landed from the bridge, his brown windbreaker fluttering in the wind, looking particularly handsome.

"It's called the Snake Man." The wizard said as he waved his wand. The tip of the wand immediately emitted a red light, and a shrill scream came from the river.

He fished the body out and examined it carefully with the fluorescent light from the tip of his staff. This snake man's face is flat, his nose is almost completely missing, and his skin has dark green scales, making him look more like some kind of lizard man.

"Snake man?" Rogge frowned. There was no record of such a creature in his memory.

Rogge's eyes fell on the badge on the wizard's chest and asked: "Are you an American Auror?"

"Yes, my name is Jack." The other party admitted openly and introduced to Roger: "These snake people first appeared in the wilds of Maryland..."

Just as he was about to continue speaking, there were suddenly several subtle fluctuations in the air. In the blink of an eye, Amelia appeared in front of them with two Aurors, interrupting their conversation.

"Who used magic?" Amelia's eyes swept between Roger and Jack, and there was a hint of coldness in her voice.

Rogge shook his head quickly and hurriedly distanced himself: "I just passed by by chance."

Jack took a step forward and explained to Amelia: "Mr. Minister, please allow me to explain what just happened."

Amelia nodded slightly noncommittally, with a serious expression on her face, and began to carefully examine the body of the snake man. The smooth head and noseless face reminded her of Voldemort immediately.

However, the snake-men first appeared in the United States, which made her wonder whether Voldemort had escaped to the other side of the Atlantic. In other words, a wizard found a Horcrux on the other side and resurrected Voldemort.

Amelia nodded to the Auror beside her and motioned for him to accompany Rogge home: "You, accompany Rogge back first."

"Yes, Minister." The middle-aged Auror replied and quickly asked Rogge to leave.

In this silent dawn, the sky is particularly dark. Amelia and another Auror sandwiched Jack in the middle, and the defensive meaning was self-evident.

She warned in a stern tone: "I don't know what you want to do, but don't play such a low-level trick in front of me."

Amelia suddenly stretched out her wand and put it at the other person's throat. Jack's raised hand froze in mid-air for an instant, and he could only let the Auror behind him take the wand away from him.

Amelia sneered and continued: "I don't believe that it can swim across the Atlantic and appear in the Thames. I also don't believe that it just happens to appear in front of Roger."

Jack raised his hands with urgency in his voice: "Mr. Minister, please give me two minutes to explain."

"Explain?" Amelia took Jack's wand with sharp eyes: "Explain why you used the Imperius Curse on it?"

Jack couldn't help but swallowed. He didn't expect the witch in front of him to discover the curse he had cast on the snake man so quickly.

He saw Amelia's eyes becoming more and more evil, and he quickly explained loudly: "These snake-men were researched by Muggles. According to our investigation, they are derived from the blood of a blood monster."

Amelia motioned for him to continue.

"That blood came from a medical institute in London, England, and it belonged to the Travis family."

"A Muggle institute?"

"That's right!" Jack replied affirmatively.

Amelia put away her wand, her eyes shining with wisdom. Jack let out a long breath and relaxed slightly.

Suddenly, she thought of something, pointed to the body of the snake man and said: "Can a piece of blood from a blood monster be studied by Muggles to produce such a thing?"

Amelia glanced at Jack with disdain: "Young man, that's not how you blame someone."

She continued: "The Blood Orcs will eventually turn into complete beasts. Without the help of wizards, it is impossible for Muggles to develop such a thing. You American wizards really turn a deaf ear to the law of secrecy."

"Mr. Minister..." Jack tried to explain while secretly glancing at the bridge, thinking about how to escape.

Amelia had long seen through his tricks and ordered the Auror beside her: "Get him!"

Jack, who jumped off the bridge, was hit in the air and fell unconscious. He immediately lost consciousness and fell into the river. If the Aurors hadn't fished him out in time, he would have drowned in the cold water like the hero of Titanic.

Amelia frowned, staring at the snake man's face, which was almost exactly the same as Voldemort's disgusting face. As for what Jack said, she didn't entirely believe it.

At this time, her heart was full of questions. What is the connection between the Travis family and the Snake People? Jessica was a Death Eater. Is the Snake Man related to Voldemort?

The Travis family already has huge influence in the wizarding world. Chairman of the Magic Chamber of Commerce, member of the Hogwarts School Board, the Holy Pureblood Family... Even if what Jack said is true, the Ministry of Magic must be extremely careful when handling this case and cannot act rashly.

Amelia looked at the red sun rising in the distance and walked towards the Ministry of Magic. She knew in her heart that there must be more secrets behind this case, and she must conduct an in-depth investigation to uncover the truth behind it all.

Shortly after the Minister returned to the office, several owls flew to Rogge's home in London: No. TW13, Riverside.

After dinner, I ran back to update the second chapter. I’m curious where everyone is celebrating the New Year? Millets can’t cross T.T

I wish you all good health and a happy New Year! ! !

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