A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 330 Allow investigation

Looking at several owls outside the window sill, Rogge had doubts in his heart. Seeing that the Christmas holiday is almost over, who will send gifts at this time?

With a gentle smile on his face, he opened the window and let them in. Gently untying the letter from his paws, his expression gradually changed from relaxed to serious as he read further.

There were letters from Thompson, Delis, and even Miss Percy from the minister's office. They accidentally revealed a shocking news: the snake man tracked down by the American Aurors seemed to be inextricably linked to the Travis family. Minister Amelia suspects that the Snake Man is also related to Voldemort.

Rogge was half lying on the sofa, with several keywords echoing in his mind: "Cambridge Medical Research Institute, Muggle Laboratory in Maryland, USA, Snake Man..."

His mind drifted back to what had just happened on Tower Bridge. The Auror actually used the Imperius Curse to control the snake man and set a trap for himself. Thanks to him being alert enough at the time, he didn't fall into the opponent's trap easily.

"I did acquire that research institute, but I never conducted any experiments on Muggles." Rogge secretly complained, beginning to suspect that his laboratory might have been stolen.

Rogge's brows furrowed, his heart filled with doubts and uneasiness. He clearly remembered that last summer he conducted detailed analysis and research on Nagini's blood at the institute, and he did leave behind some experimental samples and drafts of records when he left. But his laboratory has anti-theft magic, so it is impossible for Muggles to break into it.

"Bubble." Rogge shouted in a low voice. The elf heard the master's call and appeared in front of him instantly.

It said respectfully: "Master, please give me your instructions."

"You quietly go to Cambridge and see if my laboratory there has been stolen." Rogge gave a serious order, while emphasizing: "Be careful, don't be discovered by the wizard."

"Bubble understands!" The elf quickly disappeared into the air, leaving only a trace of magic fluctuations.

Rogge looked at the letters in his hand, and after thinking for a moment, he threw them all into the fireplace, and the flames instantly devoured them. No matter what kind of investigation Amelia plans to launch into the Travis family, he can guarantee that the family has nothing to do with the snake people.

Although Bubbles hasn't come back yet, Rogge already has a guess in his mind. It is possible that a wizard stole something from the laboratory and then ran to the United States to conduct secret experiments. He did not believe that Muggle technology alone could research and utilize the blood of the Blood Beast.

There must be a wizard behind the Muggle Research Institute in Maryland. On this point, he coincided with Minister Amelia.

Rogge knew very well that those American wizards were much more open to exploiting and enslaving Muggles than the British wizards. After all, there is no great god like Dumbledore above them.

As soon as his thoughts settled and the tea had not completely cooled down, Bubble hurriedly returned from Cambridge.

"Master, there are Aurors monitoring the laboratory." Bubbles quickly reported, "There are signs of theft inside."

"Are you sure?"

"I used to stay in the old manor, and I am very familiar with the traces left by these thieves." Bubble nodded firmly, and then said: "The test bench and trash can inside have disappeared."

"I understand." Rogge waved his hand gently, signaling that Bubbles could leave.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "That's true."

Even though the origin of the Snake Man is related to his laboratory, it is actually the bitter fruit of the wizard thief. He is the victim and not responsible for the presence of the Snake Man.

After figuring this out, the burden in Rogge's heart completely disappeared. He lay peacefully on the bed and continued to catch up on his sleep.

Life during the holidays was ordinary and orderly, as if the snake-man incident had never happened.

Rogge sometimes trains Yumi at home, and sometimes goes to the Flash Golem house to help. He also took the time to write a letter to Percy Weasley, asking if he needed a letter of recommendation from the Travis family.

In less than half a year, Percy will graduate from Hogwarts. Like his two brothers, he will leave the family and start working and living independently.

The eldest brother Bill works as a curse-breaker in Egypt, dealing with curses and mummies in the pyramids all day long. Not only is his life boring and boring, but his monthly salary is also deducted by the monsters of Gringotts.

Many years after graduation, not only can I not support my family, I sometimes even need support from my parents. Last summer, Dad Arthur won the Daily Prophet's jackpot. Most of the bonuses were secretly given to Bill.

The second brother, Charlie, trains dragons in Romania. He has a stable job and a good salary, but it is also very dangerous. Last month, he complained in a letter that his arm was almost eaten by a black dragon from the Hesidian Islands.

In the dragon training farm where he works, some people are privately engaged in illegal activities, and some dragon trainers are even bold enough to steal dragon eggs. As Arthur's good son, Charlie sticks to his principles and is unwilling to join them. Therefore, some dangerous tasks naturally fell on him.

Percy couldn't help but think of the former professor of Care of Magical Creatures: Kettlebo, the old wizard who had 63 academic probations and prepared the Christmas play with Lockhart.

Always dealing with dangerous magical creatures, he retired with only one arm and half a leg. Before leaving Hogwarts, though, Dumbledore gave him a set of enchanted wooden limbs. But Percy learned from Charlie that the prosthetics were later destroyed by the dragon.

Percy held Roger's letter and took a deep breath. Like his eldest brother Bill, he has 12 OWLs certificates, is also the president of the student union, and can get Dumbledore's letter of recommendation.

However, certificates and letters of recommendation can only guarantee him a living in the wizarding world, but they cannot help him get closer to the power center of the Ministry of Magic. Because that was the territory of pure-blood families, and the Weasley family was regarded by them as pure-blood scum.

Especially the current minister Amelia doesn't like her old subordinate Arthur very much.

Percy closed the letter carefully and whispered: "Scabbers?"

He knew in his heart that this long-lived mouse could not only be exchanged for a letter of recommendation, but could also be an opportunity for him to change his own destiny and that of his family.

In Percy's eyes, his two brothers who had graduated long ago were nothing but trash. Many years after graduation, not only was my life very difficult, but I also had no help for my family.

The twins George and Fred spent all day making pranks and inventions in school and didn't pay attention to their studies at all. He didn't even know how Dean McGonagall endured it.

Percy also heard that they owed someone a large amount of money because they secretly opened a gambling den. The monthly interest rate is 8% and compound interest. These two idiots still want to pay it off before graduation. Their heads are almost eaten by dementors.

As for the youngest brother Ron, he couldn't say much. After all, Ron's best friend is Harry Potter, the savior.

After careful consideration, Percy finally decided to agree to Roger's request. He hopes that in addition to getting a letter of recommendation from the Travis family, Rogge will be able to forgive the twins' debt.

Such a transaction is not only beneficial to himself, but also to the family. If the twins' debts were left alone, according to his calculations, they might have to sell their house to pay off the debts in a few years.

On the Hogwarts Express, Roger held Yumi, who had just woken up, in his arms. Its head popped out of his collar, looking curiously at the little wizards around him.

"Where's Hermione?" He put away his luggage and looked around for any trace of Miss Granger. He has not forgotten the other party's prank.

Today is already 2024, and the memory still remains before the epidemic...it feels like two years have been stolen.

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