A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 332 Helena’s Soul Habitat

When Neville saw Hermione showing up, he quickly defended: "Hermione, I didn't say anything."

"Hmph, it would be better if you took less of a look here." Hermione glared at Neville, then turned to Roger: "I have never seen a record of this kind of creature in a book, a newfound wisdom. Race?”

Roger was no longer in the mood to tease Hermione. He said solemnly: "I met one at Tower Bridge in London during my vacation. According to the American Auror who hunted it, the snake man was created by Muggles."

"But you heard it just now. Snake people are related to goblins and African wizards."

Hermione nodded as she sorted through the information. Some wizards in Ouagadu join forces with goblins to hunt wild animals for profit. They also have control over the Snakemen, a species they have never heard of.

It sounds like a smuggling business, no wonder the Ministry of Magic is investigating these things. But what exactly is a Snake Man? Why have I never heard of it? Is it because I haven’t read enough?

Hermione thought so, and decided that the first thing she did when she returned to school was to go to the library to look up information. She looked at Roger next to her and found that he was deep in thought.

Rogge remained silent. The serious consequences of the theft of the laboratory were far beyond his initial imagination. His initial guess was that American wizards used Muggle research institutes to transform Muggle experimental subjects into snake-men.

However, from the current situation, it seems that the role played by the goblins who claim to be free people represented by Narlak in this chaos cannot be underestimated.

And efforts need to be rewarded, especially for those stingy goblins. Narlak definitely had his own purpose in helping the wizard create the snake-men.

He did not deny that he was involved with the snake people and the trafficking of Animagus materials. But seriously speaking, it only has a slight relationship. It's not because the laboratory was stolen, so I should blame myself for these things.

After all, the person who buys the knife to kill cannot blame the person who sells the knife for his exquisite craftsmanship.

The whistle of the express train echoed in the sunset, white mist sprayed from the front of the train, and finally slowly stopped on the platform. The carriages pulled by Thestrals were lined up on the roadside, and they waited until all the young wizards were seated before heading towards the castle.

Listening to the laughter of his classmates, Rogge tried his best to put these worries behind him. Even if these things cause big trouble, the Ministry of Magic is still on top. However, he couldn't help but wonder whether Voldemort could return as scheduled. What would it be like if he met Narlak?

As soon as he entered the castle gate, Rogge received three orders from professors. Grindelwald, Snape and Bathsheda all asked him to go to his office. He thought for a moment and decided to go see Grindelwald first. This Dark Lord is too petty.

Grindelwald's temporary office is located on the seventh floor. The golden sunset shines through the narrow windows and shines on the gold-covered magic book and Ravenclaw's diadem on the table. The light and shadow they reflect flicker on the walls, adding a bit of mystery and solemnity to the place.

There was a knock on the door, Grindelwald waved his finger gently, and the wooden door opened silently. He was sitting upright at the table, holding a quill in his hand and writing on a parchment letter. Helena, the ghost of Ravenclaw, was sitting opposite, holding an illusory book and flipping through it.

Her eyes, which contain calm wisdom, are hard not to fall in love with. But thinking about the Ravenclaw diadem, Rogge felt that she was a little in the way here.

During this time, Helena obviously had a very happy time here, and she had an excellent impression of Professor Green. In the entire Hogwarts, I am afraid that only Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall still maintain the necessary vigilance against Grindelwald.

"How was your Christmas vacation?" Grindelwald stamped the melted red wax and put the letter aside. His deep eyes penetrated the space, fell on Rogge, and then pointed to the Ravenclaw crown: "It has been taken care of."

"It's not too good, it's not too bad." Rogge had to admit that Grindelwald's voice always had a relaxing magic. "It was originally a pleasant vacation, but some accidents always happened."

He said and took out the time turner from the bag. Compared to the time turner around Hermione's neck, it was more exquisite. A snake bone gold chain runs through it, and the outer disk is engraved with exquisite patterns. The hourglass embedded in it has gold and silver ends respectively. There is also a thin gold edge on its edge.

Starting from the time Malfoy handed it to him, it was less than four hours, and it hadn't been warmed at all.

"The time turner you want." Rogge did not hand it to Grindelwald immediately, but asked with a hint of worry: "Will you come back after this?"

"Of course I will come back." A trace of surprise flashed in Grindelwald's eyes. He did not expect Rogge to care about his whereabouts.

He smiled softly and responded in an unaccustomed tone: "Don't worry, I will return the time turner to you."

Rogge curled his lips slightly, and finally handed him the time turner. He reached for the crown on the table, but unexpectedly felt a cold hand, which was Helena's ghost hand.

Although Helena cannot affect the material world, her cold hands still make people shiver.

Rogge picked up the crown forcefully and looked at Miss Ghost: "Ms. Helena, please let go of the gentleman in front of you. Please respect yourself."

Helena stared at Rogge firmly and said seriously: "This is Ravenclaw's property!"

"But your family has no heir." Rogge raised the crown and looked at Grindelwald: "What does Tom look like in this?"

Grindelwald shook his head imperceptibly, his eyes turned from Rogge to Helena, and said: "According to her request, I destroyed the soul inside."

This sentence means that Voldemort's soul left in the Horcrux has completely disappeared. Compared with handling the Hufflepuff Gold Cup, Grindelwald's ability to purify the Horcrux is more skilled and colder. Obviously, his skills in purifying Horcruxes have reached a new level.

"Ah? Really?" Rogge stared at Grindelwald in surprise.

He asked in disbelief, his voice full of shock: "You mean, you have found a way to completely destroy the soul in the Horcrux?"

"It can be understood that way, but it is not entirely accurate." Grindelwald paused and then explained: "The crown is now the home of Ms. Helena. I used Voldemort's soul to construct a soul habitat in the crown. Keep it simple. Said, his soul is still there, I just skinned him and tore his bones and built a hut."

A proud smile appeared on Helena's face, and she said in a high-pitched and proud voice: "It not only belongs to my mother, but also to me, and it also belongs to Ravenclaw House."

Her smile showed that she was very satisfied with everything Grindelwald had done. This sense of belonging made her feel in control of the crown.

Grindelwald noticed the depressed look on Rogge's face, and his expression looked a little happy. He put the time turner around his neck, and then said to Rogge: "I have given you the crown of Ravenclaw. As for how you appease Ms. Helena and prevent her from complaining to Albus, that's your problem."

Helena's eyes lit up when she heard Professor Green's reminder. Yes, if Rogge takes the crown by force, she can go to Dumbledore.

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