A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 333 The crown gives you wisdom

"I think you did it on purpose!" Rogge was a little annoyed, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his voice. However, he still handed him the Slytherin locket as promised.

"Ha, I have no objection to you saying that." A sly smile appeared on Grindelwald's lips, and he tapped the ancient pendant box gently with the tip of his cane. However, unexpectedly, the pendant box did not open as expected.

Grindelwald's eyes flashed with surprise, and his interest in the locket became more intense.

Compared with the shining silver Ravenclaw diadem, this oval pendant box looks more luxurious. It is made entirely of pure gold, with green gemstones arranged in an S-shape inlaid in the center of the front. Each one shines brightly, exuding a luxurious atmosphere that cannot be ignored.

As the most personal item of all jewelry, pendants are often used to store precious memories. Owners will store photos of their loved ones or a lock of hair in them, and some people will even place the ashes of their loved ones in them to commemorate those unforgettable pasts.

Helena stared at the pendant in Professor Green's hand and suddenly said: "Isn't this Salazar's? I remember he took it with him when he left school."

"At that time, the founder of the school made an agreement that everyone would leave a magic item to the school. But in the end, Salazar suddenly left." She was a little disdainful of Salazar's behavior, and the basilisk in the secret room could not be counted at all. relic.

"Roger, where did you find it?" Driven by curiosity, Helena stretched out her slender transparent fingers and gently touched the pendant box.

However, the moment her fingertips touched the pendant box, the pendant box suddenly emitted a burst of intense golden light, and an invisible force knocked her away. Helena somersaulted into the wall, but soon she came back angrily.

Grindelwald comforted him: "In addition to being a Horcrux that can confuse people, it is also a talisman."

He went on to explain: “Lockets date back to the 16th century, when wizards used them to hide lucky charms to ward off evil spirits.”

Helena retorted dissatisfied: "I am not evil!"

Grindelwald smiled and continued: "It has defense capabilities against dark creatures such as the Inferi and ghosts, and it can also resist chaos and viruses."

He paused, then said regretfully: "Unfortunately, I need to do some research before I can open it."

"No, I can open it." Rogge suddenly interrupted, making a low hissing sound, and commanded the pendant box in snake language: "Open it."

As his voice fell, the green gems on the pendant box began to flash one after another, and the position of the snake's eyes turned bright red. Under Grindelwald's surprised eyes, the locket opened silently.

When the ancient pendant box was slowly opened in full view of the public, a faint stream of dust drifted away in the wind, exposing the emptiness inside. Its last owner, Lord Voldemort, apparently never thought of storing items in it. And he himself really had nothing worth collecting.

Perhaps due to the influence of the snake language, the Slytherin pendant emitted strange fluctuations. An inexplicable force spread quietly, trying to penetrate everyone's mind.

Grindelwald nodded slightly and praised: "It is indeed a well-made Horcrux. Voldemort's skills in making Horcruxes are indeed becoming more and more proficient."

Rogge stared at the other person, with a trace of imperceptible depression in his eyes, indicating that Helena had not left yet. He said unhappily: "Is it okay for you to talk nonsense like this?"

"I am only responsible for helping you purify the Horcruxes. As for other minor issues, they are not included in the agreement." Grindelwald patted Rogge on the shoulder, with a hint of amusement in his eyes. He was very satisfied with the contradiction he had casually arranged for Rogge.

"Severus always said that you have a bright future. I think you can negotiate with Ms. Helena so that she will not complain to Albus." Grindelwald put on the black top hat and then turned the time turner.

His figure gradually became blurred in the air until it completely disappeared.

In the office, only Roger and Helena were left in an instant. She was still staring closely at the crown in his hand, her eyes full of complex emotions, as if she had robbed her coffin.

"Don't look at me with such bitterness and hatred." Rogge took a deep breath and decided to deceive (cross out) and have a sincere conversation with Miss Ghost.

After all, Lady Helena, while not that bright, loves to listen to other people's opinions. As long as the method is appropriate, consensus can definitely be reached.

Rogge said in a gentle tone: "You took away the crown back then. Your mother did not leave the crown to the college when she died..."

"You're talking nonsense!" Helena sharply interrupted Rogge's sophistry. She said firmly, "The crown belongs to Ravenclaw! This is something the founder of the school promised!" Her eyes were firm and unquestionable.

"Even if I take away...the stolen diadem." Helena adjusted her statement and continued: "But it is Ravenclaw's property, just like the gold cup and the sword."

Rogge secretly complained in his heart that the two items she mentioned were already in his hands. Although the sword was lent to him by the principal, he never thought of returning it.

To his surprise, Helena admitted her mistake directly, forcing herself to adjust her statement: "Of course, there is no problem with this."

Rogge's answer made Helena slightly distracted. A trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she stared at him very warily. She suspected, no, she was sure that Roger had some conspiracy. The cunning little wizard would never be so sincere. This fight has just begun.

"Ravenclaw is the college of Hogwarts, so the crown naturally belongs to Hogwarts. Is this okay? Do you agree?" Rogge tried.

Helena hesitated for a moment, weighing Rogge's words in her mind, and finally had to admit his classification method. She felt that the other party was about to make a move, and sure enough, the next moment Rogge showed his fox tail.

Rogge smiled and said: "I am a student of Hogwarts, and I can theoretically use the crown. So, how about lending me 10 years?"

"Lent you for 10 years?" Helena raised her voice and stared at Rogge with stern eyes: "Impossible! You are in the third grade now. If I lend you for 10 years, wouldn't it mean taking him out of school again!"

"Besides, I suspect that once I borrow it from you, you will not return it!" Helena's straightforward suspicion made Rogge look frustrated. Her distrust was like a heavy punch, hitting her in the chest. .

He wanted to refute Helena's statement as irresponsible, but he had to say that she was a good judge of people.

Rogge took a deep breath and then tested: "But you also know that recovering the crown requires my help. Moreover, this is also the deal between me and Professor Green."

"This is a sacred exchange between wizards, we promised Merlin!"

"Professor Green and you are not the owners of the crown, and you have no right to trade it." Helena's rebuttal hit the nail on the head, pointing out the loopholes in Rogge's logic.

Rogge froze on the spot, unable to refute for a moment.

With a proud smile on her face, she sat on the sofa and hummed a tune, not forgetting to send a heart-piercing blow: "Thank you for your help, I can ask the principal to give you an award. Or, how about adding college points?" I heard that your college points are still negative."

Listening to Helena's crisp laughter, Rogge needed a new strategy to reverse the situation. He felt that Helena's becoming so smart was inseparable from the blessing of Ravenclaw's crown.

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