A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 334 Approval of the Restricted Book Zone

"Helena." Rogge cleared his throat and said calmly: "The Ravenclaw Diadem is still stolen property. We should return it to your mother, Ms. Rowena."

Helena screamed and protested: "Stolen goods? How could it be stolen goods?"

"From the day you stole the crown, it was stolen goods. Although Riddle found it in the forest of Romania, the facts will not change. The thief instructs the thief, and the stolen goods found are still stolen goods." Rogge's voice seemed cold. The iron nails pierced into Helena's heart one after another.

Helena's eyes widened even more, and she suddenly felt like her brain was in chaos. Why do the words thief of thief and stolen goods sound so convoluted? The light of wisdom from the Ravenclaw Diadem illuminated her thoughts and made her realize clearly that no matter what, the diadem must not be lost again.

"Since it is stolen property, then return it to its former owner, my mother." Helena's voice was firm, although she felt unspeakable guilt and uneasiness in her heart.

"You...your mother?" Rogge stared at Helena closely. Ms. Ravenclaw had left this world for almost a thousand years.

"That's right!" Helena mustered up the courage and decided to admit her mistake to her mother.

Her voice was clear and powerful, echoing in the room: "The true owner of the Ravenclaw Diadem, one of the four founders of Hogwarts, the designer of the Magic Castle, the wisest witch in the world, my mother— — Rowena Ravenclaw!"

Looking at Helena who was full of pride, Rogge was a little confused. He initially proposed ten years of borrowing time, which was just to guide Helena into negotiations. After all, the best way to open a window is to make the ridiculous request to remove the roof.

However, Helena's reaction surprised him. Not only did she not open the window, she even refused to enter the house. She even suggested going to Rowena to decide who would own the Ravenclaw Diadem.

"If you are afraid..." Helena's eyes contained a cunning light, and she proposed a compromise: "We can find Dumbledore. As the principal, he also has a certain say in the crown."

"No." Rogge shook his head and said firmly: "The principal is busy with business, let's go see Ms. Rowena. She is the founder of our school and a legendary wizard of that era. I have long been eager to meet her in person. She paid tribute.”

Hearing Rogge say this, a trace of hesitation flashed in Helena's eyes, and she hesitated: "Uh... you, do you really want to see my mother?"

"What, are you afraid of being scolded? You're a coward." Rogge's tone was provocative.

"You...you are the coward!" Helena jumped up and down in anger, her voice raised a bit, and shouted: "Go, my mother's portrait is in the underground warehouse of the library."

"Underground warehouse?" Rogge put the crown into his school robe, and said in a slightly frivolous voice: "Does this count as Miss Ghost falling into my arms? Bloody Barrow won't challenge me to a duel, right? Do you want to accept it? After all, I don’t know if the ghost’s sword is lethal.”

"Rogue wizard." Helena spat softly, glared at Rogge and got into the crown.

"Are you so talkative? If you mention Bloody Barrow again, I will go to the principal and complain!" Her voice came from the depths of the crown, still carrying echoes. It seems that the house Grindelwald built for her is quite spacious.

"Oh." Rogge responded, with a hint of cynicism in his voice: "Can't you stay too far away from the crown?"

Helena didn't answer, as if falling into a deep sleep. The corners of Rogge's mouth curled up slightly, it seemed that his suspicion had been confirmed. This bound ghost lady is indeed unable to get too far away from the crown. Is this considered self-imposed? Hehe, doesn't this mean that she is left to her own devices?

It wasn't until she reached the door of the library that she warned aloud: "The entrance to the underground warehouse is in the restricted book area. You need to go there quietly. Don't be seen by the librarian."

"Uh, why?"

"Are you stupid? Don't you know that you can't enter the restricted book area without the professor's approval note?" Helena's voice had a hint of urgency, obviously annoyed by Rogge's hesitation.

Rogge stopped and remained unmoved no matter how much Helena urged her. He turned around and left, heading towards the dungeon: "Just ask Mr. Snape for a slip of approval to go to the restricted book area. Why do you need to be sneaky? I'm not you, I always act like a thief."

His voice echoed in the empty corridor, laced with a hint of defiance.

"Huh?" This time it was Helena's turn to be silent. She obviously didn't understand what Rogge was doing.

There are many precious, rare and evil black magic books stored in the forbidden book area, and the school manages them very strictly. When she was wandering around the castle, she found many young wizards sneaking into the forbidden book area to study. But it is really rare for someone like Rogge to be so upright and openly ask the professor for approval slips.

"Am I really a thief?" Helena couldn't help but doubt herself. After thinking for a moment, she finally felt that Rogge was lying.

"Snape will not approve it for you!" she said firmly, asking Roger to give up his unrealistic ideas.


Rogge responded softly, his simple tone full of sarcasm, which made Helena very angry. She felt that if the Ravenclaw crown fell into the hands of the other party, one day she would be so angry that Rogge exploded.

The lone candle in the dungeon is covered in glass, emitting a soft light. Snape was reading a document, and when he heard Rogge's request to go to the restricted area, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

He raised his eyes from the document and stared at Rogge sharply: "Your study progress is very good. However, the progress is still too slow."

Snape said as he picked up the quill and dipped it in ink, and signed the approval note without hesitation: "When I started my third year, I had already gone to the restricted area to learn more about spells and potions."

His words revealed his expectations for Rogge, which seemed to imply how important the knowledge of the forbidden book area is to a real wizard.

"The courses conducted by Lupine are too step-by-step and don't know what you need." Snape had a look of disdain on his face and continued: "He cannot teach magic that is truly vital and creative. Ordinary professors can only teach ordinary students.”

Helena in the crown saw Snape handing the approval note to Roger, and her eyes couldn't help but flicker between the two. She really wanted to get out and question the other party, aren't you afraid of students secretly learning black magic?

But when the words came to her lips, she swallowed them back. "It doesn't seem to be secretly..." Helena pouted, feeling more and more frustrated. She couldn't accept that Rogge could obtain a pass to the restricted book area so easily.

She watched helplessly as Roger folded the strip into a ring and hung it on the Ravenclaw diadem.

"Humiliation! What a huge humiliation!" Helena thought like this and extended her ghost hand to Rogge.

It was as if an ice cube had been inserted directly into the body, and the surrounding blood became cold. Rogge's face turned pale and he couldn't help but tremble. He patted the crown to tell Helena to be quiet.

Snape didn't notice anything strange about him. His attention was entirely on the bookshelf, as if he was looking for a specific item.

"Look at this." Snape finally took down a potion paper from the bookshelf, threw it to Roger, and praised: "This may be the greatest potion discovery at the end of this century. Professor Baldwin, the American potion master, will The blood curse was transformed into a transformation potion with animagus effect.

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