A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 335 The real forbidden book area

Snape's words were full of admiration for Professor Baldwin, and he continued: "His potion proves your initial assumption that the Blood Curse is the product of Animagus failure. However, it is the use of failure that Only with blood monsters can you brew a wonderful transformation potion. Just one drop can turn an ordinary wizard into an animal."

"There is no need to worry about the harm of the blood curse, and there is no need to prepare complicated Animagus rituals. Moreover, you can also transform into different animals..."

Roger's mood became very complicated as he listened to Snape's praise of Professor Baldwin. He flipped through the article "Discussing the Relationship between Blood Curse and Animagus". Most of the assumptions, data and experimental dimensions were basically consistent with his previous research.

The first half of the paper cannot even be said to be very similar, it can only be said to be exactly the same. Rogge could bluntly say that the other party plagiarized his research.

However, his own research manuscript is still on the test bench, while others have already published a paper to the wizarding world. The thief becomes the original, and the original becomes the thief. Rogge took a deep breath, tried to calm his mind, and tried to get rid of such complicated emotions.

There is no essential difference between wizards and Muggles when it comes to stealing or even taking papers. Whoever publishes first gets the results. Unpublished research is never protected.

Snape pointed to the paper and said: "The first half coincides with your research, but there is a crossover from here."

There was a hint of mixed emotions in his words, and he was obviously confused by the similarity. In fact, he also suspected Professor Baldwin of plagiarism. But neither he nor Rogge has ever leaked anything to the outside world. He could only regard the similar parts as coincidences.

"Baldwin equated the blood of the Blood Demon Beast to the hair used in Polyjuice Potion, and used the gradient method to control the curse problem. It can be said that the essence of the transformation potion is a curse." Snape continued to explain, his eyes flickering about this Appreciation of innovative ideas.

"Well, it's exactly the opposite of my research direction." Rogge nodded, admitting that this part of the research was unique and the market was quite broad.

The need for wizards to transform into animals has always existed, and the only harmless methods are animal shapeshifting and animagus. The former requires a lot of practice and cannot be maintained for a long time. The latter requires too much talent and can only be mastered by a few wizards.

But with the transformation potion, ordinary wizards can transform into animals with just one drop. I have to say that Baldwin’s idea is indeed genius. Rogge even thought up the slogan for others: one drop to refresh the mind, two drops to never tire, three drops to live forever, oh yeah!

Although the advertising words are somewhat joking, Rogge recognized the subsequent research results. It can only be said that you can see further by standing on the shoulders of others. However, there is a heavy price to pay for standing on your own shoulders.

Rogge read the paper in detail and carefully, which contained the magic theory and raw materials for the transformation potion. As for the specific details of the gradient method, there is no detailed explanation. Everything seemed to be done in one go, without any bumps at all.

At the end of the paper, the other party imagined using Animagus or even ordinary animals to replace the raw materials of the blood curse. Like Polyjuice Potion, greatly expands the range of transformation potions.

"Teacher, during Christmas, I met a snake man." Rogge put down the paper, looked at Snape, and continued: "That was a creature transformed from a Muggle. It looks a lot like Voldemort."

Snape, who was full of interest, immediately turned gloomy when he heard the three words Voldemort. He stared at Roger and motioned for him to continue.

"The Ministry of Magic is investigating this matter, and the information I received is that the snake-man is a joint research by wizards, Muggles, and goblins. I suspect that the snake-man is a by-product of this paper."

Snape's face became more serious, and he stared at the paper on the table in silence, obviously thinking about the possible consequences. He knew the style of American wizards very well. On the surface, they are at odds with Muggles and call them No-Majs. But privately, the two parties have a lot of contact.

"Next month, Mrs. Hooch will lead the team to Ilvermorny for a Quidditch match. I will take you to listen to Professor Baldwin's lecture." Snape decided to take action. He continued: "No matter what this article says, What’s the story behind the paper, but the gradient method of limiting the blood curse is very useful for your research.”

"Yes, teacher." Roger nodded and put the paper away. Using Professor Baldwin's method, the blood curse can be gradually weakened.

He was confident that Nagini could recover part of her body. The human head and the snake body are dangling back and forth, which is really eye-catching to look at.

Leaving the dungeon, Helena emerged from the crown again. She floated in the air with a light posture, but her eyes were firmly locked on Rogge. If there are pillars or door frames in front of you, go straight through.

"What do you want to ask?" Rogge asked softly.

Helena thought about it, thought about many questions, and finally asked a simple question: "Why did Snape give you the approval note?"

"Why not?" Rogge raised his eyebrows and said confidently: "Do you think I am the kind of wizard who is obsessed with darkness?"

"What's not the same?"

The two of them walked to the library together. Helena tried to argue with Rogge, but found that she couldn't talk to him, so she had to get into trouble. She angrily declared that she would never say another word to the annoying little wizard again.

"Mrs. Pince, please." Rogge bowed slightly, showing just the right amount of respect, and handed Snape's approval note at the same time.

Mrs. Pingsi took the approval slip and her eyes quickly passed over the paper, as if she was confirming something. A faint smile appeared on her lips, and she said: "The restricted book area is at the back of the library, separated by a rope. There are contents that are not suitable for young students to read, such as some advanced black magic and some books banned by the Ministry of Magic. .”

"Can a rope really stop students sneaking in?" Rogge frowned slightly and couldn't help but ask.

Mrs. Pince took out a bronze key from the drawer. Its surface was covered with a thin layer of dust, and it had obviously not been used for a long time.

She motioned for Rogge to follow and explained at the same time: "Actually, that rope has no effect. It is not so much to block, but to inspire the courage of specific students to explore."

There was a hint of depth in her eyes, and her voice became deeper: "Just like the red cloth in the matador's hand, it cannot anger the bull by itself. But by dancing it, it can easily attract the bull's full attention."

"Since Snape signed the approval note for you, it means that he recognizes your talent and achievements. I think the forbidden book area he mentioned should be more secret than this one." Mrs. Pince untied the rope and said, "Follow me Bar."

She said and walked inside. Roger followed Mrs. Pince's steps and glanced quickly at the bookshelves on both sides. The spines of the books are somewhat mottled, telling of their long history.

"You mean, this is not a real forbidden book area?"

"Yes, no wonder Snape always praises you for your observation." Mrs. Pince praised. With a flick of her wand, the tapestry slowly disappeared, revealing a cast iron gate with fleur-de-lis.

"Are you thinking that since a rope can't stop those adventurous students, then a lock can do it?" With a faint smile on her lips, Mrs. Pince continued: "The Alajo Cave has been opened for many years. Former students used it to sneak in. However, things have changed since Ms. Agnes, the administrator, cast the counter-spell.”

"Since then, keys have become the only way to enter the forbidden book area." Mrs. Pince pushed open the heavy iron door, glanced at the dusty books on the bookshelf, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Seeing them intact, she felt happy and regretful. Although no one cares about them, they can be preserved well, but this also makes them lose their existence value.

"Be careful, Roger." She turned her head and reminded kindly, "Every book here has a strange story, don't let yourself get stuck in it."

"Thank you, madam." Rogge nodded his thanks and watched Mrs. Pince leave.

Helena got out of nowhere and was floating freely in the air.

"Pingsi is right. Some of the books here are under temptation spells and often deceive people." She pointed to the stairs going down and continued: "The warehouse is still under the restricted book area. Come with me."

Rogge nodded and followed Helena, not forgetting to look at the surrounding furnishings. The areas on each floor are not too big, but the books on the shelves are quite unique.

They are covered by curtains made of chains. Some look like heavy-duty criminals with heavy locks, some look like old people coughing constantly; some disappear and appear from time to time, and some emit the aroma of food...

"Don't believe them," Helena reminded. "A student once opened the magic book for making food. Then, he cut his brain into small pieces and slowly put it into the frying pan."

"Hi, Helena, long time no see?" Jazz in an oil painting greeted her warmly, but Helena just nodded lightly in response. The people in each painting were smiling at them, giving Roger goosebumps.

"They seem to like you?"

"Well, I used to come here often to read."

After she finished speaking, she fell silent again. After walking to the third underground floor, she pointed to the door in front and said, "There is an underground warehouse behind, but you have to be careful."

"What are you careful about?"


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