A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 336 Causes of the formation of ghosts

"Peeves? Does he live here?" Rogge pushed open the unlocked warehouse door in front of him, as if triggering an ancient switch.

Suddenly there was a pinging sound from deep in the basement, as well as the harsh sound of furniture being dragged.

Helena couldn't help but cover her forehead and said a little irritably: "Peeves is the first resident of the castle, and the meaning of existence is to play pranks. He always appears in every corner of the castle at will, making annoying things all the time. Trap. What an annoying prankster."

Rogge stepped into the dark warehouse, and dim candlelight suddenly lit up on the wall. Dust began to dance with the flow of air, and occasionally got into Rogge's nose.

He couldn't help but sneeze, but was frightened back by the sudden appearance of Peeves.

"Uh-huh..." Peeves appeared silently, his feet together, swimming in the air like a frog.

Helena watched this scene, the annoyance in her eyes became more obvious. She was all too familiar with the tricks of this prankster. It was nothing more than repeating the same old tricks, trying to use intimidation and trickery to make the students panic and frighten.

If he really came here secretly, he would really be frightened by Peeves. After all, this troublemaker likes to report the most. She couldn't help but admire Rogge's wisdom in asking the professor to get the approval slip first.

"Slytherin's little wizard, you secretly came to the forbidden book area. This is not the place you should be!" Peeves' voice was joking, and his eyes flashed with a narrow light, as if he had foreseen what was about to happen on the little wizard's face. Appeared in panic: "I'm going to report to the librarian and let her punish you!"

Rogge just smiled faintly and waved his hand to drive Peeves away: "Go and make a report, Peeves. I can't wait to accept the administrator's punishment."

Peeves realized that Rogge was emboldened. He rolled his eyes and flew around Rogge in confusion. Its voice was deliberately raised in an attempt to create an atmosphere of terror: "You will be punished, call your parents, be detained in school, or even be expelled."

However, Rogge's calm look made Peeves' threats seem so weak.

"Peeves, get out of the way, we are going to see my mother." Helena said to Peeves who was blocking the road, with a hint of command in her voice.

"Ah, Ms. Rowena..." Peeves' funny expression turned serious. It hovered in the air, seeming to be thinking about something.

Peeves would always be polite to the headmaster and professors, people recognized by Hogwarts Castle. And Ms. Rowena, the designer and builder of this castle, has more respect.

The Helena in front of him was still her daughter, and Peeves had to think carefully about how to implement his prank.

"I'm going to tell Bloody Balor." Peeves suddenly announced, with a hint of pride in his voice.

"How dare you!" Helena floated up and glared at Peeves, trying to stop him from leaving.

Peeves smiled mischievously and sang in his unique funny tone: "Come on, Bloody Barrow, Helena is leaving..."

Lame tunes echoed in the underground warehouse, and Helena hummed unhappily, her face full of disgust at Peeves' behavior.

"What's wrong?" Rogge asked with some confusion, "Isn't Bloody Barro always begging for your forgiveness?"

In Rogge's opinion, Slytherin's ghost Barrow is Helena's licking dog. Although this licking dog killed his goddess, he still licked the dog.

"That shameless knight and insidious murderer, he is not apologizing at all. He just wants to leave this world and go to the next world." Helena's voice was full of hatred for Barrow.

She exudes soft white fluorescence, which not only illuminates the mess around her, but also makes herself look more divine. She led Rogge through the dark passages of the underground warehouse and headed deeper.

As a living person, Rogge naturally does not understand the world of the dead. He asked curiously: "The next world? Are there any special conditions required to become a ghost after death and stay here?"

"Of course." Helena nodded, her voice echoing in the empty warehouse, with a hint of transcendent calm: "Muggles cannot become ghosts after death. This is the right of wizards only. But most wizards die In the end, we will not stop at the material world, but continue to move forward.

Because for wizards, death is just the beginning of another life. In a sense, the kingdom of the dead is far more interesting than the human world. "

She continued to explain, with a hint of yearning in her tone: "You can meet all the wizards and prophets in those books. Questions that you cannot figure out while you are alive can get accurate answers from the people involved.

You can look at Merlin and say, 'Oh, Merlin's beard! ’. What an interesting thing, isn't it? "

"However, if the wizard has unfinished business or is still attached to the material world, they can choose to become a ghost and continue to stay here."

Rogge nodded. He looked at Helena, who was glowing all over, and couldn't help but ask: "Then why did you stay?"

Helena turned to look at him, her gaze seemed to penetrate the other person's body, looking directly at the Ravenclaw diadem in his arms: "What do you think?"

Rogge instantly understood that she not only stole the Ravenclaw diadem, but also caused his mother to leave the world with regret and sadness.

This guilt and guilt bound Helena like a heavy shackle, preventing her from going to the world of the dead to face her mother. Only when she is willing to admit her mistakes will she have the courage to move on.

Rogge thought of Sir Nico of Gryffindor, who was upset because his head was not completely chopped off. This unlucky guy was struck 45 times by the executioner's blunt axe, but the skin and tendons on his neck were still stubbornly connected. Moreover, he is so obsessed with joining the Headless Horseman Club that he may not leave this world even if his head is completely chopped off.

As for Bloody Balor, he longs for Helena to forgive him for his murder. Every ghost in Hogwarts has their own unfinished business or unfaced emotions.

"Hurry up, that annoying Barrow will be here soon." Helena said with a hint of impatience in her voice.

She walked straight through the barricade, but Rogge had to use his wand to clean up the dumped debris and armor to restore it to the original state. One person and one ghost walked to the bottom of the warehouse, where a tall stone door hung suspended in the darkness.

"This is the entrance to the Pavilion of Knowledge. Normally, it requires ancient magic to open. However, I am the daughter of Ravenclaw." A trace of pride flashed across Helena's face. She stood in front of the mysterious stone door. Begin to recite an ancient and complex spell.

As her spell gradually sounded, a crystal blue water curtain slowly rose from the door. It rippled, as if the water was being blown gently by the breeze.

Helena turned to Rogge and said proudly: "Come on, lucky little wizard, let you feel the magic of ancient magic."

Rogge touched his nose, feeling a little funny. He really wanted to tell Helena that he had mastered ancient magic and there was no need to take a shortcut to get in.

"Is this a back door?" he asked softly.

"Why go through the back door? This is the designer's exclusive passage, leading directly to the Qiuzhi Pavilion!" Helena looked at Rogge angrily, obviously dissatisfied with his speech: "Hogwarts is my home, I can go wherever I want. Where. In my territory, I will naturally take the most direct path."

Rogge smiled and a fireball appeared in his palm. Helena looked at him dumbfounded, her eyes full of surprise.

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