A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 337 Rowena in the Starlight

"You?" Helena blinked. The fireball in Rogge's hand not only did not disappear, but became stronger.

The scorching tongues of fire licked the cold air, and the incandescent light made Miss Ghost couldn't help but retreat. Her figure became more transparent in the light of the fireball.

"The power of ancient magic?" she said in disbelief, then stared at Rogge, her eyes flashing with confusion and vigilance.

"You have a problem!" Helena said firmly, "The four magic guardians and their chosen wizards have blocked all ancient magic knowledge, blocked all ancient magic nodes, and eliminated all traces of ancient magic."

"Even if wizards have the talent to see magic whirlpools, they will not be able to perceive ancient magic again!" Helena's expression became very serious. Her eyes were like sharp swords, trying to see through the wizard in front of her: "Where did you get in touch with it? Ancient magic?”

"Quidi Swamp, learned from the curtain of light and shadow left by an alchemist." After Rogge explained, he did not forget to ask, "Why should ancient magic be shielded and blocked?"

Helena was silent. She saw Bloody Barrow coming down from upstairs and motioned for Rogge to follow. They walked into the crystal blue light curtain, and the stone door fell into dead silence again.

Barrow, who arrived a step late, had very complicated eyes, with anger mixed with regret and unwillingness. Why, why would she rather admit her mistake to Ms. Ravenclaw than forgive herself for the manslaughter?

"This is the Pavilion of Knowledge." Helena was walking on a sea of ​​stars. She pointed at the stars in the sky and said, "Each star represents a kind of knowledge."

Rogge stared at the endless starry sky and could no longer count the number of stars. Compared with Qiuzhi Pavilion, the library in his manor is like a cramped old bookstore on a street corner, so small and ordinary.

Helena noticed his surprised look and showed a proud smile. She said: "The four ancient magic guardians once created a new space above the Knowledge Pavilion. Although it still has the same name, in addition to holding the pensieve, There is nothing outside the pedestal.”

"They also used ancient magic to build a map secret room. Not only can they monitor every corner of the castle, but they can also overlook the entire Scottish Highlands." Helena's voice gradually turned from pride to regret, "It's a pity that in order to protect the secret vault...ahem …”

She originally wanted to show off further, but considering that Rogge mastered ancient magic, the secret vault guarded the evil relics left by ancient magic.

In order to avoid another disaster, she quickly changed her story: "In short, that place has been completely sealed. No one knows the whereabouts of the secret room on the map, and no one knows how to enter it. Their traces have completely disappeared and are gradually forgotten. "

"To this day, you can only find records of the goblin rebellion from the history of magic, but the specific process will never be known."

Rogge listened to the story told by Helena and walked with Miss Ghost in the endless sea of ​​stars.

"My mother has been waiting for me to come back." A wry smile appeared on Helena's lips, with deep regret in her voice: "But I can no longer see her wearing a crown."

"Roger, please wear the Ravenclaw diadem." Helena sincerely requested, even lifting her skirt to bow deeply to Rogge.

Rogge slowly took out the crown, and the starry sky seemed to sense its presence. All the stars began to emit soft light and converged on the crown.

The body of the eagle is made of silver, and its wings are made of diamonds. The huge blue gem shines with the light of wisdom, and the bottom of the crown is engraved with a brilliant motto: Extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind.

In Helena's expectant eyes, Rogge slowly put the Ravenclaw diadem on his head. In an instant, the light from the explosion of the singularity of the universe seemed to appear before his eyes, which was the starting point of all time and space.

"God said, let there be light." Roger quietly realized the weight of this sentence, which was the beginning of all creation.

His eyes seemed to be washed by starlight, becoming brighter and able to penetrate deeper problems. His thinking became clearer and extremely agile, as if he could touch the veins of wisdom.

Many questions that were once unresolved found clues to their answers at this moment, and his insight and understanding instantly rose to a whole new level.

Curiosity and desire to explore are just around the corner, his heart is beating fiercely, and he is eager to unlock all the mysteries.

In front of his eyes, all the stars were blooming brightly, and a female figure slowly walked out of the deep sea of ​​stars. Her robe is made of nebulae, and every fiber seems to contain the trajectory of a planet. Her eyes were so bright they seemed like stars twinkling in them.

She walked quietly, each step carrying the lightness of starlight. There was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, ordinary yet intriguing.

Rogge's eyes met with the witch's, and from her eyes, he seemed to read the birth, destruction, and resurrection of countless galaxies... over and over again, endlessly.

Helena looked at her mother, the regret, pain, sadness in her heart... all kinds of strong emotions melted into one in an instant.

She had thought a lot before coming here and had come up with all kinds of clever words. But when her mother really appeared in front of her, she couldn't help but shout: "Mom." This simple name contained all the emotions and longings.

The ghost's eyes may be empty, but the empty tears contain all her regrets. She cried and ran towards her mother, still embracing nothingness.

"Helena, just come back." Rowena looked at the ghost daughter in front of her gently and calmly, her eyes filled with the brilliance of maternal love.

She gently reached out her hand and stroked Helena's loose hair. Then, she turned her eyes to Rogge, and the friendly smile on her lips suddenly contained a hint of teasing.

Rogge had to admit that Helena inherited her mother's beauty, but lacked that formidable wisdom and magnanimity.

"But what's with that smile that looks like you're seeing an idiot?" Rogge looked directly at Rowena and said in a neither humble nor condescending manner: "Hello, Ms. Ravenclaw."

"Please forgive the presumption of a Slytherin wizard. After all, he solved the wisdom-filled problem of the bronze door knocker some time ago." Rogge's smile was mixed with sarcasm, and he said softly: "Smart wizards always fall into pride and self-righteousness. He seems aloof and unsociable. Sometimes wisdom doesn’t know that danger is coming towards you from behind.”

Rowena naturally heard the hidden meaning in Rogge's words, but she just smiled slightly and did not refute Rogge's words.

Her calmness and elegant demeanor really make people feel good about her. In contrast, Helena next to her. She stared at Rogge and muttered with her mouth open, as if she was issuing a silent threat to Rogge.

"Yes, wisdom is not omnipotent." Rowena looked at Rogge with a half-smiling look, and asked: "Child, your eyes sparkle with curiosity to explore the unknown and greed for knowledge.

Although I don’t know why the Sorting Hat banished you to Slytherin, you shine with the light of a raven. "

"Exile?" Rogge couldn't help feeling angry when he heard the word. He quickly took a deep breath, hinting that he must calm down.

"Is there anything bad about Slytherin?" Rogge asked in confusion, his tone was tough and full of doubts.

"Each house has its own strengths, but Salazar's thoughts are not suitable for you. By entering Slytherin, you are just wasting your talents, constraining your thoughts, and banishing your future." Rowena's The voice is firm and powerful.

She continued: "You should walk into the tallest tower of Hogwarts, look up at the stars, and look down at all living beings; you should understand that there is no distance between life and death, and that power and money are ultimately nothing. You should cross the mountains and seas, connect wizards and hemp Melons are regarded as ashes. However..."

Rowena's words stopped abruptly, his eyes full of regret, as if he was regretting Rogge's future.

"Even if you spend years brewing conspiracies, purifying your blood, and setting foot on the highest ground, your heart still longs for the unknown and knowledge." Rowena said bluntly, "For you, power is just a carpet for wiping your feet, and money is just a whisk. handkerchief."

"You are never satisfied, you are always craving. I don't know what's wrong with the Sorting Hat, but from you, I know there is something wrong with it."

"Maybe the thoughts of the four of us messed it up, maybe it learned to think, maybe it knew how to be vain and to please, maybe..." A helpless smile appeared on the corner of Rowena's mouth, and he said: "We finally left Hogwart Tz, those who come after us will influence it just like us.”

"You need it, right?" Rowena's eyes focused on the crown on Roger's head. The feminine crown formed a unique contrast with his handsome face, complementing each other in contradiction.

"Mom..." Helena pouted, objecting like a dissatisfied little girl.

Rogge stared at the wise lady in front of him. He was not sure whether Rowena's gorgeous words were true or false. But the reason why he stepped here was for the Ravenclaw Diadem.

Even the not-so-smart ghost lady next to her knew this.

If his answer is yes, then it proves that Rowena's evaluation is correct. He should pursue knowledge instead of falling into the trap of power and money.

But if his answer is no, then the Ravenclaw crown may have nothing to do with him anymore.

Rogge looked at the smiling Rowena, and he had his own answer.

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