A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 338 Just use this to test me?

Rogge took the Ravenclaw's diadem off his head and held it tightly with one hand. His eyes were as hot as fire and full of aggression towards Rowena.

"I stand here, with the crown in my hands. You can regard me as a student, or you can view me as a robber." His voice was firm and full of provocation.

At the same time, the wand appeared in Roger's other hand. He continued: "Either you leave it here and never see the light of day, or it goes with me. Hogwarts has never been truly owned, nor has it ever been lost."

He waved his wand as he spoke, and the Sword of Gryffindor and the Golden Cup of Hufflepuff floated in front of his eyes: "I promise you, all the relics will leave. Rather than the relics of other colleges being destroyed, leaving one as a sacred relic. A general existence.”

Rowena's calm eyes finally showed fluctuations, and she looked at Rogge with a look that was both surprised and complicated.

"Roger, how could you talk to my mother like this!" Helena rushed out angrily, but Rowena reached out to stop her.

"It's not important to me." Rowena responded calmly to the dilemma given by Rogge: "Of course you can take it away."

As she said this, there was still a faint smile on her lips. Then he turned to Helena and spoke to her daughter in a strange language. Helena looked at Rogge from time to time, her expression changing from surprise to frustration, and finally nodded with difficulty.

"Goodbye, wizard."

As soon as he finished speaking, Rowena's body turned into countless stars and dissipated in front of his eyes. Helena gradually became transparent and seemed to have completely left the world.

The entire Qiuzhi Pavilion suddenly fell into deathly silence, and loneliness swallowed Rogge instantly like an abyss. The twinkling stars in all directions could break through the darkness, but they could not provide him with an accurate reference. There is no way in or out here.

Rogge was filled with anger and helplessness, and he cursed in a low voice: "Narrow-minded woman."

He took the Ravenclaw diadem into his arms, and for a moment he didn't know how to leave here.

"Fluorescence!" He raised his wand and released the magic power unscrupulously. The universe may be endless, but there must be boundaries here.

Although the wand shines with boundless light, it can only dispel limited darkness. He discovered that those stars were actually illusory bubbles that disappeared and reappeared in an instant, making it impossible to catch them.

"Do you need to use ancient magic?" Rogge put away his wand and gathered fireballs with his hands. He threw them out recklessly, but he couldn't hear any movement or see any fireworks.

Suddenly, he felt the floor crack and he fell instantly. Then, he experienced an endless feeling of weightlessness, as if he was sinking in endless darkness.

At this moment, Roger felt completely isolated. His heart was being bitten by loneliness and loss, as if he was trapped in the endless starry sky. The silence and emptiness around him felt suffocating, but he did not let the feeling overwhelm him.

If others fell into this kind of inextricable loss, they might have gone crazy screaming. But Rogge remained calm. He couldn't change the outside world, but he could control himself.

He firmly believes that there is no prison that cannot be broken!

"Mother, is this really okay?" Helena looked at Rogge who was standing still and asked softly. There was a hint of concern in her voice, as if she was disturbed by Roger's situation.

Rowena shook his head and looked at his daughter seriously: "Don't you know that your soul has been imprisoned by black magic? You have completely lost your freedom now. I can't hand over the crown that imprisons you to a worried wizard."

"Huh?" Helena was surprised at first. She never knew that replacing Riddle's soul would require freedom as a price.

She never expected that Professor Green, who made people look good, would use black magic to imprison herself.

"No, he lied to me!" Helena's expression was as cold as ice. At this moment, she wished she could go to Professor Green and ask for details.

She looked at the motionless Rogge, vaguely expecting him to wear the crown again. After all, throughout Hogwarts, the smart wizards are too old and the young wizards are not smart. If even Rogge can't get out of his thinking space, who else can?

Once Rogge fails, she can neither leave the Knowledge Pavilion nor go to the world of the dead. She can only wait alone for a destined person who may never appear.

Destined person? I'm afraid that I won't be able to meet the destined person who blew up the school until Hogwarts Castle is blown to pieces.

While Helena was still dreaming, Rogge suddenly raised the crown. His eyes shone with astonishing light, like a bolt of lightning piercing the surrounding dark starry sky, making it brighter.

Rowena was secretly surprised, because she knew that the thinking space was not so easy to leave. Even Salazar took three days to recognize himself. Rogge was able to wake up so quickly, completely beyond her expectations.

"You surprised me so much..." Before Rowena could finish speaking, a divine blade passed through her illusory body.

"Sorry, misfire." Rogge apologized with a smile, but there was no sincerity in his tone. He knew that his attack was ineffective against Rowena, but such a move was enough to express his attitude.

As for the so-called thinking space, when he couldn't come out of the greeting panel, he knew he had fallen into a trap. But Ravenclaw's methods are much more sophisticated, and he still doesn't know when he fell into it.

However, the light and shadow curtain he once entered is an ancient magical relic that can compress dimensions. For this pure mental prison, as long as you recognize yourself, you can completely tear it apart.

"Test me with this? Which wizard can't stand such a test?" He sneered in his heart.

Facing Rogge's pale apology, Rowena burst into laughter. She looked at her daughter and said, "Interesting wizard, isn't he?"

"It's just a little annoying." Helena replied slightly arrogantly. There was a hint of dissatisfaction in her tone, but more of it was recognition of Rogge.

Rowena waved his hand and wiped away the starry sky of Qiuzhi Pavilion, revealing the white dome and walls. She said: "Roger, please protect Ravenclaw's crown. Wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind, and it can help you go further on the road of magic."

After saying that, she left a scroll and disappeared. It floated lightly in front of Rogge, like a gift that traveled through time and space.

The scroll was carefully carved by magic, showing an elegant silvery white color, as if it had been baptized by the moonlight. A soaring eagle is outlined with tiny diamonds on the handle. Its eyes shine with blue light, wise and mighty. On the edge of the scroll, golden patterns are looming, like the faintest light in the night sky, adding a bit of mystery to this scroll.

Helena noticed the vigilant look on Rogge's face, and said in a sullen voice: "This is the starry sky magic circle scroll, which mother originally planned to leave to me."

Rogge nodded and carefully held the scroll in his hand. Its texture is surprisingly soft, as fine as velvet, but at the same time has the toughness of dragon skin. His fingertips gently rubbed the scroll, feeling an indescribable smoothness and delicacy.

As it slowly opened, a faint aroma wafted out. The fragrance is mixed with the fragrance of roses and the freshness of cedar, making people feel a peaceful power the moment they breathe.

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