A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 339 Will it hurt him too much?

The founder Ravenclaw's research on the stars during his lifetime gradually unfolded before Rogge's eyes. Inside the scroll, there are not only detailed starry sky maps, but also carefully designed magic arrays.

They are composed of complex magical symbols and patterns, and each stroke is extremely delicate, as if the artist used the finest brushstrokes and the purest magic to carve them out bit by bit.

Unlike the spells taught at Hogwarts, these complex magic circles are not activated by instantaneous spells, but by precise coordinate positioning. They reflect the night sky, coming into effect through the energy of moonlight and stars.

Compared with spells that can be used and released at the same time, the effects displayed by magic circles are very gorgeous and can cause large-scale and devastating damage. Compared with wizards who fight alone, they have the aura of forbidden spells.

However, these magic circles are too delicate. First, they can only be cast at night, and second, any meteorological disturbance may affect their effect.

Even common lightning and thunder may cause problems or even complete failure of the magic circle that has been arranged. To make matters worse, the wizarding world has no shortage of spells and creatures that affect the weather. With a thunderbird, you can break the magic circle that you have worked so hard to build.

Rogge sighed and thought: "It's better than nothing."

He does not deny that there are all kinds of magical magic in the world of Hogwarts, and even space magic can be seen everywhere. But the magic circle scrolls like those given to him by Ravenclaw have little practical significance and are more focused on academic research.

Rogge himself still has many problems that need to be solved urgently. As for these magic arrays, it is better to put them on the shelf for now.

He put the scroll and crown away and headed for the exit. Helena followed silently, turning her head to look at him.

"Are you still there?" Rogge seemed to have just noticed Miss Ghost and said softly: "Shouldn't you move on to the world of the dead?"

"I..." Helena lowered her head, puffed out her cheeks and said through gritted teeth, "I was deceived by that old wizard Green!"

"I told him that leaving Riddle's soul in the Ravenclaw diadem would be a desecration of my mother's relics. But he told me that if Riddle's soul was destroyed, the diadem would be completely damaged..."

She shouted loudly, as if she had been greatly wronged: "Then, he said that I could replace the soul inside, so I believed him."

Rogge laughed dumbly. He looked at Helena with helplessness in his eyes: "Did he also say that as long as you are willing to go in, you will not only have your own private room, but also get the crown of wisdom?"

"Yes, yes!" Helena looked at Rogge in surprise, her eyes couldn't help but open wider, "That's what he told me, how did you know?"

"My silly lady, do you believe everything he says?" Rogge sighed helplessly, even wondering if Helena was stupid because of studying.

Even though he had an agreement with Grindelwald, this guy still cheated him a lot. Looking at the silly white sweet ghost next to him, he couldn't help but think to himself, who would I cheat if he didn't cheat you?

Seeing her pitiful look, Rogge decided to reveal a bit of the truth: "His name is Grindelwald, and he was once Dumbledore's...enemy."

"Gellert?" Helena suddenly understood something, and the expression on her face was both annoyed and angry. "How could it be him? Why did the principal ask him to be a professor?"

"Werewolves can be professors in schools, why not wizards?" Rogge asked.

"Huh, men are not trustworthy!" Helena looked at Rogge and quickly explained: "I don't mean you, I mean Albus."

She noticed Rogge's cold expression, and she couldn't help but feel panicked when she thought that the Ravenclaw crown would be controlled by him in the future.

"Roger~ I'm sorry before." She said in an extremely soft voice: "I have learned a lot of knowledge, I am proficient in many languages, and I can also..."

"Huh? Are you so polite?" Rogge didn't know what Rowena told his daughter, but it was very useful to him to hear Miss Ghost's arrogant apology.

"Do you want me to help you lift your imprisonment?" Rogge asked tentatively.

"No." Helena shook her head and said softly: "I will live in it from now on, but you can't drive me away."

"..." Rogge looked at her silently, with a trace of curiosity in his eyes: "I can't stop you from getting into the crown now."

Helena stood in front of him and said reluctantly: "This is different."

"Okay, okay, as long as you don't bother me, you can stay as long as you want." Rogge finally reached an agreement with Miss Ghost. A smile appeared on her lips, and she slipped into the crown.

"If Bloody Barrow is outside, tell him that I have left here." The crown in his arms made a sound, and he did not forget to add: "Well, if he asks, just say that I don't care anymore."

"Don't care?" Rogge listened to the voice in the crown and could already imagine the miserable and disappointed expression of Barrow the Licking Dog.

When he left the Knowledge Pavilion and returned to the underground warehouse, Bloody Barro was indeed waiting there. When he saw Rogge coming out alone, he hurriedly drifted over, his eyes scanning around Rogge, looking for Helena.

"Where's Ms. Gray?" Barrow asked slightly excitedly.

"She has left."

"Leave?" Barrow's voice instantly became shrill. He almost screamed and asked, "Did she leave here... or left... Hogwarts?"

Rogge shook his head slightly and remained silent. Barrow's expression gradually became painful. He beat his chest and shouted loudly: "Helena, I was thinking about you and accidentally killed you to correct your mistakes..."

He took out his handkerchief, covered his eyes and started crying. This scene made Peeves on the stairs so surprised that he choked, and the funny expression on his face slowly disappeared.

Barrow blew his nose hard, folded his handkerchief, and continued to wipe away his tears. Rogge actually wanted to tell him that your goddess is silent on my chest right now.

"Would it hurt him too much?" Rogge muttered in his heart.

He shook his head regretfully, wondering why Bloody Barro was so obsessed with Helena, so he sighed softly: "Hey, another licking dog who brought it upon himself."

Although Helena inherited the beauty of Rowena Ravenclaw, she has a dignified temperament, a tall and smooth figure, and is both slim and slim. But she is so unintelligent. After reading so many books and living for so many years, she has been deceived many times. In a few decades, Rogge would strongly recommend that she download the national anti-fraud APP.

"I heard that he is still a noble." Rogge walked up the steps and said to Peeves, "Don't he know how to wash his clothes? Look at the blood stains on his body, tsk tsk tsk."

"Little wizard, aren't you afraid of Bloody Balor?" Peeves asked quietly, his tone so weak that it was almost inaudible. "You have never seen him angry. It's really terrifying!"

It screamed and ran away. Rogge looked at Barrow, who was still crying, and gently stabbed him: "Hey. Helena asked me to tell you that she doesn't care anymore."

"Don't care? Don't care?" Barrow fell into confusion. He thought a lot, and was even prepared for Helena to hate him forever.

However, Helena said before leaving that she didn't care. For Barrow, what is more terrifying than hatred is indifference. She completely ignored herself, treating herself as air... no, as a stranger who never existed. Barrow was completely devastated. He fell to the ground and burst into tears.

Roger swore that he had never heard such horrific cries. His plaintive, humming tone became even more weird and enchanting after being amplified by the underground warehouse. It’s hard to believe that this is the sound that a male ghost can cry out.

As he left the forbidden area, Barrow's cries echoed throughout the library. Mrs. Pince frowned and sternly ordered the students to leave.

"What happened? Is there a problem with any of the books in the restricted area?" she asked.

"Ms. Gray asked me to tell Bloody Barrow that she didn't care anymore. Then, Barrow collapsed inexplicably."

"Alas, poor Barrow." Mrs. Pince sighed sympathetically and motioned for Rogge to go back first.

Somehow she suddenly thought of Snape. She whispered in a low voice: "Evans..." The following words gradually became blurred, and no one except her knew what she wanted to say.

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