A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 340 Nagini and Helena

In the corridors and classrooms of the school, rumors are like spreading vines, clinging to every corner. The students were whispering to each other and discussing, and the center of the topic was Bloody Barro.

Now he is still crying in the forbidden book area, like an abandoned and resentful woman day and night. The plaintive voice was even scarier than the screams of the ghosts, so much so that the library had to be temporarily closed.

"I heard that Bloody Barrow cried so much because Ms. Gray was missing." A voice said softly.

"Ms. Grey? The ghost of Ravenclaw? When you say that, I remember I haven't seen her for a long time."

"Can ghosts still die?" a wizard asked curiously.

"It's not death, it's going to another world. Bloody Barrow was completely abandoned by Ms. Gray, that's why he cried so miserably." said the senior wizard who knew some of the inside story.

After hearing the news, many witches showed sadness in their eyes: "Bloody the Bloody is so infatuated, what a good ghost noble!" They felt sympathy for his love story.

"Hmph, I'm afraid you don't know." A wizard said disdainfully, "He killed Ms. Gray because she refused to pursue her."

"What..." A burst of exclamation came from the auditorium.

The story about Bloody Barro and Helena slowly spread. Because of who to support, the students were divided into two groups and argued endlessly. Some people even quarreled over this.

Everyone has their own opinion on the matter, and the lack of truth about Helena's theft of the crown resulted in Bloody Balor becoming a horrific criminal in everyone's eyes.

His image became distorted in the hearts of the students, and his cries were no longer a symbol of sadness, but crocodile tears.

The little wizards were also happy to join the discussion. They had an excuse to deal with the papers assigned by the professor and put all the responsibility for the unfinished homework on Barrow. Even the librarian, Mrs. Pince, is happy because she doesn't have to worry about students scribbling on books.

However, it was not Miss Granger who was most unhappy, but the fifth grade students who were preparing for their OWLs. It's almost February, with only four months left until end-of-semester exams.

These wizards who were about to face important exams were already nervous, and now that they had lost the library as a holy place for learning, many of them couldn't control their emotions on the spot and burst into tears.

"Master, is this really useful?" Nagini got out of the crystal ball and stared at Miss Ghost sitting behind the desk.

Rogge held a quill, preparing to carve magic circle patterns on Nagini's body.

He motioned Nagini to lie down and replied confidently: "Don't worry, it will definitely work." He opened the potion and told Nagini not to move.

Helena put down the book in her hand, floated over slowly, and asked curiously: "Didn't you say that the magic circle has no practical effect?"

"Of course." Rogge nodded in response, and the quill drew a series of mysterious patterns on Nagini's scales.

He dipped in the potion and motioned to Helena not to block his sight: "The magic circle left by Rowena has great limitations, which you should also know from the scroll."

"However, the application method of moonlight and stars is very good. By combining it with the werewolf virus, I can bypass the weather effects and directly sense the power of the full moon."

"Then, based on Professor Baldwin's research, we can temporarily solve the problem of the blood curse." Rogge motioned Nagini to turn over and expose her abdomen.

Helena nodded and gave a rare compliment: "You are quite smart, but there is a problem."

She pointed at Nagini, who looked satisfied, and said, "Once she returns to her human form, she will be equivalent to an intruder in the castle. I suggest you place her outside the school, in a place like the Forbidden Forest."

The movements of Rogge's hands slowed down. Nagini in wizard form was indeed not suitable to appear in his dormitory. He looked up at her face, and Nagini couldn't stop laughing at the light strokes of the quill.

"I remember there was a place in the Forbidden Forest that was quite empty."

"Master, don't drive me away, okay?" Upon hearing this, Nagini immediately hugged her tightly. Her soft snake body exerted slight force, trying to pull Luo into her arms.

Helena saw her little move and cursed contemptuously: "Fairy!"

"You are the goblin!" Nagini retorted immediately. She straightened her body and stared at the ghost in front of her: "This is where my master lives. You shouldn't come in!"

"Humph, peasant woman!" Helena raised her chin slightly and squinted arrogantly at Nagini, who had the head of a human and the body of a snake.

She made a proud gesture, and her words were full of disgust: "You, an orc who has been cursed by blood, are worthy of being in the same room with me? My surname is Ravenclaw, do you understand the weight of this surname?"

"If there was no Ravenclaw, there would be no Hogwarts at all." Helena crossed her arms in front of her chest, the arrogance on her face was beyond recognition.

"Don't move!" Rogge patted Nagini's tail to tell her to be more honest. He continued to concentrate on drawing, turning a deaf ear to the noise between the two.

In the confrontation with Helena, Nagini gradually fell into a disadvantage. No matter what she said, Helena could always overwhelm her with her knowledge and status.

Nagini was so angry that she gritted her teeth, but she couldn't hit the ghost. If you go head-to-head, the only one who gets hurt in the end is yourself.

"Master, she bullied me!" Nagini got into Rogge's arms and kept pushing her chest.

Rogge put down his quill and sighed quietly. He turned to look at Helena, who was maintaining a victorious posture, and said in a gentle tone: "Can't you read quietly for a while?"

"She provoked me first." Helena said and got into the crown, no longer paying attention to the outside.

Rogge helplessly held up Nagini's tear-stained face and said seriously: "Now is not the time to be playful. The patterns I drew will take effect on the full moon night. They will suppress the blood curse from the outside to the inside. Strength. According to my calculations, you can recover more of your body in only 1 to 2 times.

Next month, I will go to Ilvermorny with my teacher, maybe we can find a way to completely solve the blood curse. "

"Master, are you going to drive Nagini away?" Nagini cried as she spoke, and her aggrieved tone made people feel pity for her.

Rogge took a deep breath to calm his mind. It would be better for such a beautiful witch to be placed in the Forbidden Forest. He was worried that staying in the dormitory would affect his speed of drawing the knife.

"Be good." Rogge gently touched her head and comforted her: "The Forbidden Forest is very close to here. I will visit you often."

"Master..." Nagini cried and wrapped herself around Rogge like a rice dumpling.

She kept acting cute and coquettish, complaining in a sweet voice: "If I had known this, I wouldn't have let the master paint on me."

"Ahem!" Rogge pulled out his arm with difficulty and said, "What is painting? This is therapy."

Seeing that Nagini was so unwilling to leave him, he had no choice but to propose a compromise plan: "How about living in the Forbidden Forest on a full moon night?"

"Master, do you want to accompany me?"

Rogge nodded, agreeing to her request.

"Master is so kind to me!" Nagini beamed and kissed Rogge who was so close.

She also didn't forget to tighten the snake's body, because her master said that wizards use hugs to express their mood. She took it for granted that the harder it was, the more excited she felt.

"Don't...don't...let me go quickly." Rogge struggled hard, thinking that if he continued like this, he might have nightmares at night.

After a lot of effort, Rogge finally calmed Nagini down and let her return to the crystal ball to rest. Helena emerged from the crown and sat opposite Roger again, reading the book intently.

While tidying up the room that Nagini had messed up, Rogge asked Helena: "Aren't you going to see Barrow? The principal also went to comfort him, but he still kept crying all night."

"Tch, does it have anything to do with me?" Helena looked at her fingers and frowned. She said, "Roger, can you take the crown to the tower? I haven't got the nail trimming tools yet. .”

"Huh? Ghost still needs to trim her nails?" Rogge looked at the other party in shock. He really didn't think there was anything wrong with her nails.

Helena nodded and explained disapprovingly: "Don't think that ghosts are so boring. We also have our own way of life. Although we are dead, we still have no shortage of activities during our lives."

"Okay, I just have to go to Gryffindor." He said, changing into his school robe and putting the family's letter of recommendation into his arms.

I forgot to update as I was writing. I will update the second chapter soon.

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