A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 341 Harry learns the recipe

Although he let go of Professor Bathsheda's dove, Percy couldn't miss Scabbers in his hand. Hogwarts was quiet and noisy under the moonlight, and the people in the portrait started drinking and feasting again.

Percy, who was in charge of the night watch, separated from the other prefects and sneaked to the observatory alone. The castle in the night was quiet and mysterious. He looked around from time to time, always feeling like something unclean was following him.

"A ghost?" Percy didn't think much. He whispered from the observatory: "Rogg? Rogg?"

"Percy, good evening." Rogge's calm and deep voice suddenly came from behind him, but it scared Percy to jump up.

He wiped the sweat from his head and said with some shock: "Huh... I always feel like someone is following me, and it turns out to be you." There was a bit of relief in his tone.

"Really?" Rogge smiled noncommittally, and he also felt like he was being spied on. This feeling was so real, as if there were a pair of invisible eyes watching my every move in the dark.

Wandering around the castle at night, you can hide your body and accurately find the location of other people. Who else could it be besides Harry holding the Marauder's Map and wearing an invisibility cloak?

"I didn't follow you, but I have been waiting here." Rogge shook his head slowly, his eyes as sharp as knives, as if he wanted to see through some hidden secrets through the night. "Is there anything strange about you when you left Gryffindor?"

Percy lowered his head and thought for a moment, quickly replaying every detail of his departure in his mind. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he said, "Yes, Hermione's flat-faced cat barked at me and followed me out. I must be too sensitive. After all, who would follow the president of the student union?"

"Maybe." Rogge's answer was ambiguous. He took a step away without leaving any trace, exposing himself and the letter to the moonlight.

"I have three letters of recommendation here." He laid them out, the coat of arms of the Travis family shining brightly on them.

"The first letter of recommendation will allow you to go to the Auror office. You will become Mr. Delis's assistant, which is your father Arthur's superior department. Well, you can even issue orders to Arthur." Roger's face With a wicked smile.

Hearing this, Percy couldn't help but feel excited. As expected of the young master of the Travis family, a letter of recommendation carries far more weight than his father's decades of hard work at the Ministry of Magic. Although Arthur is the supervisor, there are only two people in the entire office.

Percy, however, was in no hurry to make a choice. He stood there quietly, waiting for Rogge to continue introducing the other two letters of recommendation. He knows that every choice he makes may change his future, and he is willing to wait until all options are presented to him.

"The second letter is from the Financial Secretary. Thompson has just assumed the position of Director, and there is a shortage of people under him." Rogge's voice was calm and melodious. He continued: "But you also know that the Financial Secretary is actually a cashier. After all, The economic center of the wizarding world is Gringotts in Diagon Alley."

"I understand." Percy's eyes sparkled with desire. He licked his lips and asked eagerly, "Where's the last letter?"

"Go to the minister's office, the lowest-ranking clerk." Roger placed the three letters of recommendation in front of Percy, curious which one he would choose.

Percy's eyes turned to the first letter of recommendation, the Auror Office, which was the real power department of the Ministry of Magic. However, in order to become Drex's assistant and gain more development opportunities, he must become an Auror. This is a choice that requires courage and determination.

The Financial Secretary's job sounds very tempting. Although in Roger's opinion it is just a cashier's position, in Percy's opinion, it is a lucrative job that is far away from danger.

Finally, his eyes fell on the third recommendation letter, an ordinary clerk. Although this position is the lowest level, it is close to the minister himself. For ambitious wizards, this is an opportunity to quickly approach the core of power, and people will bet on their future without hesitation.

A voice inside Percy growled, Choose it! Choose it! Choose it!

"I choose this!" Percy said firmly, placing his finger firmly on the third letter of recommendation.

Rogge smiled and nodded, and the other two letters burned to ashes in the moonlight: "Percy, you should go to Slytherin." There was a deep meaning in his words, which seemed to imply that Percy's choice was related to Slytherin. Lin's ambitions coincided with each other.

Percy carefully took the letter of recommendation that would determine his future and put it in his pocket. Hearing Rogge's frank and sincere evaluation, he didn't know how to respond for a while.

"At first, I thought Gryffindor would choose the Auror office." Roger's eyes glanced at the shadows in the corner. Even with the cover of the invisibility cloak, Harry Potter made some noises.

"But you chose the right..."

"Thank you, Roger." Percy's face turned red, but he did not refute, but calmly accepted Roger's evaluation of himself. He took out the Banban that was kept in the small cage and handed it to Rogge without hesitation.

"I am the one who should say thank you." Rogge raised the cage and looked at the panicked mouse towards the moon.

"I heard Ginny say you wanted it last year?" Percy asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"There was an experiment at that time, which required special animals." Rogge said, taking out the meat from his pocket, "However, that experiment has been completed."

I don't know if it was the food or the comfort of words, but the panicked Banban slowly calmed down. It held a pile of meat jerky and began to feast on it.

"Try a piece?" Roger handed him the paper bag, and Percy ate it without thinking. His reaction was so natural that he even surprised himself.

"Merlin's beard, it's so delicious!" Percy exclaimed sincerely, his eyes sparkling with love for this new food. At this moment, he felt that the taste of this square piece of meat was even better than the food cooked by his mother.

Percy couldn't help but grabbed another handful and asked, "What's it called?"

"Dried meat." Rogge handed the paper bag over, indicating that he could eat more if he liked it.

He leaned against the railing and introduced its production method intentionally or unintentionally: "First debone the material and remove the fascia and fat. You can understand that only lean meat is required."

Percy nodded and quickly took out his notebook to record. He is full of interest in this kind of delicious food that can be made by himself.

"The simpler way is to chop the lean meat into small pieces and add seasonings. Add whatever you like, even just a little salt." Rogge believes that with the cooking talent of the British wizard, he will be able to develop new flavors: Dark meat.

"Then marinate it for a while, roll it out as thin as possible. Finally, bake it in the oven and cut it into square slices."

"Yeah, I'll tell mom this recipe when I get back." Percy nodded. It seemed that making this kind of food called jerky was not complicated. He was already looking forward to eating this delicious dish when he returned home.

Harry Potter, who was hiding aside, secretly memorized the production method and gradually relaxed. It seems that the Christmas gift Roger gave himself is really just a gift, and there is no bad intention.

"What animal's lean meat is used?" Percy asked curiously.

"Well, anything should work." Rogge thought for a moment and added: "The kind you are eating now is made by my elf using hippogriffs. It is very chewy and nutritious..."


Before Rogge could finish speaking, a strange sound came from the dark corner, as if a cat was chewing its cud. Percy lit his wand and headed there.

Percy's question echoed in the quiet room, and Roger's answer made Harry Potter's heart clench. He covered his mouth tightly with one hand, and unconsciously tightened his other hand on the wand hidden in his robes.

His stomach was churning, and an unprecedented nausea made him almost vomit. Harry Potter's eyes flashed with an indescribable fear and anger, and his eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. He stared straight at Rogge's back, wishing he could rush out and kick him off the observatory now.

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