A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 343 Psychologically Unbalanced Percy

Percy's heart is full of imbalances and complex emotions, and he knows that parents' love for each child is not equal. In their eyes, they are the most worry-free child in the family. Although he received a lot of praise, he was often ignored and received the least care.

The eldest brother Bill likes to have long hair in a ponytail and wear earrings, and the second brother Charlie is also a maverick killer. In order not to cause trouble to his parents, Percy had to suppress his true thoughts and needs. He has always suppressed himself and studied hard, becoming a role model among his brothers. But this kind of depression made him feel lonely and helpless.

To be honest, Percy envied George and Fred's freedom and naughtiness, which allowed them to get more attention and pampering. As for Ron, maybe it was because his parents originally wanted a daughter, but unexpectedly got a son.

Percy thought silently in his heart, he thought Roger was right. If the property is distributed one day, the family will definitely leave most of the inheritance to those naughty children.

He could imagine how his mother would persuade him: "Percy, you are my good boy, you have always been my pride, and you are a role model for other children in the family to learn from.

You know, George and Fred were always making trouble and not doing their job. Ron had been using hand-me-downs from the family, and Ginny was the only and youngest daughter in the family. And Bill and Charlie, despite working for many years, are still as useless as your father Arthur..."

Such thoughts caused ripples in Percy's heart, and his eyes slowly turned red, even glistening under the moonlight. A sense of grievance of being ignored arises spontaneously, as if he is so out of place in this family, like an outsider who mistakenly enters a shabby house.

Anxiety and fear were like violent storms, violently impacting his soul. Percy swore secretly in his heart that he would never sit back and passively accept an unknown fate. He wants to control the rudder of his own destiny and fight for his own rights.

Rogge was almost ready to start the fire, and encouraged him softly: "The IOU is a trump card if you keep it in your hand. You can keep it properly. If one day in the future, you feel helpless in the face of their joint exclusion. You It can be used as a voucher to demand that they repay the galleons.”

"If they treat everyone equally, just pretend it doesn't exist." Rogge's advice was moderate, and it didn't sound like it would hurt the brothers' feelings, but it would also provide a sense of security for himself.

"After all, it is essential to be on guard against others." His voice revealed a hint of coldness, but it was also a portrayal of reality.

If Harry hadn't been eavesdropping, this would have been a perfect strategy, impeccable. However, Roger believed that Harry would definitely tell Ron and his twin brothers about this.

At that time, the IOU in Percy's hand was not insurance, but a needle that fell between the Weasley brothers. After all, whether it is real wealth or a luxurious villa in Godric's Hollow, it is a great temptation for anyone. The Weasley family may be able to share adversity, but who can guarantee that they will enjoy happiness together?

The price is just over 30 galleons of the principal amount owed. And the reward may be the antagonism between brothers. Wow, just thinking about it makes me excited.

Rogge cast his eyes on Percy's face. He wanted to know whether the Weasley family could withstand the test of wealth.

"I know." After careful consideration, Percy decided to follow Roger's suggestion.

The monthly interest rate of 8% does not sound excessive, but when converted into annual interest rate, it is 96%. In addition, this is compound interest, and this kind of debt is simply a man-eating abyss. If we delay for a few more years, by the time George and Fred graduate, they may not be able to close the hole even if they sell the family house.

Percy felt an inexplicable nausea. This feeling was not directed at Rogge, but at the twins who were carefree and laughing all day long. Thinking of having to wipe their butts every time and enduring their provocation, ridicule, and teasing, Percy's face became even more ugly.

"I will go to Aunt Muriel to borrow money to repay you." Percy said firmly, and he decided to keep the IOU in his hand to prevent possible disputes in the future.

"Of course." Rogge smiled and took out the IOU again and handed it to Percy.

Rogge quickly calculated in his mind: "Let's calculate it today, more than three months, 20% off." He suddenly laughed, and then said: "Erasing the 30 Galleons is actually more than the debt. slightly less."

"Thank you." Percy thanked him sincerely. He knew that if this IOU fell into the hands of those shrewd goblins in Gringotts, even half a Nat would be recovered.

Against the backdrop of the night, Rogge slowly walked to the outskirts of the observatory. His gaze penetrated the darkness and stopped on the bright Milky Way. He couldn't help but sincerely admired: "It's really a breathtakingly beautiful starry sky, isn't it?"

He seemed to question the air, and the air responded with its silence. After Roger and Percy's figures completely disappeared into the night, Harry quietly got out of the invisibility cloak and revealed himself.

He slowly took out a blank piece of parchment from his pocket and whispered an oath: "I solemnly swear that I will do no evil."

With the exception of the Room of Requirement and an unknown number of Chambers of Secrets, most of Hogwarts Castle is marked in detail on the Marauder's Map. The reason why it's not all is because Slytherin's new tower is not among them. However, Harry saw that the abandoned snake farm had many names that he had never heard of, which made him very curious.

However, what made him even more curious was why Rogge wanted to take Banban away, and where would he take him? Why was Peter's name on the map transferred from Percy to Roger?

Harry, who was full of doubts, decided to continue following Rogge. Through the Marauder's Map, he saw the other party stop at the entrance of Ravenclaw. After waiting for a while, we went to the Owlery. In the end, Roger walked straight to the tower, and his and Peter's names quietly disappeared from the map.

Just when he was wondering if the map was broken, a name walked around the corner and approached him: Severus Snape.

"The prank is over, Knox." Harry Potter quickly turned off the Marauder's Map, and the next second, Snape's glowing fluorescent wand was pointed at his head.

"Potter." Snape's voice was cold, and his eyes revealed an oppressive sharpness. "Why are you wandering in the corridor at night?"

Harry Potter couldn't help but take a step back, and he said without sincerity: "Professor, I am sleepwalking."

"Huh...sleepwalking?" Snape's mouth twitched slightly, obviously scorning this excuse. In his eyes, Harry Potter was so arrogant that he didn't even bother to make up a decent reason to explain his behavior.

Did Harry think his excuse was magical, or did he feel that the professor's brain had been eaten away. Snape's displeasure grew stronger, and he said sarcastically: "You are almost exactly the same as your father."

"He is the same, arrogant. Just because of his slight talent in Quidditch, he thinks he is superior to others. He and his friends and admirers are so arrogant... Humph, you two are so scary. ." Snape looked at Harry's familiar eyes and suddenly felt an inexplicable boredom.

He quickly stopped this terrible thought. He thought that Harry's existence had tarnished the original purity of these eyes.

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