A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 344 Lupine breaks into Slytherin at night

"My father is not arrogant." Harry subconsciously defended his father. At the same time, he looked at Snape firmly and retorted loudly: "Me neither. If you don't mind, don't point the wand at me!"

Snape's eyes stayed on Harry's face for a few seconds. Harry, who was always cautious in Potions class, seemed to learn how to bravely face his own authority overnight. He suddenly realized that Harry was no longer the child he was when he first entered school. He had changed a lot in terms of height and personality.

Although Snape felt that Harry's character was just as bad as his father's, as horribly arrogant. It makes people want to tie him with rocks and kick him into the smelly ditch. But in the face of Harry's resistance, Snape lowered his wrist and pointed at his pocket.

"Turn things out of your pockets." Snape ordered in a calm tone. Seeing that Harry was indifferent, he repeated slowly and with emphasis: "I say it again, turn your pockets out!"

Harry and Snape looked at each other for a moment, and finally took out a piece of ordinary-looking tattered parchment from his pocket. That's the Marauder's Map, something he's been using a lot lately.

"Of course you can't carry parchment with you to record inspiration and thoughts. Right?" Snape asked sarcastically, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

Harry didn't answer, just stared at the blank parchment silently, but his heart was unusually calm. He didn't think Snape knew how to use it, and the old bat certainly didn't understand its secrets.

"I, Professor Severus Snape, command you to reveal the hidden information!" Snape clicked his wand on the parchment, his voice carrying unquestionable authority.

As soon as he finished speaking, writing slowly appeared on the surface of the originally smooth parchment, as if an invisible hand was writing on the paper.

"Read it," Snape ordered coldly.

Harry glanced at Snape, and then clearly read the words on the paper: "Mr. Moon-face greeted Professor Snape and asked him not to stick his abnormally large nose into other people's business." .”

Snape's body stiffened for a moment, and some unpleasant memories flashed through his mind. But the map did not give up, and new text appeared under the first paragraph.

"Mr. Prongs agrees with Moony's words, and would also like to add..." Harry continued to read, and Snape's face grew grimmer every time he read a name.

There are Moon Face, Prongs, Padfoot, and Wormtail on the map. Every message from the four of them is full of banter, and they are all cordial greetings to Snape.

Snape couldn't help but recall all the evil deeds committed by the four marauders when he was young. The anger in his heart was like lava ejected from the crater of a volcano, and he angrily yelled at Harry: "You daring little (bastard)..." However, before he could finish his words, Lupine appeared behind him in time.

"Lupin, if you don't sleep at night, are you going to take a walk under the moonlight?" Snape asked, with obvious anger in his tone.

Lupine did not answer directly. He put his hands in his pockets, looked at Harry, and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

"That depends on the situation." Snape said as he took the map from Harry's hand, pointed to the parchment in his hand and said to Lupine, "I just confiscated Mr. Potter's little toy that is full of evil powers. .Look, Lupin, evil magic is your specialty. Where do you think he got it?"

Lupine looked up, and with just one glance he warned Harry not to interrupt.

"Is it full of evil?" Lupine's tone was gentle, but to Snape's ears, it was full of provocation.

"Severus, I think it's just a piece of parchment. It humiliates anyone who wants to read it. I guess it's from Zuko's joke shop." Lupine's words were obviously to excuse Harry and defend him. Defense of conduct that humiliates professor. Seeing Snape trying to seize it, he immediately moved the map away.

"However, I still carefully investigate whether it contains any hidden secrets. After all, as you said, evil magic is my specialty." Lupine made Snape speechless and could only watch him put away the parchment. .

Watching Harry leave with Lupin, Snape, who was humiliated by the map, felt very complicated. He couldn't help but sigh: "Harry Potter is no longer the same kid as when he entered school."

He extinguished the fluorescent light on the tip of his staff and walked into the darkness alone.

Harry followed the professor to his office and was tutored by Lupine. Before he left, he suddenly told Lupine a question: "I saw Peter Pettigrew's name on it and saw him running to Rogge. However, I didn't see him. I thought it was possible. The map is broken."

Lupine frowned and stared at Harry. As one of the makers of the Marauder's Map, he was very confident in his skills. The Marauder's Map was accurate, and he believed that Harry wouldn't lie.

Since the ghost is not within the marked range of the map, who is Peter Pettigrew that Harry saw?

"Wormtail?" Lupine felt uneasy in his heart. This name brought back the sad memories deep in his mind.

He took out his magic wand and said, "I solemnly swear that I will do no evil."

The Marauder's Map responded immediately, showing a detailed view of the entire campus and the names of most of the students. Dumbledore was resting peacefully in the headmaster's office, and Snape was still patrolling the castle. Percy was with several prefects, and there were two pairs of overlapping footprints in a certain men's room...

Lupin's wand glowed with fluorescent light and moved across every part of the map. There are indeed students named Peter at the school, but there is no one named Peter Pettigrew. He breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that maybe Harry was mistaken.

Peter Pettigrew was dead. This was confirmed by the Ministry of Magic. He himself was posthumously awarded the Order of Merlin, First Class.

Lupine knew that if the Peter Harry saw was the Wormtail he knew, it would cause endless problems.

"He entered here." Harry pointed to the blank space on Clock Square without hesitation and explained: "Slytherin's Tower, it is not within the scope of the Marauder's Map."

Lupine's nerves became tense again. When they made the Marauder's Map, the Slytherin students lived by the Black Lake. Now it has been leased to the mermaids, and the snakes have moved to the tower. This change means that the Marauder's Map does not contain the latest buildings, and it is impossible to peek at the people who live there.

"I did see it," Harry said firmly, with a look in his eyes that made it impossible for Lupine to doubt his words.

Lu Ping took a few deep breaths and tried to calm the turmoil in his heart. There was a twisted expression on his face, obviously trying to control his emotions.

The Marauder's Map is not only his pride, but also a miracle he and his friends created together. It should be foolproof.

He wouldn't even suspect that Harry was lying to him and bringing up a dead person's name, which didn't make any sense. Lupine knew that Harry was not the type to make things out of nothing, and the name Peter Pettigrew had special meaning to both of them.

"Slytherin?" Lupine whispered, his eyes fixed on the blank space on the map.

He decided to continue improving the Marauder's Map and include Slytherin's tower in order to figure out what was going on. Maybe the empty space in Clock Square really hides his friend Wormtail.

After letting Harry go back to rest, Lupine sat in the office silently for a long time. He thought over and over again and decided to go to Slytherin Tower tonight.

He thought he knew the castle very well and had walked through every secret passage. Now, as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, he can patrol the castle openly. Just by mapping out Stirling Tower, you can verify who Harry was seeing.

Under the moonlight, the Slytherin Tower stands on Clock Square, like a noble and mysterious noble. Its outer wall was dyed silvery white by the moonlight, flowing with mysterious light.

There are gargoyles sitting on each eaves of the tower. They are slender and lifelike. At the highest point of the tower, there are four gargoyles guarding it.

Their appearance is ugly and ferocious, with strong muscles, wide wings and sharp claws. Their faces were distorted, exuding a frightening aura. However, it is this ugliness and ferocity that enables them to scare away demons and protect the tranquility of the tower.

After all, angels use evil to scare away devils, and devils use beauty to seduce humans.

Lupine stood in front of the tower, his eyes firm and calm. He paid little attention to the motionless sculptures; to him, they were mere decorations for purebloods to show off their heritage.

He came to the side of the tower and prepared to climb in through the window. When he reached into the window and was about to grab the window frame, a deadly breath hit him like a needle.

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