A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 345 The Suffering Looters

Lupine's heart shrank suddenly, as if a pair of invisible eyes fell from the sky, staring at him closely. Without any hesitation, he immediately turned over and jumped off the high wall.


A black shadow passed by with lightning speed, and the sharp claws struck his original position, creating several dazzling sparks on the outer wall. The moonlight fell quietly on the ground, and the figure of the gargoyle half hidden in the shadow was outlined very clearly.

"Split into pieces!" Lupine swung his wand, and the spell was like a loose arrow, accurately hitting the gargoyle that was ready to attack.

With a "bang" sound, the gargoyle instantly turned into countless large and small rocks, scattered on the ground, making a clanging sound.

Rogge, who was in the dormitory, witnessed all this through the window and couldn't help clapping his hands. The professor's skills are really flexible, which is rare among wizards.

Lu Ping breathed a sigh of relief and was about to turn around and leave. However, when he looked up, he found that he was surrounded by dozens of gargoyles. If that was all, he didn't have to worry at all, he could easily leave with the help of his wand.

However, above their heads, four huge gargoyles waved their powerful wings. It was as if a formation of iron barrels had been constructed, trapping him tightly.

The rubble behind him slowly floated up and reorganized into a gargoyle with a fierce glint in its eyes. Each of their eyes emits a breathtaking green light, like a pack of wolves in the wilderness, staring at their prey.

"How spectacular." Rogge put Banban on the windowsill and knocked on the cage to tell him to look down. "Do you think he can escape?"

Banban looked at Lu Ping's hesitant appearance and secretly rejoiced in his heart. He wished those stone monsters would attack harder, and it would be best to kill Lupine under the tower.

Just as he was immersed in his vicious fantasy, a cat's paw suddenly reached into the cage. The sharp hooked nails easily penetrated into its fur, trying to claw it out.


Banban, who was in pain, looked back and saw a delicate cat face pressed against the cage. Yumi's beard trembled slightly, and it seemed that it regarded the black mouse in the cage as a new toy.

Rogge patted Youmi gently to signal not to kill the mouse in the cage. Banban took advantage of Youmi's distraction and endured the severe pain to break free from the cat's claws.

He hid in a corner of the cage with tears streaming down his face. He finally escaped from Gryffindor's Crookshanks, thinking that there were no annoying cats in Slytherin. But why? Why does Roger keep a cat in the dormitory? Doesn't he raise owls?

Even Ron knew that mice and cats couldn't be kept in the same room. Scabbers didn't understand how Roger could be so stupid. He even didn't understand why the little wizard of the Travis family needed him. He is just an ordinary, greedy mouse. Could it be that in Rogge's eyes, exchanging a recommendation letter for him was just a toy for the cat in front of him?

Scabbers's two little black bean eyes couldn't help but shed tears. He wanted to jump out of the window and find his master, Ron Weasley. However, when he saw the gargoyles flying around below, he got scared again.

Rogge looked at the trembling Banban and continued to tease him: "Tell me, is that big black dog lurking around? Is this a specially designed trap?"

Scabbers' fearful look made Rogge couldn't help but laugh: "Don't worry, he can't get in. Slytherin Tower has very good defense measures. You see, even Lupine is in danger, not to mention the Where’s the bereaved dog?”

"If he wasn't a school professor, the four gargoyles in the sky would tear him apart with their claws."

Hearing Rogge's words, Banban glanced down secretly. Lupine's face and body were covered with bloodstains, and the gargoyles he crushed recovered one after another. The four gargoyles in the sky still had no end. They seemed to be the referees of this duel, watching coldly and proudly.

"Except for having a nasty cat, Slytherin is indeed safer than Gryffindor." Scabbers agreed silently in his heart, but he hoped that the nasty kitten would stay away from him.

Crookshanks has the blood of a cat and is always wary of him. However, Yuumi in front of him was just treating him like a toy. Comparing the two, Peter didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Youmi, it's time for midnight snack." Rogge picked it up and threw some dried meat into the cage.

Banban smelled the meat and couldn't help but grab it and bite it. He didn't know if there would be any danger in the future, but he could guarantee that the treatment here would definitely be better than before. It looked around at the clean and tidy bedroom, the soft beds, and the luxurious furniture... Even the late-night snack that Roger prepared for the pets was more sumptuous than the Weasley family's Christmas dinner.

These favorable conditions make Banban feel very comfortable and satisfied. Although it has not been cared for as carefully as Yuumi, this does not prevent it from being narcissistic.

"Trying to break into other colleges in the middle of the night is probably something only a group of passionate lions can do." Rogge complained as he put the small bowl of soda into the cage.

Banban immediately put down the meat in his hand and couldn't wait to taste this fruity drink that was popular in the school. He took long whirlwind inhales, his body shaking with satisfaction.

"It tastes so good!" He sighed over and over in his mind, "If I had known that being a pet of a pure-blood family would be so comfortable, I should have turned into a cat when I was learning Animagus."

Banban looked enviously at Yumi in Rogge's arms, enjoying the massage and being picky about late night snacks. As for the Weasley family, they have been kicked out of the pure-blood sequence by Scabbers.

"Scabbers, as Harry's roommate, do you know about the Marauder's Map?" Rogge suddenly asked.

Banban, who was drinking soda, couldn't help but choked when he heard these words and couldn't stop sneezing. His heartbeat quickened, his eyes widened, and his face was full of horror.

As one of the makers of the Marauder's Map, Banban is well aware of the role of that map. But he remembered that the map was confiscated by Filch, otherwise how could he dare to appear in Hogwarts openly.

During the school Christmas dinner, I was at the same table as Dumbledore. The greatest white wizard in the magic world today didn't recognize himself either.

"The Marauder's Map?" Hearing Rogge mention it, Banban felt like a bolt from the blue hitting him.

He imagined someone opening the parchment and reading the oath. Then Peter Pettigrew's name would appear on it. His death hoax will be revealed and his betrayal of James...

Banban's little hands hugged her head tightly, and her body trembled involuntarily, as if this could dispel the fear.

"He must be threatening me." Banban comforted himself in his mind, but he soon found that this idea was untenable.

"If the Marauder's Map really didn't appear, Rogge shouldn't have known about it given his age." This thought made Scabbers even more frightened. "Although I, Peter, am as timid as a mouse, I am not stupid!"

He firmly believed that Rogge must have information about the Marauder's Map. I've even seen the Marauder's Map. If he deliberately deceived Percy and tricked himself into using letters of recommendation...

Once this terrifying thought occurs, it will never be forgotten. Banban felt cold fear rising up his spine, and his body trembled involuntarily, like leaves in the cold wind. Helplessness and despair came over me like an abyss. I looked out the window at the dark night with empty eyes, feeling that there was light there.

"Slytherins are all demons." Peter shouted in his mind.

Fear surged into his heart like a tide, and he felt as if a pair of invisible hands were tightly strangling his throat, making it impossible to breathe. He knew that he had to find a way to escape from the cage and leave this suffocating place.

"I want to leave Hogwarts!" Scabbers roared deep in his heart.

Compared with Rogge who is relaxed and comfortable upstairs, Luping downstairs is in a hard fight and is in a state of embarrassment. He never expected that Slytherin's defense measures would be so sharp. Just putting his hand through the window activated the guardian beast.

The gargoyle, which was originally just a sculpture, seemed to be given life at this moment, transforming into a tireless and death-free midnight guard, constantly launching attacks on him. As for the four gargoyles, the reason why they didn't attack must be because someone was secretly watching the show.

"Snape!" Lupine shouted and asked, "Are your Slytherin defense measures so sensitive?"

He rolled on the ground in panic, avoiding another gargoyle attack. The originally tattered clothes were torn into pieces, and there were bloody claw marks from head to toe.

"This is revenge!" Lupine roared in his heart. He firmly believed that Snape, as the headmaster, must have known that someone had triggered the defense measures.

The gargoyles' attacks became faster and Lupine didn't even have time to speak.

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