A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 346 Lupine escorted by Snape

Snape stood in the shadow of the castle corridor, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a rare bright smile. There was some indescribable light shining in his eyes, which was the pleasure of schadenfreude and revenge.

His eyes followed Lupine's every move. When he saw the shattered gargoyle restored to its original state, Snape's smile became a little ferocious. He seemed to be enjoying a well-choreographed drama, and he was the most attentive audience.

When Lupine found a loophole and tried to escape, the gargoyles quickly and accurately blocked all the gaps, using their wings to whip up strong winds and stop Lupine. Snape's smile reached its peak at this moment, and his eyes flashed with hearty pleasure.

He looked at the bitter expression on Lupine's mouth and even hummed a tune in a low voice. He thought that if Slytherin had these stone statue guards back then, then their marauders would have been killed long ago, and there would be no trouble now.

The defense of Slytherin Tower is so strong now, all thanks to one person: Mr. Savior - Harry Potter. It was his bravery and intelligence (being caught breaking into Slytherin with Polyjuice Potion) that gave Rogge reason to propose a new house building.

The boomerang thrown by Harry hit Lupin accurately after many days. Snape had to admit that they both deserved to be Gryffindor students. Their bravery and wisdom are truly jaw-dropping.

Half an hour later, Lu Ping was so tired that he was sweating profusely and half-kneeling on the ground out of breath. More than a dozen gargoyles were tireless and still watched with eager eyes. He had no strength to resist. As long as a gargoyle scratched his throat with its claws, Lupine would lose his life because of his impulsiveness and recklessness.

"Petrify them all!" Lu Ping chanted a spell and waved his wand as fast as lightning, trying to immobilize these crazy attacking guys.

However, these magical sculptures made of stone inherently block the effects of the petrification spell. Two gargoyles came one behind the other and launched a fierce attack on Lupine. He dodged the attack from behind, but his wand was knocked away by a gargoyle, and he lost his weapon.

Lupine's figure dodged awkwardly in the moonlight, and every time there was danger. There were many wounds on his body, and blood seeped out, staining his tattered clothes red.

Snape stood aside, with a cold light in his eyes, admiring the bruised and bruised Lupin. As the head of Slytherin, he has the authority to command those gargoyles in the sky to join the battle. However, Dumbledore informed him that enough was enough.

So, he chose a more cruel way to let Lupine enjoy the fun of fighting. This was not torture, but a friendly greeting to his former classmates.

"How beautiful." Snape looked at Lupine fighting with the gargoyles under the tower, as if admiring a picture woven of pain and blood.

Lupine was becoming more and more strenuous in this battle, his breathing became rapid, and every dodge seemed inadequate. However, when he dodged the gargoyle's attack again, he immediately used a wandless spell: "Phantom Spell."

In an instant, his figure disappeared into the air. This move was unexpected, leaving the gargoyles stunned in mid-air. They lost their attack target and were at a loss for a while.

Snape's expression turned ferocious when he saw this scene. He hadn't expected Lupine to be able to perform magic without a wand, which made him feel a twinge of anger and frustration.

Rogge looked at the empty ground and couldn't help but sigh: "Good method."

Just when he thought Professor Lupine could escape smoothly, applause suddenly broke out in the square. Snape stepped out of the shadows and spoke slowly, his tone full of sarcasm: "What a beautiful performance."

He pulled out his wand, with a cold light in his eyes, and slowly recited the counter-spell: "Appearance Spell."

As his spell took effect, Lupine's form reappeared in the waves of air. There was a wry smile on his face, obviously not expecting Snape to stop him so quickly.

Those gray gargoyles found their target, and they attacked without emotion, their claws spread wide, as if they were about to tear Lupine into pieces at the next moment.

Lupine closed his eyes tightly, waiting for death to come. However, the expected pain did not come, but instead there was a burst of more unrestrained ridicule.

"Haha, isn't this our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Remus John Lupin? It seems that you like walking under the moonlight." Snape walked over slowly and tapped the man standing in mid-air with his wand. Gargoyles.

"I, Severus Snape, in my capacity as Head of Slytherin, order you to return to your positions." Snape was firm and majestic, and the gargoyles and gargoyles flying in the air responded to his order instantly. , returned to the original position of the tower.

They become static sculptures again, as if they had never left. The moonlight once again shone on Lu Ping, who was covered in bloodstains. His patched clothes hung in strips on his body, looking particularly desolate.

Lupine slowly raised his head and stared at Snape: "Thank you." Although his voice was low, it was full of gratitude.

"Thank me? Did I hear you correctly?" Snape snorted coldly, his eyes full of ridicule.

A smile appeared on his lips, and he said in an almost gentle tone: "Oh, Lupin, this really flatters me. Do you think that a cold and ruthless person like me needs your thanks? "

"I am not as timid as you or James, and I will show mercy when I can kill the enemy." Snape's eyes fell on the parchment in the pile of rags, and he warned sternly: "Don't move. "

He pushed Lupine away, and when he saw the other person falling to the ground, his heart felt as sweet as honey. Resisting the urge to laugh loudly, he bent down and picked up the parchment.

Snape opened it slowly, then closed it bit by bit. It seemed that through this ineffective action, Lupine would bleed more, thus increasing his pain.

"Lupin, how are you doing with your research on the evil arts?" Snape's voice had a hint of arrogance, like an Auror judging prisoners, his sharp eyes fixed on Lupine.

Looking at Lupine, who was silent and stood up slowly while holding on to the pillar, he asked: "Don't tell me that after studying for a long time, you just tried to break into Slytherin with a prop full of evil magic in the middle of the night. Do you want to What to do?"

He put his wand on Lupine's chin and warned with a fierce look: "You have to understand your identity! Don't think that just because you are a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, you have the qualifications to break into other colleges. You are not a wizard. It's an infected person carrying the werewolf virus. Thank Principal Dumbledore, otherwise you would have died under the claws of the gargoyle."

"Or, die under my wand! Let's go!" Snape's scolding was like a cold whip, and he pushed hard, making Lupine stagger a few steps.

He weakly raised his legs and walked towards the castle. When he looked up at the bright window of the principal's office, he felt helpless and believed that Snape's words were true. If this wasn't Hogwarts, if it wasn't Dumbledore, Snape would never let him go.

Lupine felt like a prisoner being escorted along by Snape.

I went out during the day and didn't come back until 8pm. I'm typing the second update in hand.

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