A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 347 Dumbledore’s Tolerance

"I think Mr. Snape must be very happy now." Roger patted the cage, happy that the professor could collect some interest from the prisoners who bullied him.

He lifted the cage, stared into Scabbers' black bean-sized eyes, and asked, "Did you see that piece of parchment? Don't you think it looks familiar?"

"Sheep...parchment..." Banban recalled what he had just seen, and his psychological defense completely collapsed.

No matter how impulsive Lupine was, he would not break into Slytherin at night. He is a dangerous werewolf, an alien hated by the wizarding world. Once such behavior is discovered, one will definitely be disqualified from being a professor, or even be sent to Azkaban to keep company with dementors.

"Hmm..." Suddenly, Banban let out a piercing scream, and his body instantly stiffened, as straight as a puppet.

"Scared to death?" Rogge's voice was filled with confusion. He tilted his head and stared at Banban's still body with burning eyes. Next to you, Yuumi also looked very puzzled. She gently poked the mouse with her paws, trying to confirm whether it was alive or dead.

However, Banban's body showed no reaction. Its limbs were straight and showed no signs of life.

Facing Banban who was motionless and not breathing. Rogge still didn't let down his guard. He waved his wand and shouted: "Collapse."

This time, Banban in the cage was awakened by magic. Its belly began to rise and fall regularly, and it entered a deep and sweet sleep, just like a baby.

"Pretending to be dead?" Rogge snorted, "You won't have to pretend to be dead soon."

In the principal's office, Dumbledore was wearing a nightgown with a pattern of Moonstruck Beast and a pointed nightcap on his head, sitting behind his desk. His figure looked very solemn in the dim light.

Fawkes, the phoenix perched on the perch, looked at Snape and Lupin curiously. It didn't understand why one professor escorted another professor to see Albus. The previous principals hanging on the wall stared at Lupine curiously, wondering why he would do such an unwise thing.

Blood trickled down the wound and pooled at his ankle. Looking at the shocking red on the carpet. Dumbledore sighed, waved his wand gently, and cast a spell to stop the bleeding.

Lupine's face was as pale as paper, and his lips were purple due to blood loss. His voice was weak and trembling: "I'm sorry, Principal."

Dumbledore looked through his half-rimmed glasses and stared at Lupine deeply and sternly: "This cannot be explained by just saying sorry."

"I am willing to accept any punishment, but I also hope you can listen to the reason why I did this..." Lupine's voice was weak, but there was a trace of determination.

Snape interrupted him coldly: "I'm afraid it's not the reason, but the excuse used to get away with it."

Dumbledore waved his hand gently and said in a gentle tone: "Severus, let's hear Lupin's reasons first."

Lupine fell into silence. He thought about it again and again, and finally decided to speak out: "On that map, there is the name of Peter Pettigrew."

He chose to take full responsibility and was unwilling to involve Harry, even if it meant he might be fired.

The atmosphere in the principal's office suddenly became tense. It was almost suffocatingly quiet. Only the heavy and clear breathing of three people could be heard.

"Map? Didn't you mean evil props?" Snape was the first to break the silence, with playfulness and teasing in his voice.

He was so familiar with the four predators that he wanted to skin them all. When he mentioned Pettigrew, his mind immediately thought of the yes-man who always followed James Potter.

Lupine did not argue with Snape, but calmly pointed his wand at the Marauder's Map and recited the oath. The map opened instantly, and it was densely filled with the names of almost everyone in the school.

Dumbledore's eyes moved between the names on the map. He frowned slightly, and then slowly shook his head: "There is no name for him. Maybe you saw it wrong."

Lupine shook his head firmly, his voice low and powerful: "He is in Slytherin. I have confidence in the Marauder's Map that I made with my own hands."

"Principal, he is still alive! Do you know what this means?" Lu Ping shouted anxiously, "There must be something wrong with what happened back then!"

His words echoed in the office, and Dumbledore's eyes darkened. But accusations alone were not enough, he needed evidence.

Dumbledore knocked on the table gently to calm down the agitated Lupine. He pointed to the map and asked in a serious tone: "Do you know what this means?"

"Drawing a map of Hogwarts privately. If it falls into the hands of a dark wizard or a Death Eater, have you thought about the consequences?" Dumbledore's voice was serious and powerful, and his words were not without purpose.

The secret passages, rooms, and names on the Marauder's Map are all real. Once it falls into the hands of an evil wizard, the lives of students may be in danger. Lupine lowered his head. Faced with such a question, he didn't know how to respond.

Dumbledore sighed and threw the Marauder's Map to Fawkes. The phoenix on the perch breathed out a mouthful of fire, burning it to ashes instantly.

"Albus..." Snape looked at the principal in surprise. This move meant that Lupine would not be punished more seriously.

"As for your attempt to break into Slytherin, I will discuss with the deans after dawn how to deal with it." Dumbledore raised his hand and motioned Snape to stop talking, "Now, what you need is not a name. Instead of chasing him fiercely, he went to the school hospital to seek treatment from Madam Pomfrey."

Lu Ping nodded numbly and left the principal's office dejectedly.

"Albus, why did you destroy the Marauder's Map?" Snape asked, pointing to the pile of ashes.

Dumbledore walked up to Snape and motioned for him to sit down: "Lupine is not such an impulsive wizard. He will not break into Slytherin easily without conclusive evidence."

His words revealed his trust and tolerance for Lupine, but Snape didn't think so: "But you shouldn't let him go so easily. At least kick him out of the school!"

"Are there few injuries on his body?" Dumbledore cast his eyes on Snape and said calmly: "I know the conflicts between you, but Severus, you must understand that Lupine is on our side. Comrades around you."

Snape questioned: "A werewolf?"

"It was only temporary, he was still a wizard."

"I don't agree." Snape shook his head. "Rogge once had a plan to use those sinful werewolves to study the werewolf virus. However, Lupine refused."

"If a werewolf becomes our enemy in the future, who can guarantee which side he will be on?"

"I'll guarantee it!" Dumbledore responded domineeringly. He insisted: "Severus, as Rogge's teacher, you must understand that we are not the Wizengamot and cannot decide anyone's life or death."

"Even if he is guilty?" Snape asked.

"That's right." Dumbledore and Snape looked at each other for a long time, neither of them giving in.

"Have you ever thought that if the name Lupine saw was real..." Dumbledore suddenly raised a possibility.

"He is lying." Snape interrupted him and said clearly: "Tonight, I caught Harry in the corridor of the castle. He was wandering around the castle with the Marauder's Map. Lupin finally He snatched the map away, and that’s what happened next.”

"Harry can't be wrong, can he?" Dumbledore put down his glasses and asked.

The corners of Snape's mouth twitched slightly, unable to deny what Albus said, "Maybe, but it was Sirius who killed Lily." After saying that, he turned and left, diving into the endless darkness.

"Dumbledore, if that man named Peter appears in school, will Sirius be wronged?" Principal Black on the wall suddenly said, "I firmly believe that there will never be a traitor in our Black family who betrays his friends."

"Things will always come to light." Dumbledore did not respond. He walked to the window and looked at the tower in Clock Square.

I forgot to write the chapter name T.T. I’ll ask the editor to fill it in tomorrow.

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