Regarding Lupine's intrusion into Slytherin, the school announced its handling opinions that afternoon. He received a probation notice, which was not a heavy punishment for him, especially considering that his professorship was retained.

In the coming days, as long as Lupine doesn't make any more mistakes, this disciplinary incident is likely to be gradually forgotten by everyone as time goes by.

However, Snape was extremely dissatisfied with such a painless punishment. He believed that such punishment lacked sufficient deterrence and was almost equivalent to a disguised encouragement of Professor Lupine's behavior.

He couldn't help but think back to the retired Professor of Magical Creatures, who was still at ease in the school despite being on 63 academic probations.

In this meeting, Snape expressed his position righteously. He believes that the school should impose more severe penalties on Professor Lu Ping's disciplinary violations to maintain the school's discipline and reputation. But other deans did not support him, and in the end, an absolute majority approved the punishment of Professor Lu Ping being placed on probation.

In Potions class, Daphne turned her head and asked with a hint of confusion: "Roger, do you think our dean is sick?"

"Huh?" Rogge looked at her doubtfully and said, "Why? I think he looks pretty good."

"No way, you are too careless." Daphne whispered quietly, "Look, he didn't give Harry any trouble today."

Rogge heard this and looked towards Gryffindor, only to see Harry immersed in brewing the potion. Snape was not staring at Harry with his death gaze as usual.

Although he passed by him many times, he only glanced casually and continued towards other students. This abnormal behavior made Rogge feel a little strange.

"It's a bit abnormal." Roger nodded and agreed with Daphne.

Snape loved and hated Harry Potter, and would give him earnest instructions in every Potions class. But today his attitude was unusually cold. This made Rogge wonder and wonder, what happened?

However, he was also happy for his teacher. It's best to stay away from troublesome guys like Harry Potter. Whatever the reason for Professor Snape's change of attitude, it's a step forward and may mean he can finally let go of his commitment to Harry.

Roger smiled and reminded Daphne: "Then we have to be careful. Without Mr. Savior's ability to attract the dean's fire, he may vent his anger on other people."

"That's true." Daphne nodded in agreement. When she saw Snape coming this way, she quickly turned to stare at the potion in her cauldron.

Potions class ended with an eerie calm, the atmosphere in the class so peaceful that everyone felt uneasy. Even the person involved, Harry Potter, felt a little uncomfortable. It seemed that if Snape didn't criticize himself for a day, he would feel itchy and uncomfortable all over his body.

After class, Ron couldn't hold back his curiosity and approached Harry and asked: "Harry, did you report Snape?"

"Report?" Harry repeated, a confused look on his face.

"Yes, he didn't cause any trouble for us today. Merlin, that's really weird!" Ron's face was full of excitement, and he put his arm on Harry's shoulders, and continued: "I have wanted to report him for a long time, he is so evil. Professor should be kicked out of Hogwarts."

They walked back to Gryffindor arm in arm, and Harry looked at Ron from time to time, struggling in his mind whether to tell him the truth about Percy selling Scabbers.

But every time the thought crossed his mind, Harry thought about an argument between them, or even the possibility of a physical altercation. This made him very hesitant. He didn't want to ruin the relationship between the Weasley brothers because of his words.

They spoke to the Fat Lady, who was back at work, and walked into the common room. I saw Hermione holding a lot of books and preparing to go to the library to study.

The principal and professors finally let Bloody Barrow leave the underground warehouse, and the students no longer had to endure the screams and cries coming from the ghost's mouth.

"Hermione, where is my Scabbers?" Ron stood at the door, stretched out his arm to stop Hermione, and asked, "I haven't seen it for several days!"

Hermione frowned and replied impatiently: "Then you should look for it yourself. Maybe it's hidden under your bed. Get out of the way!" She didn't understand why Ron didn't put his mouse in a cage. inside.

Hearing Hermione's direct response, Ron was choked and speechless. He pointed at Hermione, his fingers trembling slightly: "You!"

"I said, get out of the way!" Hermione mercilessly pushed aside Ron and Harry who were blocking her way, and walked towards the library holding her textbooks.

"The weirdo who spends all day in the library doesn't even know how to do Quidditch. I bet she goes to do homework with the Slytherin guys again." Ron muttered angrily from behind, "She should Being assigned to Ravenclaw, she doesn't deserve to be in Gryffindor with us!"

Harry looked at Ron's back and felt helpless in his heart. He knew that Ron didn't really hate Hermione, he was just trying to get her attention this way. However, Miss Granger didn't buy it.

Ron returned to the dormitory angry and cursing. He searched carefully again, but still couldn't find any trace of Banban.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on a bright red color on the bed sheets, which looked extremely dazzling. What shocked him even more was that Crookshanks' cat hair was scattered around. He let out a scream, grabbed the sheets, and rushed out of the dormitory.

"Everyone, come and see!" he roared, waving the sheets to show the blood stains on them to the others.

"Ron, what is that?" Colin asked curiously.

Some senior wizards had joking smiles on their faces, and some wizards suspected that Ron had hemorrhoids at such a young age. Or, a certain witch got into his bed at night; what's more, she looked between Ron and Harry with a malicious look, as if she suspected that there was friendship between them.

"Blood! Didn't you see it?" Ron shouted in front of everyone's strange eyes, "It's dead! Don't you know?"

Seeing that everyone was still confused, Ron had to continue to explain: "My Scabbers was killed by Hermione's cat, that ugly flat-faced beast!" His voice was full of grief and anger, The accusations against Crookshanks and the resentment toward Hermione were palpable.

As he spoke, he pinched a piece of ginger cat hair from the sheets, raised it and roared angrily: "I knew it had been coveting Scabbers! Now, it finally succeeded!"

Ron's eyes flashed with blood red, as if he had seen the tragic scene of his pet being disemboweled by Crookshanks and biting its head.

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