A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 349 Ron was permanently expelled

Harry hurriedly stepped forward to stop Ron, but the latter was completely blinded by anger and ignored Harry's words.

"Harry, if you are my friend, don't stop me!" Ron's voice was full of unquestionable determination, and he glared at Harry, "Don't defend Granger, it's hers The kitten ate my Scabbers!"

He hugged the sheets and stormed out of Gryffindor. The students followed curiously, and the group rushed into the library.

Ron pushed open the library door with all his strength and shouted regardless, "Granger!"

His voice echoed in the quiet library, causing dust to fall from the bookshelves. Madam Pince, the administrator, stared at Ron Weasley with a dagger-like gaze and a murderous fury.

"Shh, don't go." Rogge grabbed Hermione who was about to get up and gently pressed her on the chair: "This is the library, Mrs. Pince is here, we just need to study hard."

His voice was smooth and gentle, with a reassuring power. After hearing this, Hermione nodded slightly and returned her attention to the Arithmancy textbook. Although her eyes were fixed on the book, her mind flew to the library door.

Mrs. Pince's face was as gloomy as water. She held her wand tightly and walked slowly towards the direction of Ron and Harry with a thunderous momentum in every step. Such terrifying oppression caused the students watching at the door to panic and flee in all directions.

When she walked in front of Ron, Harry was still standing closely beside Ron, facing Mrs. Pince's anger with him. Rogge looked at this scene and couldn't help but sigh: Yes, it is true love.

"Ron Weasley!" Mrs. Pince's voice was cold and her eyes were as sharp as a hawk, locked on Ron. "I want you to get out immediately."

"Mrs. Pince, I..." Ron tried to defend, but before he could finish his words, he was ruthlessly interrupted by Mrs. Pince.

"Get out of my library!" Mrs. Pince's gaze was as sharp as a sharp blade. Ron felt a chill rising from his back and took a step back involuntarily. Then the library door slammed shut, hitting him hard on the nose with a loud crash.

"From today on, Ron Weasley is banned from the school library." Mrs. Pince announced her punishment, her tone stern and unquestionable.

She turned around and walked back to the desk, writing this order on a piece of paper. The piece of paper flew out of the room and was posted at the door of the library.

Ron looked at the writing on the paper at the door. His face turned red at first, full of shock and disbelief. Then, he gradually turned pale, and his heart was filled with panic and regret for a while.

The library of Hogwarts is the treasure house of knowledge for the entire school. It is solemn and sacred, carrying endless magical wisdom. Here, you can find ancient books containing thousands of years of secrets, and record the discoveries and creations of wizards throughout the ages. It is a beacon for students to explore on the path of magic, and a holy place to increase their knowledge and inspire their thoughts.

Whenever exams are approaching, the library becomes the busiest place. Students gather together to study hard in order to complete their studies and cope with challenges.

It goes without saying that the library is an indispensable part of student life. However, from today onwards, Ron Weasley was deprived of access to this ocean of knowledge.

He was permanently banished by the administrator, Mrs. Pince. He has foreseen what difficulties he will encounter in his studies in the future without the library as a learning resource.

Ron was afraid of future exams, afraid that he would fail the exam because he lost the qualification to enter here, and that his future would become bleak because of this.

He stood outside the door and paid a heavy price for his reckless behavior. And this price may affect his life.

Harry patted Ron's shoulder gently and comforted: "We can ask Mrs. Pince to apologize. But, that..."

He hesitated for a moment, and when he saw all the classmates around him leaving, he whispered, "I have something to tell you."

Ron nodded dully. His mind seemed to be still in the shock of being expelled from the library, and he didn't seem to fully listen to Harry's words.

"I saw Scabbers being handed over to Roger by Percy." Harry had to tell Ron this secret.

"What!" Ron couldn't help shouting loudly, and Harry quickly reached out to cover his mouth to prevent attracting more attention.

Ron's face became angry and distorted. He stared at Harry closely and asked, "Why did you tell me now!"

He raised the sheet in his hand, and the blood stains on it looked particularly dazzling in the sunlight. If what Harry said was true, then his actions were groundlessly slandering Granger. Ron's head hung down, his heart filled with regret for the unfounded accusation just now.

"I'm sorry, Harry." Ron apologized to his friend for his impulsiveness and yelling.

Harry shook his head and reassured him not to be in such a hurry to argue with Percy. He said: "I hid in the invisibility cloak and saw the transaction between them..."

Harry then recounted everything he witnessed under the cloak, including letters of recommendation and IOUs.

As Ron listened to Harry's story, his face turned redder and redder, like a red-hot iron, and steaming white steam seemed to be visible on his head. He couldn't believe that Percy betrayed Scabbers for his own future.

"Percy, Percy!" Ron's voice echoed in the corridor, he yelled as he sprinted back to the dormitory.

He was filled with rage, anger towards Percy with every step he took. He ran to Percy's door and knocked on the door loudly and urgently without hesitation.

"Percy, come out!" Ron's roar was full of accusations, and he kept banging the door with his fists, venting the anger in his heart.

His voice echoed through Gryffindor, attracting the attention of other students. The little lions once again surrounded them, curious about what Ron, who had been disqualified from library reading, would do.

"Percy Weasley, don't hide in there and keep silent. I know you are in the dormitory. You have the ability to betray Scabbers. If you have the ability to open the door!" Ron shouted loudly and kept banging on the door.

"Well, doesn't he know?" At this time, a question suddenly came from the crowd of spectators.

"what do you know?"

"The seventh-grade students are preparing for the NEWTs test." Qiao continued, "Oh, you really don't need to know about it for bad students. After all, you may not be able to pass the OWLs test."

"A scumbag?" These words were like a murderous knife, deeply breaking the hearts of many people present.

Ron looked at the closed door and felt like a fool.

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