A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 360 Half-baked Cedric

"Merlin, is the goalkeeper of Hogwarts crazy?" Under countless pairs of disbelieving eyes, Wood jumped into the air on his broom, holding the Quaffle firmly in his hand.

He hugged the ball tightly in the wind and rain, and his body fell rapidly downwards, but his eyes were always locked on the flying broomstick that escaped from his hands. At the moment when the two were about to meet, Wood quickly grasped the broom again and sat on it steadily.

Silence, long silence. It wasn't until Wood returned to the goal safely with the ball that everyone realized how thrilling the action he had just completed was. Any mistakes in controlling the release of the broom, catching the ball in the air, and then riding back on the broom could cause him to be seriously injured and leave the field.

"What did we just see?" The commentator's voice was trembling, and the Ilvermorny students had to admit the outstanding performance of the Fox team's goalkeeper.

"Did the goalkeeper named Wood accurately calculate the distance, or was he favored by the goddess of luck?"

There was sporadic applause on the court at first, and then it gradually became enthusiastic. Even as opponents, everyone was impressed by Wood's superb skills and extraordinary courage.

"The score is still 10:0." The commentator added, "The Fox team organized another attack."

There was a trace of frustration in his expression, and his voice became deeper, as if he had already foreseen the outcome of this game.

The Thunderbirds' modified broomsticks were undoubtedly better, but the fighting spirit of the team members was far inferior to Malfoy's. No matter how sophisticated the equipment is, it still relies on people to operate it. Players are the key to victory or defeat.




The scores between the two sides got close and then got further apart again, with Hogwarts always maintaining the lead. However, their lead was not large, always within 30 points.

Seeing how anxious the frontal battlefield was, everyone turned their attention to the Seeker.

Cedric was frantically searching for the Golden Snitch, but the heavy rain severely affected his vision, and he could only see the environment within a five-meter radius.

"Damn, there are dark clouds coming again." He lowered the broom slightly, and the thunder kept rumbling above his head.

Cedric, the highest-flying player in the game, didn't realize what his hair standing on end meant: he was locked in lightning.

Zizzi...The sky was suddenly cut through by a dazzling light, and then, a fierce purple lightning, like the messenger of doom, tore through the sky. It was unstoppable, drawing a sharp angle in the air and shooting towards Cedric.

When people saw the danger, they didn't even have time to scream. Lightning had already hit the target at the speed of light. It completely destroyed the broomstick and burned Cedric to blackness, causing him to pass out instantly.

Under the influence of inertia, his body flew out of the court like a shot put with a broken chain. And below, there is a heart-stopping cliff. The screams on the field and the referee's whistle were instantly intertwined.

The wizards hurriedly waved their wands in an attempt to cast rescue spells. However, their movements were nowhere near as fast as Cedric's fall. The principals and professors of Ilvermorny stood up one after another and subconsciously used Apparition.

However, like Hogwarts, this place has been set against the Apparition Counter Curse. The wizards must leave the mountaintop before they can perform their magic to save people. But with the wizard's industrious body, Cedric might have crashed to death on the cliff before they ran out of the top of the mountain.

Mrs. Hooch and the players on the court immediately flew towards Cedric on their broomsticks. However, Rogge started earlier and faster than them.

"Teacher, I'm going to save people!" Rogge jumped up from the high platform, and the wings of Daedalus instantly spread out.

The silver wings sparkled in the lightning. Everyone saw a silver-white lightning flash across the sky, speeding towards Cedric who was out of control.


The harsh sound of electric charge arrived late, and Rogge glanced up and saw that his hair was standing on end, like a hedgehog.

The Wings of Daedalus have not been protected from lightning, although there is no need to worry about being melted by the sun. But it is made of a large amount of metal and has good electrical conductivity, making Rogge the best lightning rod in this area.

"Hurry, hurry up!" Rogge secretly urged himself. No matter how fast the wings of Daedalus are, they cannot exceed the speed of light. Once locked by lightning, he might become the next Cedric.

The huge silver wings stirred up whirlwinds, and Rogge cut through the night sky like a meteor, swooping down vertically and quickly catching up with Cedric the Electric Shock Man. He grabbed the other person's wrist, and their figures sank slightly.

Another bolt of lightning tore through the clouds. Fortunately, their current position was lower and the lightning did not hit them. The wand in Snape's hand shone with a dazzling beam of light, cleverly directing the lightning towards Ilvermorny Castle in the distance.

While the charges in the clouds were still gathering and brewing, Rogge quickly returned with Cedric. Just as they reached the top of the mountain, a majestic ptarmigan swooped down from the clouds.

The water mist flapping from its three pairs of wings of different sizes filled the surrounding area, and the pointed ears on its head flashed with little lightning lights, making it appear extremely sacred and solemn.

"Damn, this bird is crazy! What are you doing down here?" Rogge didn't dare to be careless and just made a fireball and threw it at him.

The blazing temperature of the fireball burned the rainwater in the sky into clouds of white steam. The thunderbird let out a high-pitched cry, flapped its wings and flew high, cleverly avoiding the attack of the fireball.

It was very curious and didn't understand why the wizard could grow wings and fly in the air like itself. Moreover, this wizard seems to be using fire magic, which is completely different from his own thunder and lightning power.

"Take him back for rescue first!" Rogge threw Cedric, who had charred skin and was desperate, to the chasing players.

At this time, the principal and professor of Ilvermorny were running out panting. Rogge couldn't help complaining, "Can't you find some broomsticks?"

Snape stood at the highest point of the stadium, constantly using magic to guide the lightning in the clouds to strike elsewhere. He took a moment to take a look and found that the big bird was staring at his student motionless.

Mrs. Huo Qi and other players secretly caught Cedric. They looked at the Thunderbird with lingering fear and did not dare to fly over.

"Go back and save people!" Rogge waved the wings on his back, signaling for them to leave.

He and Thunderbird stared at each other. From the shining golden eyes of the creature in front of him, he did not feel any threat, but instead noticed curiosity and interest in him.

Rogge expressed his gratitude to Mrs. Hooch and other players for their timely arrival. But Rogge expressed doubts about their magical abilities. If the wands in their hands suddenly go off and anger the seemingly harmless thunderbirds, the consequences will be disastrous.

Rogge didn't want to explore whether the wand misfired intentionally or accidentally, or even accidentally.

Under everyone's concerned eyes, Rogge firmly waved them to leave immediately. Instead of worrying about being targeted by Thunderbird, it is better to rescue Cedric quickly.

Dean Pukki hurriedly checked Cedric's condition: "Thank God, only the surface is cooked, he is still alive!"

She hurriedly took out a few bottles of potion and immediately drank it for Cedric. After a few breaths, Cedric's breathing became clearer and stronger.

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