A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 361 The diagonal line drawn by humans and birds

"I'm afraid he's going to be a 'mummy' for a while." She said this, carefully using a silver knife to cut open the charred clothes, and peeling off the cooked flesh layer by layer.

After that, she applied a layer of milky white solution, then wrapped a white bandage in circles, and carefully treated the wound.


Suddenly, the thunderbird in the sky made a crisp call. It flapped its wings towards Rogge, and the strong wind brought by the giant wings blew violently. Rogge immediately took off to avoid being blown down by the strong wind.

Seeing the wizard begin to fly with small wings, it immediately followed him. Three pairs of wings flapped rapidly, and its huge body instantly surpassed the small one on one side.


It chirped again and nodded to Roger, as if inviting him to chase.

"You want me to compete with you?" Rogge seemed to understand Thunderbird's intention and asked.

Thunderbirds flew happily around him, and more and more dark clouds gathered around him.

Rogge flapped his wings violently and rushed forward in an instant. Before leaving, he even shouted: "I'm going to take a spin!"

Snape looked at the large dark clouds moving to the southwest, and his expression suddenly became as gloomy as water. He sat back in the audience and looked towards the stadium bathed in sunshine.

Harry Potter has just entered the game, and the game between Hogwarts and Ilvermorny is still raging. At the same time, the air race between Rogge and Thunderbird also officially kicked off.

Massachusetts, located on the west coast, is rectangular, with Mount Greylock standing at its northwest corner. Accompanied by dark clouds, the Thunderbird quickly approached Rogge with thunderous momentum.

Rogge glanced back, and then waved the wings of Daedalus more violently. He knew that if he was left behind by the thunderbird, the lightning in the clouds would undoubtedly turn him into charcoal.

"I don't want to be a mummy yet!" He said to himself, rushing forward, the tips of his wings streaking with silvery white light.

Roger had no time to pay attention to the classical view of Williams College below, because it would soon be engulfed by heavy rain.

Click, click... Thunderous crackling sounds kept coming from the ears, and the sky was reflected into a purple-black color. The strong air flow was rolled up by the wings, giving Rogge a sense of peace of mind.

A bolt of lightning was captured by his wings, and Rogge was instantly shocked to death. The thunderbird took the opportunity to close the distance and even greeted him with a humane chirp.

"Speed ​​up! You must speed up!" His hair was soaked with sweat, and Rogge could only fly upward. Once it drops altitude, it becomes a perfect conductor for lightning.

Buckland, Greenfield...the places Roger flew over were quickly covered by thick dark clouds.

The Muggles on the ground thought it was a good day and many people were having picnics and camping in the park. However, they suddenly felt a large shadow shrouding themselves.

The Muggles looked up and saw black clouds coming in like a tide, covering the sky and the sun, followed by unprecedented heavy rain and thunderstorms.

The thunderbird didn't understand why the little dot in front of it could fly so fast, but it was very happy that it finally found a partner to play with. In Ilvermorny, every time it finds a new friend, it is struck by lightning and cooked shortly after flying into the sky.

It can only endure its grief, turn its tears into food, and allow its friends to become one with itself. The thunderbirds became more and more excited as they flew, and the thunderstorms in the sky became more violent.

Soon, this sudden thunderstorm triggered close attention from the US No-Maj Weather Department. Even local TV stations drove their news trucks to chase the dark clouds.

The sunlight on the ground was gradually swallowed up by the dark clouds wrapped in thunderbirds. Rogge was like the legendary Icarus, chasing the bright sunshine at an alarming speed.

During the flight, Rogge seemed to be freed from all restraints, and his heart became extremely peaceful. The cold wind penetrated his school robe and penetrated into the clothes, making him itchy.

"It's like listening to a song and chasing the sun." Rogge enjoyed the sunshine through his goggles. This unrestrained feeling made him want to keep flying.


The thunderbird unknowingly closed the distance again, and the flashing thunder and lightning on its wings seemed to ask Rogge for his opinion: "Do you want to fly parallel to me?"

"Hell, of course I choose to refuse!" Rogge withdrew his eyes from the beautiful scenery high in the sky. He looked steadily ahead, and the faint coastline appeared in the distance.

"Thunderbird, let's compete to see who reaches the seaside first!" Rogge shouted loudly, and as soon as he spoke, a strong wind rushed in.


Thunderbird made a louder sound, obviously agreeing with Roger's opinion. Its three pairs of wings flapped more vigorously, flying freely and happily.

Rogge got into the white cloud in front of him, and the wings of Daedalus beat the soft cotton into pieces. They scattered and disappeared behind him.

He tried to keep flying in a straight line while keeping an eye on the bird's condition. It held its head high, and its two long ears swayed left and right in the wind. The airflow rolled up by wings of different sizes interferes with each other, preventing it from reaching its fastest speed.

As they flew southwest, cities such as Lexington, Cambridge, and Boston were flooded one after another and were overwhelmed. Even the state's famous universities in the Muggle world, such as Harvard and MIT, have fallen into trouble.

Due to long-term and high-intensity use of the Wings of Daedalus, Rogge's back muscles became stiff and painful. The shoulder blade felt as if it had been hit hard by a hammer, as if there were steel nails embedded in it. Every time it was flapped, it made people grimace in pain.

Rogge endured it with all his strength and continued to move forward against the wind. He silently cheered himself up: "Come on, the seaside is almost here! How can a wizard lose to an animal?"

The thunderbird seemed to be aware of his state and screamed excitedly. Its sharp eyes caught the lighthouse by the sea, that was the end of the race.

Cape Cod, also known as Cape Cod. This was the Mayflower's first stop in the New World and the starting point for Native Americans to donate their scalps to make boots.

But for American wizards, this is where Isolt Thayer, the founder of Ilvermorny, landed.

The water vapor at the seaside was more abundant, and for a while the sky and the earth were dark, and the wind was raging. Endless thunder and lightning fell from the sky and pierced the sea.

As the Thunderbirds approached, the charge around Rogue became more active. He could even feel a tiny flash of light flashing before his eyes, which caused his speed to increase dramatically.

Ten kilometers, five kilometers, one kilometer... With a ferocious and twisted expression on Rogge's face, he finally hit the black-topped lighthouse.

Thunderbird followed closely, looking at Rogge who was lying on the ground tiredly, and pushed him with his head.

"I can't do it anymore!" Rogge gasped, losing the strength to even move his fingers. As the magic power receded, the silver wings attached to his back also disappeared.

The distance from Mount Gregg to Cape Cote is at least 270 kilometers. If it weren't for his amazing physical strength, he would have been turned into charcoal by lightning.


The thunderbird chirped softly, gently picked up Rogge's clothes, and skillfully threw him onto his generous back.

The soft feathers were lighter than clouds, and wisps of air flowed through it, as if invisible hands were massaging Rogge's tired skin.

Roger lay on it, looking at the dark sky. He felt that he was getting closer and closer to there...

Click, click, lightning in the clouds flashed overhead. The thunderbird flew straight through the dark clouds, its feathers tempered by lightning becoming even brighter.

When it carried itself out of the layers of clouds, what appeared in front of us was a bright golden color. The endless sunshine and endless warmth soothed his tired body, and Rogge fell asleep comfortably under the shining of the stars.

The ptarmigan slowed down and flew steadily above the clouds. They walked again along the route they came from.

The Muggles who had just been hit by the heavy rain were stunned for a moment, because as soon as the sun appeared, dark clouds visible to the naked eye quickly approached them.

"God, what the hell is going on!"

On the TV, the host was explaining to Cloud Atlas. A straight diagonal line bisects Massachusetts, almost straighter than the state borders.

"This is a miracle!" The cultists stood up and shouted, holding vessels filled with rainwater.

"God is showing us His power! Do you want holy water? One dollar a bottle!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the TV in the living room exploded because a thunderstorm just passed overhead.

This unexplained heavy rain flooded many cities, small towns, and schools. Its trajectory was called "God's diagonal" by foolish believers.

However, this is just a race between the Wizard and the Thunderbird. The losing wizard might become part of the Thunderbirds. Rogge, who won the game, lay on the Thunderbird's generous back and rested comfortably.

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