A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 362 Despicable Foreigner

When Thunderbird carried Rogge back to Ilvermorny, the sky had become gloomy and the sun was slowly sinking into the western mountains.

The Quidditch pitch was illuminated by lights, and wizards waved their flashing wands to provide support and cheer for the struggling players on the field.

"530:520..." The commentator's voice sounded a little tired, and his passion seemed to have been exhausted during the long game.

The game between the Foxes and the Thunderbirds has lasted for six full hours, and the score between the two sides is very tense. If he continued like this, he was worried that his voice would be unable to hold up before the broomstick.

"Let's pay attention to the seekers on both sides and see if they can surprise everyone." The commentator looked around and quickly captured a fast-moving black shadow.

Harry chased after the golden snitch in front of him, reaching out several times to try to catch it. However, the Thunderbirds' Chaser rammed into him with force, pushing Harry out of the way. The golden snitch disappeared instantly in front of him, and the two had to look for it again.

"They are still entangled, Fox's Seeker can't get any distance, and our Seeker can't find the Snitch's location.

Perhaps, the players from Hogwarts were really favored by the goddess of luck today. Look, the Seeker named Harry Potter ran into the Golden Snitch again. "

"I feel that our Seeker doesn't need to look elsewhere at all, he just needs to follow Harry Potter. He is like a keen bloodhound, always encountering the glittering 'golden walnut'."

Amidst a burst of awkward yet polite laughter, the afterglow of the sunset gradually faded away, replaced by the cool night breeze and humid air. Stuart, the principal of Ilvermorny, looked up nervously at the sky and saw the Thunderbird flying slowly over the pitch and finally landing on top of the school's castle.

"Where's Rogge?" Snape rushed over immediately, the wand in his hand flashing a dangerous red light, as if he wanted to kill the Thunderbird who came back alone.

Stewart quickly stopped him: "Mr. Snape! Please calm down!"

Facing the strong murderous aura emanating from Professor Snape, Principal Stewart raised his hands in the air and carefully explained softly: "Sir, Kahnawake will not harm children."

Snape nodded slightly, but his eyes were still cold. He looked up at the Thunderbird in front of him and saw it squatting down, exposing its back to them.

"Ah? Kanavik, you actually allowed the wizard to ride on you?" The principal opened his eyes in surprise. This proud thunderbird always had its own way of doing things, without being ordered by anyone.

Even for him, the principal, it only obeys instructions based on its mood. Even so, Kahnawake would not allow the principal himself to ride on his back. Even when he's in a bad mood, he won't be touched.

If anyone insists on traveling with it, the ptarmigan will simply grab them with its talons and fly with them to their destination.

His face was a mixture of shock and curiosity. Where did Roger and Thunderbird go and what did they do? After only a few hours of absence, Kahnawake allowed a strange little wizard to sleep on his back.

This is the ptarmigan, the most beautiful and magical animal in North America. In the hearts of the wizards of Ilvermorny, its importance is completely equivalent to the phoenix-like existence of Hogwarts.

However, this very proud thunderbird in their hearts actually tolerated a foreign wizard riding on it. If this incident spreads throughout the school, the principal is even worried about whether Rogge, who is sleeping soundly, can return to the Scottish Highlands safely.

Just imagine, if Fox showed intimacy and affection to students outside of Hogwarts, many people might directly break their defenses.

Principal Stewart firmly believed: "The despicable foreigner must have used magic to bewitch the Thunderbird."

He checked the Thunderbird again and again until Kahnawake kicked him away impatiently. Only then did the principal realize that his noble thunderbird, Kanavik, seemed to really prefer the foreigner on his back.

It squatted on the castle, covered its head with its wings and began to fall asleep. Facing the sleeping scene of a man and a bird in front of them, Professor Snape and Principal Stewart could only look at each other helplessly.

"Caught!" Good news finally came from the other side of the stadium. Whether it was Hogwarts or Ilvermorny, the long game finally came to an end.

"Congratulations to Team Fox's Harry Potter for catching the Golden Snitch. They won the game by chance with a slight advantage of 710:550." The commentator's voice revealed a hint of relief and excitement, and he could finally end the long explanation. Enjoy your weekend break.

Although there seems to be a 160-point gap, the Golden Snitch holds 150 points. If the Seeker could delay catching the Snitch until tomorrow, the outcome of the game could be completely changed.

"... However, our coach seems to have taken issue with the outcome of the game."

After hearing this, the audience turned their attention to the side of the court. It can be seen that the school's Quidditch coach is excitedly expressing his dissatisfaction to Mrs. Hooch: "There is something wrong with your potions, there is definitely something wrong!"

"Mr. Referee, I firmly believe that they used Felixir to cheat. Otherwise, how can we explain that the player named Harry can quickly find the Golden Snitch every time?"

"This is unexplainable! Nor can I accept failure caused by cheating by my opponent! We must respond to the International Federation and cancel Hogwarts' qualification for the minor league."

"Nonsense!" Mrs. Huo Qi retorted emotionally, "You saw the rainwater in the bottle with your own eyes. If it was a blessing elixir, then everyone present would have drank it."

"And this rain was caused by your school's Thunderbird. Our Seeker Cedric almost lost his life because of the thunderstorm.

According to your logic, you are the cheaters who use the elixir. "Mrs. Huo Qi's rhetorical question was sharp and powerful, making the other coach a little incoherent.

"But, but...but I'm not, that's not what I meant." He quickly defended himself, "There is absolutely no problem with Thunderbird, and the rain is normal. But I suspect that you secretly replaced the elixir."

"I want to conduct a test! Get your team members to line up..."

"Okay!" Stewart snapped, blocking the insulting suggestion.

"Principal, but..."

"No buts. I believe Mrs. Hogwarts and the wizards of Hogwarts will never cheat." The principal waved his hand firmly and walked towards Mrs. Hogwarts with a smile: "Congratulations on your victory. Our team is with you. There is still a big gap, and I hope we can have more exchanges in the future.”

"Thank you. Hogwarts welcomes the Thunderbirds to visit at any time." Mrs. Huo Qi nodded, "You are also very good at modifying broomsticks. Maybe we will need to learn modification techniques from you in the future."

"Hahaha, as long as Hogwarts supports our proposal, everyone can ride on the transformation broom."

Mrs. Hooch smiled and said nothing. On this matter, Hogwarts maintained the same position as the other two major magic schools in Europe.

"That's really just rain." Stewart sighed, thinking to himself that his coach's ability really needed to be improved.

When you encounter failure, you always look for other people's problems first, instead of reflecting on your own shortcomings. How can a Quidditch coach like this lead the team to victory?

He cast his sights on the Thunderbirds, who were bickering on the sidelines and couldn't get along even though they belonged to the same academy. On the other side of Hogwarts, even across the Atlantic Ocean, he had heard about the fierce internal fighting between their houses.

The duel between Slytherin and Gryffindor always sparks, Hufflepuff helps the lions more, Ravenclaw often sits on the sidelines.

But even if there are fierce battles, the students of Hogwarts can unite as one in the pursuit of victory. In order to win, they were able to put aside their prejudices and work together.

"Perhaps Ilvermorny should not be the only one." Principal Stelter gradually came up with the idea of ​​reform. He believed that the Horned Water Snake, Cat Leopard and Pukechi Academy should also dare to compete with Thunderbird for leadership. .

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