A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 363 Baldwin’s Laboratory

"Alas." Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh, his heart filled with complicated emotions.

Water Snake and Pukechi are too bad at fighting, while Cat Leopard Academy always idolizes the adventurous Thunderbird Warriors. Ilvermorny didn't have Slytherin, the symbol of pure-blood wizards, so he didn't know where to start reforming.

"Coach, is that really rain?" Malfoy looked at Mrs. Hooch with the last glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Rain! I swear to Merlin, it's definitely all rain." Mrs. Huo Qi answered sincerely for who knows how many times, finally extinguishing everyone's expectations.

At this time, everyone began to recall the scene during the game, and couldn't help but sweating and sweating profusely. If something had gone wrong at that time, if we had not grabbed the broom... In a moment, everyone was swaying and crumbling, and only by supporting each other could we stand firm.

"Coach, is there really no elixir?" Wood was still unwilling. When he saw Mrs. Hooch shaking her head seriously again, he realized what a dangerous move he had made.

"Mrs. Hooch, what about Harry Potter?" The Weasley twins put their arms on Harry's shoulders and asked in disbelief: "Harry can always run into the Golden Snitch."

"This, this is Harry Potter's..." Mrs. Ho Qi hesitated and couldn't explain it for a while. In the end, she could only sum it up in one word: "Talent!"

"In the history of Quidditch, there are some legendary seekers who were born with amazing luck. For them, it was not that they were looking for the Golden Snitch, but that the Golden Snitch was looking for them." Mrs. Hooch smiled. Looking at Harry, his eyes were full of approval: "You can think back to Harry's games at Hogwarts. He could catch the Golden Snitch in almost every game."


"It's true. Ever since Gryffindor got Harry Potter, they always win games inexplicably."

"Tsk, that's just bullshit luck." Malfoy complained in a dissatisfied voice as he listened to the praise of Harry Potter from the people around him.

"Draco, did you choose to be a Chaser because you were afraid of Harry?" Gemini suddenly asked this question.

Everyone's curious eyes were focused on Malfoy. Hogwarts now had two outstanding seekers. If Malfoy had competed for this position, he probably wouldn't even be able to serve as a substitute.

"Ha, are you afraid of him? What a joke!" Malfoy pretended to be calm, but suddenly he held his stomach: "Ouch, my stomach hurts a little."

"Toilet! Where is the toilet?" Malfoy grabbed the Ilvermorny student and asked anxiously.

"Turn right at the main entrance of the castle, the last room."

"Hahaha, he ran away!" Just as George laughed at Draco, a strong chill came from his stomach.

Immediately afterwards, a series of stinking fart sounds were heard. George tightened his buttocks, covered it with one hand, and stood on tiptoes to chase Malfoy.

"You still form a group when you go to the toilet...Hey, something is really wrong."

Soon, due to the "contagion" from Malfoy and George, everyone felt their stomachs ringing strangely. One by one, they rushed into the castle crazily and stayed on the toilet, enjoying the hearty comfort.

It was almost dawn before Rogge slowly woke up. He slid gently off the Thunderbird's broad back.


The Thunderbird's head emerged from under its wings and stared at Rogge with its huge Kazlan eyes. Then, he nudged Rogge affectionately.

"Hahaha, it's so itchy." Roger patted it and said with a smile, "I have to go find Mr. Snape."

The thunderbird used its pointed beak to tug on Rogge's sleeve, and wouldn't let go. It stared at Rogge, as if telling him something.

"You want to come with me?" Rogge asked doubtfully.

The thunderbird nodded. It felt that the little dot in front of it was amazing. It could actually beat itself in flying. The wizards of Ilvermorny are cheaters and cowards, always using Apparition and the Floo Network to cheat. They even dare not race with themselves on broomsticks for fear of being struck by lightning in the sky.

"This..." Rogge hugged it and shook his head slightly: "That won't work, Ilvermorny won't agree."


The big bird in front of him wouldn't let go. It used its broad wings to gently surround Roger. It seemed to be protecting him, but also trying to retain him.

"You can come to the Scottish Highlands to play with me." Roger patted it and comforted this friend who didn't want to be separated.

The Thunderbird's eyes immediately lit up, and he was delighted by the offer. It stood up excitedly, and the clouds in the sky rumbled.

"Shh!" Rogge shook his head, signaling it not to cause heavy rain and lightning.

He now understood why Ilvermorny had chosen to build on the top of a hill. At least when Thunderbird is in a mood, the rainstorm won't flood the castle.

Roger said goodbye to Thunderbird and went to find the whereabouts of his teacher and other classmates. He couldn't help but laugh when he heard that Malfoy and the others were in hospital with diarrhea.

"Your stern professor is discussing potions with Professor Baldwin."

Roger followed the caretaker through the corridors of the castle and toward the basement. He learned from the administrator's words that Professor Baldwin's laboratory led directly to the mountain.

Walking through the spiral staircase, a thick stone door lies at the bottom of the steps.

"Professor, he is Mr. Rogge from Hogwarts." The administrator reported.

"Professor Snape's student, right?" Professor Baldwin's thick voice came from the stone door.

Immediately afterwards, the stone door slowly opened, revealing the entrance to the laboratory, "Please come in."

"Sir, I'll take my leave first." The administrator said goodbye with a smile, then bowed and left.

The moment Rogge stepped into the stone door, he was transported to another place. The sudden bright light made Rogge's eyes sting, and he quickly closed his eyes.

Before he had time to adapt to the surrounding light, Snape's unique mocking and sarcastic voice reached his ears: "I'm so glad that your damn alchemical wings didn't send you to see Merlin."

"Maybe next time, you will fall into the sea like Icarus in Greek mythology and die in the sea. No, you may be struck by lightning before falling to death." Snape continued to sneer, not at all because of Rogge's rescue. Say a word of praise for your behavior.

Rogge stood there. Although his eyes had not yet fully adjusted to the light, he could feel Snape's eyes staring closely at him. Teacher Snape is still so sharp-tongued.

"Teacher, is Cedric okay?" Rogge carefully opened a slit in his eyes and squinted to look at the surrounding environment.

A blurry Snape stood in front of a wall made of blackboard, studying the notes on it. Professor Baldwin was wearing a black robe and seemed to be carefully mixing some kind of potion.

"Him?" Snape sneered, showing disapproval of Rogge's question, "If you are struck by lightning, you can become a mummy like him and be sent back to Hogwarts."

"Severus, your students are very powerful." Professor Baldwin turned around and looked at Rogge with a smile, "If it's not a No-Maj... it's what you British wizards call Muggles. Thanks to him for stealing your things. , my experiment can continue, otherwise it can only be declared a failure."

"Is it really you?" Rogge was a little surprised. He didn't expect Professor Baldwin to admit the theft so frankly.

"Yes and no." Baldwin smiled and continued: "Last year, a wandering goblin heard a message from the No-Maj in the tavern, and then the things you didn't clean up came into their hands."

Snape turned to look at Rogge and warned sternly: "I should erase your memory and throw you into the Muggle world as a researcher."

Roger's heart tightened, he knew Professor Snape would not do this. However, it also showed that he was angry and disappointed about the theft from the laboratory.

"Hahaha, that's a pity." Baldwin said in a regretful tone, "You will bury the future of potions."

Snape snorted and continued to study the notes on the blackboard.

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