A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 371 Please prepare chips

"Oh, long time no see." Lupine's voice was mixed with some unexplainable meaning, as if he had anticipated Peter's transformation.

"Little...Sirius...Lupin..." Peter Pettigrew's voice was high-pitched, like a rat's cry.

With tears in his eyes, he shouted passionately and truly: "My old friends..." He opened his arms and hugged Lupin and Black.

When Black heard the traitor say such disgusting words, he immediately raised his wand. But Lupine held him down in time and warned with his eyes.

Lupine turned to Peter, his voice relaxed and casual: "You have heard our conversation just now. Regarding what happened on the day Lily and James died, there are some details that you need to explain in detail."

"Lupin." Peter panted, his pale face covered with big beads of sweat. He pointed at Blake and said: "Don't believe him, he wanted to kill me then. He wants to kill me now..."

"It's all Black who is causing trouble!" Peter's little eyes moved slyly. He remembered what Rogge once said, and immediately said: "He is a coward. Let me replace him as the secret keeper of the Loyalty Curse."

"So you betrayed Harry's parents?" Lupine said sharply.

Peter didn't know how to explain, so he ran towards Harry in fear: "Oh, Harry!"

He reached out and tried to touch Harry's cheek. Harry quickly dodged and backed away worriedly.

"Lupin, look at James and Lily's child. He looks so much like James, especially those eyes, which are exactly the same as Lily." Peter said shamelessly, "Harry, your father and I used to be best friends. ah……"

"How dare you mention them in front of Harry!" Black rushed forward, pushed Peter hard, and roared: "You betrayed James and Lily to Voldemort!"

"You turned into a mouse and hid just to avoid being found by the Death Eaters. It was because of you that Voldemort failed there!"

Peter winced, the name frightened him like a poisonous whip.

"I didn't mean it!" Peter shouted with a painful expression, "This is all your fault! You don't understand how powerful the Dark Lord is!"

"Ask yourself, Black, what would happen if you faced the Dark Lord?"

"I will never betray my friends!" Blake said firmly.

Peter shook his head, realizing that only by winning Harry's sympathy could he possibly escape from Black and Lupin.

He knelt down in front of Harry, hugged Harry's legs tightly, and begged: "The Secret Keeper was originally Black, but he was scared, so he asked me to take his place."

"Don't believe Black's words. He is the initiator of the betrayal. Ask Black who suggested your father change the Secret Keeper."

Harry looked at Black, who was full of anger. He tilted his head slightly, not daring to look directly into Harry's eyes.

"I...I thought that was the most perfect plan...Voldemort would definitely come after me. He would never think that a weak and stupid thing was the secret keeper." Black explained in a low voice.

Harry asked: "Is what Roger said true? My parents lost their lives because of your own actions?"

"I..." Black was at a loss for words. He himself was indeed Voldemort's accomplice in a sense.

"Believe me, Harry!" Black stared into Harry's eyes and said hoarsely: "I have never betrayed James and Lily. I would rather die than betray them."

"He's hopelessly stupid." Rogge turned over and his voice came faintly. Blake took a deep breath and reflected on whether the tragedy of that year could have been avoided if he had been less self-righteous.

Harry looked at Blake's sincere eyes and chose to believe him. He turned to look at Peter, who was kneeling down begging for mercy, his eyes filled with hatred.

"Harry, James doesn't want to see you kill someone." He cried bitterly, clasping his hands and praying to Harry, "He will let me go, and he will forgive me."

"Harry, you are the savior of the wizarding world, why can't you forgive me?"

He saw that Harry was indifferent and crawled towards Ron: "Master... my kind master! I am your good pet, I am Scabbers! You won't let them kill me, right? You will save me. ,Yes or no?"

Ron stared at the old man in front of him with extreme disgust, disgusting images rolling through his mind. He had kissed this man as a pet and played with it under the quilt.

He kicked his legs randomly and knocked Peter down. Black and Lupine had their wands pointed at him, ready to end his life.

Peter Pettigrew fell to the ground, his body shaking uncontrollably. He rolled like a human mouse across the bottom of the piano to the four-poster bed.

"Roger, my noble and powerful master..." Peter begged.

"Oh, when did I become your master?" Rogge kicked him in the face.

Peter heard the ridicule in Rogge's tone, but he also heard that Rogge did not reject him immediately. Not only was he not angry, but he held Rogge's shoes even more humbly.

"Of course!" Peter knelt down without dignity, "It was when you exchanged me from the Weasley family with your letter of recommendation..."

"Peter, you can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense." Rogge scolded sternly, "I admire Mr. Percy, the student union president of Hogwarts very much, and feel that such a pure-blood wizard can do a lot for the magical world." Make a contribution.”

"I just regarded you as Yumi's toy at first. Who knew you would be so important to Mr. Black." Rogge smiled and changed the topic, "Does your life and death matter to me?"

"Yes, yes, you are right! I am a cat's toy, a humble and cowardly mouse." Peter flattered hurriedly, trying to arouse Roger's sympathy, "It was you who rescued me from the clutches of the Weasley family. .”

"You don't know what atrocities the Weasley family has committed against me!" Peter cried loudly, recalling the unbearable past. "Their brothers beat and scolded me, and I could only eat their leftovers every day. They gave me leftovers. At night, they put me in bed and sandwiched me between their legs.”

"Especially the twins George and Fred, who fencing me and forcing me to lick it clean..."

Black and Lupine grabbed him by the shoulders, preparing to drag him back to trial. Peter's face was ashen and he begged bitterly: "Save me, Roger, I am willing to pay any price."

"At any price?" Rogge's eyes flashed with light and his body leaned forward slightly.

Black's face darkened, knowing that the Slytherin in front of him only talked about interests and not friendship. If Peter really makes an offer that people can't refuse, Rogge is likely to choose to protect him.

"Roger, don't believe this traitor." He said coldly, and at the same time activated the magic spell to execute Peter.

However, Rogge moved faster than Black. With a flick of his wrist, he quickly cast the spell.

"Expelliarmus, silence the tongue." Following Rogge's spell, Harry's four wands flew out of their hands and were firmly caught by him. Meanwhile, Lupine and Harry were unable to speak, let alone use wandless magic.

"Gentlemen, can you cast spells silently?" Rogge asked jokingly, "If not, then please be a silent audience for a while."

"Oh, don't look at me like that." Rogge stretched, with a sly smile: "I'm a Slytherin, a poisonous snake brewing a conspiracy. You lions should have been prepared for this. "

"Master, my great master!" Peter knelt on the ground and immediately began to flatter: "Your spells are so accurate and fast, even Dumbledore can't compare to one of your toes!"

He seemed to have found a supporter, and kept kissing Rogge's upper shoes: "Believe me, Master, I will be your most loyal slave."

"How much is loyalty worth? As for slaves, haha, isn't my elf more suitable than you?" Rogge sneered and shook his head, disapproving of Peter's flattery, and kicked him to the ground.

He turned to look at Harry and the others, with dissatisfaction and anger burning in their eyes. Rogge said to Peter: "You see, everyone here wants your life. Even your master Weasley wants you dead."

"My master!" Peter hurriedly crawled over and said humbly: "If it weren't for you, I would have been killed by them. You are kind and powerful, noble and kind. If you have any orders, please just tell me!" He said His laughter was shrill and funny, hoping to please the wizard in front of him through his ugliness.

"Forget it." Rogge continued, "Professor Lupine and Ron are both poor men, so they can't buy your life with galleons."

He waved his wand, and thorny vines suddenly sprouted from the floor, quickly wrapping around their feet and growing upward.

Ron looked at the climbing vines and shouted anxiously: "I have money, I have 100 Galleons!"

"100 Galleons is considered rich? Ha, poor people have no say." Rogge said with a smile, "Black and Harry are the real rich people. Peter, you need to defeat them before I can let you go. .”

The round table in the room flew to the middle of Harry, Black and Peter. Roger easily conjured a scale and announced: "Now, please take out your respective chips."

"If Peter wins, then I'm sorry, but I have to let him go." Rogge smiled at Blake, "Anyway, the content captured by the projector is enough to clear your grievances."

"If Black wins, I will return the wand to him. He will definitely kill you immediately." He casually unhooked Harry, "Of course, I have no faith in the wealth of the Black family and the Potter family. Doubtful. I believe you will not lose."

"Greedy snake!" Harry sarcastically said angrily.

"Thanks for the compliment, now, let's get started." Roger seemed to be indifferent to Harry's accusations. He was more interested in how much oil and water Peter still had.

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