A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 372 Can we still be friends?

"Master..." Peter cried, hugging Roger's legs tightly, feeling as pitiful as he could.

He clearly knew how huge the wealth of the Potter family and the Black family was. Even if you lie still, you won't be able to use it up in ten lifetimes.

"There's not a Nat in me," Peter wailed.

"That's true." Blake sneered, not disgusted with the scales on the table.

He originally wanted to end Peter's life directly, but Lupine did not want to do this. From his eyes, Black could tell that Lupine planned to send Peter to Azkaban to face trial by the Ministry of Magic.

However, Blake didn't trust there. Since he could escape, Peter could also escape. Only by killing the traitor with your own hands can the hatred and grievances in your heart be somewhat appeased.

"One galleon." Black said with a humiliating tone, "Peter, are you ready to die?"

Peter panicked for a moment and said tremblingly: "I...I..."

"Two Galleons." To everyone's surprise, Harry suddenly made a bid.

Peter, who fell into despair, cried with joy when he heard that Harry was willing to bid. He believed that Harry had forgiven him for the crimes he had committed.

"Harry!" he cried and threw himself at Harry's feet, flattering him: "Kind Harry Potter, you are as tolerant as your father James. He was..."

Harry scolded angrily: "You are not allowed to mention my father!"

Blake looked at him in confusion and asked, "Harry, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to hand him over to the dementors and let them suck away Peter's soul!" He turned to look at Black, without any concession in his eyes.

"Jiujiu, something new has happened!" Rogge smiled brightly and said slyly: "Mr. Peter, it seems that you are destined to die no matter what. Don't be afraid, for wizards, death is just another beginning."

"No, no, no, I have money!" Peter shouted hurriedly. He would rather die quickly in the hands of Black than have his soul taken away by the dementors. If possible, he would rather escape.

"I still have a fortune in Gringotts' vault." Peter swallowed, his body trembling slightly.

Rogge nodded, turned the scale slightly, and said, "Oh, then you have to pay 3 Galleons?"

"No, all of it!" Peter took a deep breath and bet all his belongings. He had no other choice but to make a desperate move: "Gringotts No. 753, the password..."

"The password is...I am the dragon..."

As soon as this command came out, everyone present couldn't help laughing. In the magical world, who doesn't know that Peter is known for being timid and cowardly, but they didn't expect that he would actually imagine himself as a mighty dragon.

"The dragon sleeps on the mountain of gold coins." Rogge cleared his throat and said with a hint of joking: "I hope Mr. Peter can be as rich as the dragon, so that he can buy his own life."

"Heh." Black laughed contemptuously when he heard this, "Roger, don't have any expectations for his treasury. He is a famous poor man in Gryffindor, and he can't find a job after graduation."

"Don't underestimate people!" Peter shouted with a red face, "The Dark Lord rewarded me with a total of 30,000 Galleons."

"30,000?" Blake sneered, and then fell into a state of madness: "You betrayed your friends just for this little money?"

"I...I'm not doing it for money..." Peter protested softly.

"Thirty thousand and one." Black looked at Harry and advised: "Harry, don't bid anymore. Give me Peter, and I will kill him in front of you to avenge James and Lily."

"No," Harry insisted, "We take him to the castle and hand him over to the dementors... just don't kill him."

Lupine, who was entangled in thorns, had a flash of relief in his eyes. He could kill the dirty traitor with his own hands, but he didn't want James' children to have blood on their hands.

"Harry!" Black roared, "This traitor made you lose your parents! Such a groveling insect, he values ​​his own life more than anyone else. Even if you forgive him, he will betray you again. "

"Harry!" Peter cried, hugging Harry's knees, "Thank you, this is your grace to me, thank you."

"I can give you all the money in my vault..."

"Go away!" Harry spat, kicking the dirty Peter away in disgust, "I'm not doing this for you. I just think that my father wouldn't want his best friend to kill someone, especially someone like you. .”

"Oh, what a merciful savior." Roger clapped, breaking the touching atmosphere, "But how much is your kindness worth? Harry Potter."

"Mr. Black, let's continue to increase the stakes. Only by winning Harry's chips can you carry out your own justice."

"100,000!" Blake put his hands on the table, leaned forward, and stared at Harry, "Stop bidding!"

"I don't know how much money I have in my vault, but I am willing to use it all!" Harry looked at Rogge and said seriously, "687, this is my Gringotts vault number."

As he spoke, he took out the vault key and placed it on one end of the golden scale. The scale instantly tilted and sank to the bottom.

"Harry!" Blake shouted sadly, slowly closing his eyes.

He had never imagined that Harry would be so determined to turn Peter over to the Ministry of Magic. Is this child so kind that he is so stupid that he can even forget the hatred of his parents being killed?

"Give him to the Ministry of Magic and you will be free." Harry looked at Black and said calmly.

Blake's lips trembled and he said incoherently: "You...you..."

He suddenly covered his face with his sleeves and lay on the table twitching. Only now did he understand that Harry gave up the opportunity to take revenge not to put Peter on trial, but to set himself free.

He cried silently, slamming his fists on the table again and again, trying to ease the intense emotions exploding inside him.

Rogge, who was the spoiler of the atmosphere, picked up the key and confirmed: "687, it seems that Mr. Black will no longer bid. Congratulations, Mr. Harry Potter, you have won the right to dispose of Peter Pettigrew."

He smiled and continued: "Of course, Mr. Peter. Please believe me, the living conditions in Azkaban are much better than before. Otherwise, Black would not have been able to escape by turning into a black dog.

However, I hope the Death Eaters inside will let you go. After all, it was because of you that Voldemort was killed by Mr. Savior. "

"Oh, remember to tell Lady Bella that her wand is in the hands of her dear brother."

Black's heart was so moved that he was instantly frozen into ice pimples. His eyes were red and he stared at Roger: "Why don't you tell Harry that I can use the magic projector to prove my innocence?"

"Oh, that's a communication problem between you." Rogge shrugged and said lightly: "You are his godfather, you won't let Harry starve, right?"

Blake froze and turned to look at Harry. He never knew how to tell Harry his identity, but he didn't expect to be directly exposed by Roger.

"I am your guardian." Black said dullly, "If something bad happens to them..."

"Okay, if you have anything to do, we can talk about it when you go back." Rogge interrupted Sirius, who finally worked up the courage to speak, and added: "Remember to pay back the money and send Kreacher over."

As he spoke, he took out the werewolf antidote from his arms. The glass test tube flashed with a mysterious black and red color.

"Which one is new?" Blake asked, picking up the test tube.


"Didn't you say that a wolf... can only make one serving?"

"Oh, because you don't want to bargain, I reluctantly modified the formula and optimized the process." Rogge threw the wand to them, undoing the magic spell in Lupine and the vines on his head.

He conveniently gave Pettigrew a trail of thorns and vines, and if they could escape, they would only have themselves to blame.

"What is that?" Lupine stared at the potion in Black's hand, feeling a little uneasy.

"Don't worry, professor." Rogge comforted, "Drink it, and you won't have to worry about Boggart turning into a crystal ball in the future. It can help you return to normal, and you won't have to endure the pain of Wolfsbane potion."

Lupine was shocked. He looked at Black who was coming and asked seriously: "What's in it? Tell me, Sirius!"

Blake shook his head and said firmly: "You don't need to know now!"

He drank his share, leaving a sticky and greasy feeling in his throat. Thinking that it was made of Bai Huahua's brain, my body couldn't help but feel intense nausea. He forced himself to swallow and walked over to Lupin.

"Black, you..." Before Lupine could finish his words, Black forcefully opened his mouth and drank the potion.

"Is there something wrong with the ingredients inside?" Harry pointed his wand at Peter and turned to look at Roger.

"You have to ask Black about this. He is the provider of the raw materials, and I am just the potion master who makes the potions according to the requirements." Rogge shrugged and untied Lupine and Ron.

"Harry, remember to keep an eye on Peter and don't let him escape." He waved his hand and left the Shrieking Shack gracefully.

Lupine picked up the empty test tube and smelled it. His movements were slow and heavy, and his mood was obviously very complicated. There were several ingredients in it that were very similar to Wolfsbane potion, but he didn't recognize most of them.

"What is it?" Lupine's hand grasped Black's collar tightly, as if he could grasp the answer: "Sirius, you must tell me."

He had a vague feeling that there was definitely something unacceptable to him. Otherwise, Blake would never hide it from himself.

There was a flash of pain in Blake's eyes. He took a deep breath and said, "If you want to know, I will tell you. But, we may not even be friends."

Seeing Sirius's wry smile with scars on his face, Lupine's hand gradually relaxed. Just now, Blake also drank a whole tube of potion. If it is used to deal with the werewolf virus, it means that Blake had a fight with a werewolf and was bitten.

Lupine couldn't help but think back to Rogge's words, and he was keenly aware that he and Black must have something in common.

"Fenrir Greyback?" he asked softly, probably guessing the source of the potion's ingredients. He leaned against the wall slightly decadently, staring at Blake motionless.

Lupine was tempted to punch Black and report him to the Ministry of Magic for the murder of a werewolf. However, looking at Sirius who was covered in scars, he couldn't lift his hand. He knew that Blake did such a thing because of him.

"Why?" Lupine's voice was full of pain, "Why must it be them?"

Blake sighed, his tone full of determination and helplessness: "Because only by using it can we make an antidote potion without side effects."

Lupine closed his eyes, feeling pain and struggle inside. A long silence echoed in the room, and the atmosphere became very oppressive. Harry and Ron looked at the two of them in confusion, not knowing what was going on.

Lupine said softly: "Thank you."

Although thank you is simple, it carries all Lu Ping's gratitude and guilt. He had no right to rebuke Sirius because he was the motive for the murder.

"Harry, let's go." Lupine waved his wand, making Peter levitate in the thorn cage.

Harry looked at the professor and then back at Sirius' lonely back, wondering what was going on.

Both chapters have 3K words. Although the number of chapters is not 3, they add up to one more chapter. If you think it's short, please discuss it in the comments.

Well, I just lied about the comments, hehehe!

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