A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 390 I don’t study well, don’t lie to me!

The phoenix eggs and acorns trembled slightly, and their strange reactions attracted Rogge's interest. He put down the quill in his hand, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes: "Are you talking to me?"

As if they understood, the two shook eagerly, as if answering in the affirmative.

Rogge's eyes flashed with excitement and he asked many questions one after another. However, their single shaking is obviously not enough to carry complex communication.

"Perhaps, I should find a place to plant it." He picked up the acorn, and the squirrel in the later animations that had a special liking for acorns flashed in his mind.

In the distant Ice Age, in pursuit of this acorn, it inadvertently changed the face of the earth. Even, various miracles were built.

Roger picked up the quill and continued to write letters to friends far away. At the same time, he replied to Hermione that he could take her to find the portkey to the Quidditch World Cup.

After all, the Ministry of Magic and the International Quidditch Federation had sent invitations to the box, and he was still thinking about how to use them.

As night fell, Roger finally handed the last letter to the owl and watched it disappear in the rain. He looked at the increasingly heavy rain outside the window and stretched tiredly.

After staying in the forest for nearly a month, I was so tired that I was almost exhausted. After he hastily washed himself, he lay down on the soft bed.

He placed Ravenclaw's diadem beside his pillow, not for comfort but to cool off the heat.

It was summer, and he was too lazy to use magic to adjust the temperature. We can only reluctantly ask Miss Ghost: Ms. Helena to temporarily act as a humanoid self-propelled magic air conditioner.

"You will freeze to death!" Helena rolled her eyes at Rogge, hugged a book, and lay quietly next to him studying.

Suddenly, her eyes fell on the acorn, and she poked it curiously.

"Hahaha..." A compound laughter like silver bells came from inside, which frightened Helena and immediately hid back in the crown. She also whispered: "It's haunted!"

Rogge, who slept in bed, knew nothing about the outside world. If he heard Helena's cry, he would have to make fun of her in a weird way. For example, "A ghost shouted "Poltergeist" and ran away in fear. My family didn't understand. I laughed to death."

After a long time, Helena plucked up the courage and slowly poked her head out. The acorn was still standing quietly on the tray, looking nothing strange.

"Did I hear wrongly?" She put her hand on the acorn again. This time there was no laughter, but an illusory elf the size of a thumb jumped out.

"Ivan...no, it should be called Rogge." She let out a soft cry of surprise, and then looked at Miss Ghost curiously.

Her mouth moved quickly, as if she was saying something, but Helena couldn't hear a word.

"Mute elf." Helena's eyes showed a hint of disappointment and boredom.

She turned her head and locked her gaze on the phoenix egg. The place was pregnant with fiery life, and the state of vigorous vitality and competition among all things made her avoid it subconsciously.

"They are all weird things." She yawned boredly, not wanting to pay attention to the thumb elf jumping around in front of her eyes.

Ghosts don't have to sleep, but they saw Roger sleeping soundly. Helena also gradually felt sleepy. She put away the book, got into the crown and disappeared.

The room immediately fell silent, leaving only the elf running around the room. Her little body struggled to climb onto the desk and saw the big globe.

She walked over curiously and touched it with her fingers: "Hey, can it be turned?"

She jumped up excitedly and ran happily. Pieces of land and ocean were stepped on under her feet, as if she were traveling around the world.

Her eyes sparkled when she saw the different scenery outside the window. She jumped on one book and then jumped from one to another. Use them as steps to jump onto the ledge.

The garden outside has a variety of flowers and plants. She greeted them curiously, and the flowers nodded in response.

"Wow, what a tall house."

The whole room became her adventure playground, and all kinds of novel things made her jump and cheer.

"Roger, here I come." She said, jumping down from the chandelier and hitting Rogge, hoping to attract his attention.

At the moment of collision, the little finger elf was bounced up. While sleeping, Rogge subconsciously turned over and almost gave her a crushing blow. She jumped away quickly and jumped on Rogge's face angrily.

"You look so stupid when you sleep." She said and playfully stepped on Roger's face and kicked him a few times.

Then, she lay elegantly on her side on the pillow, quietly staring at Roger's peaceful sleeping face.

Gradually, she was also infected by Rogge's sleepiness, and her eyelids drooped heavily.

Rogge's originally peaceful sleep was suddenly broken, and an emerald green dream slowly unfolded. He looked curiously at the magical mysterious garden. In the flower hall, a female elf walked towards him lightly.

"Helena?" Rogge couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw her familiar face.

"Ivan...Brother Rogge, come on." Helena reached out her hand and invited him to dance in the garden together.

Rogge held it awkwardly and said a little embarrassedly: "But I can't."

"What's so difficult about this? Just jump around." She said, putting Roger's right hand on her waist and guiding him to feel the rhythm of the wind.

"I stepped on it again..."

"Try again?" Helena encouraged him and patiently guided him in dance steps and postures.

Helena in the dream is a good teacher. She has excellent dancing skills and is very patient. She takes Roger to practice over and over again.

Although Rogge quickly mastered the basic steps of the dance with his foundation in swordsmanship, Helena was not satisfied with his performance. In her eyes, the current Roger is just a little tabby cat that walks lamely. She longed to see Rogge release his inner emotions more freely and intensely.

As the principal dancer of Oak Castle, Helena’s understanding and expression of dance are beyond ordinary people’s imagination. She was dissatisfied with Rogge's overly precise, ruler-measured dance steps. She wanted him to be more relaxed and casual.

Just like she said at the beginning: Dance, just dance and it will be perfect.

"Don't restrict yourself." Helena's smile was sweet and charming, and she hoped to use her charm to open Rogge's heart.

As the two people's dance steps gradually became harmonious, the surrounding flowers seemed to sense their tacit understanding, and they bloomed one after another. A breeze blew by, and countless petals swirled and danced around them.

However, Rogge's dance steps still failed to meet Helena's expectations.

"Dancing is an outburst of emotion, not a rational deduction." Helena frowned and suddenly stopped dancing, and the music stopped abruptly.

"What's wrong?" Rogge felt a chill in his body before he finished speaking.

He looked down and found that he was completely naked. Opposite Helena's white floral dress is slowly blooming.

"You dance too mechanically," she said.

The snow-white petals unfold gently, revealing the delicate stamens. The stigma swayed slightly, Helena grabbed his hand and pressed it on the soft petals.

"am I pretty?"

"The essence of dance is the expression of lust. Now, do you feel it?" Helena's voice echoed in the dream.

"Ah!" Rogge woke up suddenly, looked around his familiar bedroom, and felt a surge of relief in his heart: "It turned out to be a dream."

Miss Ghost is lying leisurely in the rocking chair, reading a book. The sun shone on her body through the rain curtain, especially soft.

She turned to look at Rogge and joked: "Isn't it because I dreamed about a female ghost that I was so scared that I peed my pants?"

"Haha." Rogge curled his lips and thought to himself: "The female ghost dreamed about it, but she didn't wet her pants."

"I dreamed of being dragged to dance. I danced all night and I was numb. In the end, I thought I was a bad dancer." He looked at Helena and asked curiously: "What was wrong last night?" situation?"

"I'm not your night watchman, how could I know?" Helena snorted arrogantly, and then said: "However, I saw a light spot flying out of the acorn, and it was a mute elf the size of a thumb. "

"Mute elf?" Rogge looked at the acorn suspiciously and looked at it carefully. He found no clues and had no choice but to put it back.

"Roger, you couldn't use some evil black magic to trap the girl's soul inside, right?" Helena asked half-jokingly.

"Am I that kind of person?" Rogge thought back to his dream last night, but as time went by, it had become fragmented.

Rogge couldn't remember many details. The two white and long legs of the garden elf vaguely remained in his memory, but then...

"What happened next?" Rogge tried to remember, but the dream was like hide-and-seek, becoming more distant and blurry the more he thought about it.

"Hey, hey!" Helena shouted several times, and finally had to use Ghost Cold Heart Palm to pull him out of his memories.

"Hiss... you're going to freeze to death."

"Hmph, who told you to treat me as a refrigeration prop? You must have really committed an unforgivable crime, right?" Helena interrogated seriously.

"Unforgivable?" Rogge shook his head, "Am I the kind of person who does bad things?"

"Isn't it?" Helena saw Rogge lifting the blanket and turned her head quickly, as if she was afraid of seeing something she shouldn't see.

"Hey, ghosts can still be shy?" Rogge teased, a smile flashing in his eyes.

"What's wrong with ghosts?" Helena immediately retorted, "Ghosts are similar to wizards. There is also a pervert in Hogwarts. Guess who it is?"

"How did I know that? It couldn't be you, could it?"

"Tch, I know you don't know." Helena raised her head proudly and continued: "Myrtle! I didn't expect it!"

"She lives in the pipe. She will sneak into the bathroom at night to watch the wizards take a bath. Sometimes she even jumps into the swimming pool herself to tease them."

"When you become a prefect, you can bathe with Myrtle."

"How do you know so clearly? Could it be that you often go there secretly?" Rogge teased while looking for the record player.

"Nonsense!" Helena spat softly and asked firmly: "Am I that kind of person?"

"Who knows, it's hard to say." Roger responded, placing a vinyl record on the turntable.

As the needle touched the record gently, the melody of classical music suddenly filled the room, intertwining with the drizzle outside the window to form a gentle symphony.

He closed his eyes and his body danced to the rhythm of the music. Last night's dream seemed to come into reality at this moment. Although the specific details were blurred, his body subconsciously danced to the melody.

Helena observed silently and couldn't help but nod and praise: "Wow, the dance steps are quite good. When did you learn it?"

"In my dream last night."

"In a dream?" Helena's voice raised a few degrees unconsciously, and she curled her lips contemptuously, obviously thinking that Rogge was teasing her again.

After all, dancing is not a skill that can be mastered by just observing. Without personal practice, it is impossible to follow the beat of music.

"Ahem..." She cleared her throat, trying to attract Rogge's attention, but Rogge seemed to be completely immersed in his own world, and his dance steps became smoother.

"I said..." Helena stared at him and said deliberately: "You won't make progress dancing alone like this. You need a dance partner."

"Ah?" Rogge stopped and stared at her, thinking.

"Dance partner?"

"Yes, a dance partner. For example..." Helena repeated, hinting that she could help reluctantly.

However, the reserved Miss Ghost needed Rogge to speak first. Be prepared to bow and invite her into the music.

The corners of her mouth raised slightly, thinking to herself: "Jessica is not at home. Who else can be your dance partner besides me now?"

"Youmi can do it too." Rogge suddenly said an unexpected answer.

"What! A cat?" Helena was shocked, watching Roger holding the cat and dancing lightly in front of the spacious floor-to-ceiling windows.

"You actually lost to a cat?" She pouted, wanting to kick Roger out of the window.

The kitten, which was still sleeping, was awakened by Rogge's sudden movement. It was held in the air and kept spinning, spinning, spinning...

"Meow!" Youmi gave Rogge an impatient kick, warning the two-legged beast not to disturb his sweet dream with a stern look.

Helena raised a smile on her lips and cursed quietly: "Huh, idiot."

"You need a human dance partner." She suggested softly, just saying it was herself.

"Human form? Do you mean yourself?" Rogge's eyes showed a hint of helplessness. The cold Helena was not an ideal dance partner.

"I never said that!" Helena said word by word, "Besides, even if you invite me, I may not accept it."

"Oh~ but you're too cold. I'm afraid you won't be enthusiastic when you dance." Rogge said, walking towards the record player and trying to turn it off.

Helena immediately floated in front of him and blocked his way. She said sternly: "That's because your dance steps are not passionate enough. If you can release real emotions when dancing with me, it means you have achieved success." progress."

"Uh... I don't study well, don't lie to me."

"Forget it, I don't care about you." Helena stamped her feet pretending to be angry, snorted, and floated to the side of the crown.

"Beautiful Miss Helena, do you accept..." Before Rogge could finish his words, he was interrupted by Helena's decisive attitude.

"For the sake of your sincerity, I reluctantly agreed." Before Rogge could finish speaking, she turned around and floated in front of him.

A gust of cold wind hit him, making Rogge shiver. He held Helena's hand gently, as if holding a ball of dry ice.

"Raise your head and look at me." Helena made her request from time to time, "Stay closer to me. Can I eat you?"

"What if, hiss..."

Suddenly, Helena's right foot took a wrong step and went straight through Rogge's shoe. He gritted his teeth, a fire rising in his heart: anger.

"Did you do it on purpose or accidentally?" Rogge asked.

"Yeah~ on purpose." Helena smiled slyly, "Now, are you in the mood?"

Compared to the free and unrestrained feeling in the dream, Helena's dance is more aristocratic and elegant. Rogge's originally stiff and mechanical dance steps gradually gained some vitality under her stimulation.

The acorn on the table shook slightly, and the elf inside stared angrily at the illusive ghost.

It’s like seeing the peaches you cultivated and ripened being picked away by others in front of you.

"In front of me! Unforgivable!" She yelled in Acorn, but there was nothing she could do about Helena.

I can only wait for tonight and let Roger forget these messy manners in his dream. "Aren't you tired of dancing with a show on your back?"

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