For a while, almost every night, Roger was being trained by Helena in his dreams to dance.

The playfulness on her face faded and was replaced by seriousness. He even broke the vine, threatening Rogge to completely forget Miss Ghost's aristocratic attitude.

Rogge wanted to cry without tears, and even shut the acorn and phoenix egg into the crystal ball. However, Helena's dream cannot be escaped.

"I'm not staying at home anymore!" He maintained his last stubbornness, picked up his luggage and left the villa.

"Goodbye, Mom, I'm going to sail away tonight!" Roger and Jessica hugged each other goodbye, and with their mother's nagging, they prepared to go to the Quidditch World Cup.

However, before that, he had to pick up Hermione. The limousine stopped in front of the apartment. Roger looked at the beautifully maintained garden and rang the doorbell.

"Oh, it's Roger!" Mr. Granger smiled and said, "Hermione has been talking about you for a long time, and she also talked about Quidditch and the like."

"A wizarding sport, similar to football."

"Football!" Mr. Granger mentioned football and excitedly pulled Roger into his study.

As a dentist, his study does not contain glass jars for storing strange teeth, but T-shirts one by one.

"These are signed by Nottingham Forest players, and this one is my collection..." He pulled out the T-shirt at the bottom of the box, which had a big lipstick mark on it.

"Ahem..." He quickly coughed to cover up his embarrassment, and then picked up the football on the bookshelf. "I was the football star of the school back then, and I attracted a lot of girls."

"Roger, you were also good at Quidditch in school, right?"

Roger shook his head: "I don't really like flying around on a broom and just doing behind-the-scenes work."

"Oh, what a pity!" He was completely unaware that Mrs. Granger was standing at the door and said brazenly: "You have to try it. Only masculine sports stars in the school can make female students bow down to you. "

"Bow down?" Mrs. Granger repeated in a strange tone. She pinched the fat around her husband's waist and said with a smile: "Roger, Hermione is going to trouble you at this time."

"That's too kind of you. Where's Hermione?"

"She is picking out clothes upstairs..."

"Mom, where is it?" Hermione, wearing a sky blue dress, interrupted.

She raised her head and looked at Roger: "I was afraid that someone would forget about the school team finals, so I reminded him."

Mr. and Mrs. Granger showed understanding smiles on their faces and urged Hermione to leave quickly. Looking at the car taillights disappearing outside the window, Mr. Granger sighed: "I can finally live the world of two people."

"What's going on with surrendering?" Mrs. Granger stared at him.

"Madam, please listen to my explanation..."


Mr. Granger hugged his wife forcefully and said with a smile: "Explain with actions..."

In the driverless car, Hermione deliberately didn't talk to Roger. Rogge was suddenly confused and asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

"Humph." Hermione turned her head and remained silent.

A certain person has only written one letter to himself during the summer vacation. What's wrong? Don't you have any self-knowledge?

"Did the potion boil into a frying pan?" Seeing that Hermione still ignored him, Rogge asked tentatively: "Otherwise, I won't be able to learn the spell? Or, Muggles won't be able to solve linear equations in two variables?"

Hermione turned back and rolled her eyes at him, thinking to herself: "What an idiot, I don't know why. Couldn't you ask me?"

Seeing that Rogge still couldn't grasp the point, she reminded: "Did you just write me a letter?"

"Yeah, that's right." Rogge nodded and looked at Hermione with innocent eyes (is there something wrong with this?).

"Did you write it for me alone, or for everyone?"

"It's all written..."

"I knew it." Hermione turned around angrily, "If you weren't writing to someone else, you wouldn't be able to remember me."

"Who said that?" Roger finally realized why Hermione was angry and gradually approached her.

"I was exploring the Enchanted Forest in Eastern Europe and was almost eaten by Baba Yaga. As soon as I came back, I quickly replied to your message."

Hearing Rogge say this, Hermione's heart trembled slightly. She turned her head, with some concern in her eyes: "It's so dangerous! Are you okay?"


"Is your hand injured?" She grabbed Rogge's left hand, checked that it was intact, and then grabbed her right hand.

Suddenly, she realized that she seemed to have been deceived.

"The hand is fine." Rogge took the initiative to grab her withdrawing hand and held her in his arms.

I have been quite stimulated by Helena in my dream, and her two long thin white legs are always dangling. In addition, Europeans and Americans develop early, and their bodies full of hormones collide with Hermione who is beginning to take shape, and her heart is boiling.

Hermione blushed and secretly watched Roger approaching. Many thoughts came to her mind, especially a few days ago when her neighbor's Muggle best friend got into her male classmate's car. Just at the intersection, she saw with her own eyes the old Beetle rocking up and down in the night.

"I apologize to you."

"Don't~" She subconsciously wanted to refuse, but the apology was too strong, leaving her unable to struggle.

Her breathing gradually became heavier, and her sky blue dress was wrinkled and wrinkled.

"Are you satisfied with your apology?" Rogge looked down at her and asked with a smile, "How about I apologize to the beautiful Miss Granger again."

"Asshole!" Hermione's hair was messed up and her breathing was heavy. She cursed in a low voice, but pulled him to prevent him from leaving.

"Don't move!" she said, asking Roger to be honest. The dress she carefully selected was wrinkled by Rogge.

"Next time, don't reply to my letter so late."

"Well, I wrote it specifically for you." Rogge coaxed her and blurted out sweet words of love. Paired with stories of summer vacation adventures, Hermione's heart rose and fell with his breathing.

Listening to Roger describe Baba Yaga's evil cauldron, she almost covered her mouth and wanted to vomit. But when she heard that he had burned down the wooden house with chicken legs and deceived Baba Yaga, she smiled happily again.

The car parked quietly deep in the forest, and the two people inside were talking quietly and tenderly.

Hermione slept in his arms all night, and when she woke up in the morning, she felt a strange feeling in her buttocks. She touched it curiously and withdrew her hand as fast as lightning, realizing what it was.

She turned around and saw that Roger was sleeping soundly. Hermione blushed, curiosity flashing in her eyes, wanting to find out.

"Are the anatomy diagrams on Da Vinci's manuscript real?" She turned around and faced Rogge, thinking about the yellowed manuscript.

So, she carefully moved her hand down secretly, still staring at Rogge's face. Seeing his expressionless expression, Hermione gradually became bolder and even tightened her grip and gave him a firm squeeze.

"Hey, the size is different!" Her eyes became bigger due to surprise, and the completely different physical characteristics made her continue uncontrollably.

Under the red rising sun, Hermione's cheeks were like red apples.

At this time, Rogge had gradually woken up. He noticed something and couldn't help but hold his breath. Last night Hermione sternly declined the invitation and told him not to mess around. But who would have thought that someone would mess with him so early in the morning.

"I feel like I'm not clean anymore." Rogge couldn't bear it anymore and reminded softly with his eyes closed. Hermione was so frightened that she jumped up in a panic, but was tightly wrapped in Roger's arms and had nowhere to escape.

He nuzzled Hermione's ear and whispered secretly. Hermione snorted after hearing this. However, after hearing Rogge's uncomfortable complaints, he decided to put an end to the trouble he had caused.

"I'm so tired." She relaxed her right hand, wondering why it still didn't work. She secretly thought: "Obviously my Muggle bestie next door told me that it took less than 60 seconds. Could it be that she lied to me?"

The small question triggered Hermione's big question. The rising sun outside the car window finally jumped out of the horizon and out of the forest, vigorously releasing all the light.

"You're so annoying, you always lie to me!"

"My Hermione is so smart, who can deceive her?"

"Who is from your family!"

The two had fun until noon before leaving the car. Rogge put the car into the traceless expansion pack and took her to grab the broken hat on the hill.

Phew... After a while, Rogge strolled down from the sky holding Hermione in his arms. There were countless tents stationed in the camp outside the stadium, and the noise was overwhelming.

Young wizards rode broomsticks through the tents. The clown holds balloons and sells them to children. Roger even saw a giant, color-changing soda bottle, which was Theodore's soda sign.

"So many people!" Hermione was completely shocked by what she saw. She had never seen such a large camp.

"Let's go find the Hogwarts camp."

Hermione quickly pulled her hand back when she heard that she was going to school. Rogge secretly pulled it several times, but she opened it firmly.

"What's wrong?"

"I..." Hermione lowered her head, feeling a sense of inferiority deep in her heart.

At school, Roger is recognized as the best target of witches. Compared with those witches from wizarding families, apart from her academic performance, she felt that she was a bit ordinary in other aspects.

If they see Roger holding their hands, the witches in the school will definitely exclude them even more. Finally, with the help of the Jackdaw Magic Society, she gained some friends, and Hermione didn't want to lose them.

"We can't show any intimacy at school."

"Why?" Rogge asked puzzled.

Hermione lowered her head and said nothing, threw him away and ran in the direction of Hogwarts. The students at Hogwarts are mainly with their parents, and the camp is mainly with the participating team members.

"Roger, come on! Look at our new uniforms!" Malfoy rode a broom and showed it to Rogge majestically.

The team uniform design is very unique and eye-catching. The main color of the team uniform is elegant gray and black, and then it is embellished with the green, red, blue and yellow of the four colleges.

Although due to rules, wind-breaking magic cannot be applied to it. However, the tight-fitting style allows players to reduce air resistance and increase speed and flexibility when flying. They can even wear special cloaks that can pull out long cloak-like airflow behind them when flying...

"Handsome." Rogge responded with a smile, but his mind was entirely on Hermione who was hiding in the tent.

"This summer vacation, I ranked first in school team training!" Malfoy landed in front of Rogge and said proudly, patting his chest.

"Draco, let's be clear, that's the individual score of the Chaser." Cedric walked over with a smile. His girlfriend Zhang Qiu was chatting with Hermione.

Cedric suddenly bowed to Rogge and said sincerely: "Rogge, thank you for saving me. If it weren't for you in that game, I might have fallen off the cliff."

"The situation was dangerous enough at that time. But Mr. Snape and other students have already arrived. I just need to go faster." Rogge smiled modestly, and couldn't help but joked: "Cedric, was beaten by Thunder?" After the split, did you awaken any mysterious abilities?"

"Mysterious ability?" Cedric thought seriously, his eyes lit up: "Does getting a nickname count?"

Malfoy interjected, joking: "Charcoal?"

"It's not charcoal, it's lightning!" Cedric said as if he was going to hit him, but Malfoy quickly got on his broom and left.

The two of them were chasing and escaping in the sky, and they were extremely happy.

The Weasley twins stood at the entrance of the camp, eagerly watching the others start gambling. In the camp, Harry had been secretly watching Zhang Qiu. If he accidentally looked at her, he would smile stupidly.

"So what if the other party has a boyfriend?" Sirius, who was camping next to him, had a look of hatred on his face. He anxiously muttered in his heart: "Harry, you are a brave Gryffindor! I miss you. Father James, even with Snape the slug blocking his way, he won Lily's love."

Seeing that Hermione was deliberately avoiding him, Roger knew that now was not a good opportunity to communicate. He walked to the side helplessly and asked, "Professor Lu Ping? Are you here too?"

"Homeless tramps can only make ends meet in the school camp." Sirius next door said sarcastically. Ever since Lupine drank the antidote, he hadn't spoken to him for several months.

Rogge curled his lips, obviously not believing Black's statement. The salary of teachers at Hogwarts has been increased a lot. Although it is not enough to live a luxurious life, it is more than enough to maintain the dignity of professors.

However, Lupine still wore an old robe full of patches, and the box was still in tatters. He ignored Black and called Rogge to come over and sit down.

"The opponents in the final are quite difficult." He took out a list and handed it to Rogge.

"The red Bulgarian team, they have the best seeker: Grim Brook." He pointed to the bald boy in the photo. Brook was riding a broom in the air, making a victory sign.

"Not only is he a main player in a professional team, he is also a student at Durmstrang."

"You mean, our opponents in the secondary league have professional players?"

"That's right! And he's not an ordinary professional player, he's a star player." Lupine sighed, not optimistic that Hogwarts could win the secondary league championship.

As long as Krum plays normally and his teammates maintain a 10-point lead, they can easily defeat Hogwarts. Even this game was a three-minute massacre.

Rogge sighed, he did not expect that his opponent would have such a difficult character. In fact, his ideal Hogwarts school team should be like Durmstrang: the main players of the school team are professional golfers.

However, Hogwarts simply doesn't invest enough in Quidditch.

Behind closed doors, the four colleges can enjoy themselves in a circle. Put it outside and it's not enough to look at. If it weren't for Cedric, Harry Potter, and Draco, I'm afraid my school team wouldn't have made it to the finals.

If Hogwarts cannot establish its own training and selection mechanism before they graduate, the current glory will be short-lived.

"How about I knock that guy named Krum unconscious?" Blake's voice suddenly came from behind.

Lupine turned his head, with a trace of anger in his eyes: "I warn you, stop such dangerous thoughts."

"Remus, I knew you would talk to me." Black nodded quickly in agreement, a scary smile on his scarred face.

"You..." Lupine turned his head, gasped out two rough breaths from his nostrils, and swore never to talk to him again.

Every time he thought of the potion that Sirius had given him, he felt like a small hand was scratching at his throat.

"Has Mrs. Huo Qi decided on the starting lineup?"

"Everything else has been decided, but the Seeker position is still waiting to be seen." Lupine's eyes fell on Harry, who was still peeking at his favorite witch.

Cedric thought of him as a brother, but Harry thought about his brother's girlfriend. Lu Ping took a deep breath, feeling that he was getting old and could no longer understand the world of young people.

On the other side, the racing competition between Cedric and Draco attracted many people to join. Some coaches of professional teams are observing records.

Don't tell me, I've found a lot of good ideas. If Durmstrang's Remus hadn't been so dazzling, the outcome of the second-tier league final might have been a mixed bag.

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