A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 392 Voldemort is in action

Blake on the side intervened again: "Harry Potter will definitely be able to defeat that Krum."

Lupine couldn't help but want to seal Black's mouth with a spell. He always made comments without thinking. "If Harry is really sure of winning, why hasn't Mrs. Hooch decided on the starting Seeker?" he asked angrily.

Roger sat next to him and thought. Although he and Harry belong to different houses, he knows his position when it comes to the big issues of school honor.

"I heard from Draco that there were tests at their summer Quidditch training? How were Harry and Cedric's results?"

Lupine sighed softly, with regret in his tone: "Harry did not participate in the training camp, but returned to Privet Drive and lived with his Muggle relatives for a month."

"Huh?" Rogge couldn't help but open his mouth in surprise.

Although he knew in his heart that this must be related to the spell left by Harry's mother, he still couldn't help but ask: "This is the finals, why do you let him go home to rest? Moreover, I heard that Aunt Harry's family treated him badly." not good."

"That's not true!" Sirius said fiercely, "If it weren't for Dumbledore... I would never let Harry go back."

"That's a stupid Muggle family. The master and his son are as fat as pigs. I really don't understand why Harry has to live there." Sirius complained, "If Harry participated in the training, Definitely better than Cedric on the test."

Rogge spoke quickly, interrupting Sirius Sky who was uncomfortable not interrupting: "So, Cedric's test scores are better than Harry's?"

"No, that's not the case!" Lupine took out two report cards and explained to Rogge: "They each have their own advantages. Cedric is fast, has strong physical fitness, and performs better in confrontation tests."

"Harry is not inferior either!" Sirius shouted unconvinced, "He is flexible, alert, and most importantly, this kid has ball skills."

"If Hogwarts wants to win against those dark magic boys in Durmstrang, it must start with Harry and defeat them with luck." Sirius insisted.

Rogge secretly pouted, although luck is part of strength. As the child of destiny, Harry Potter does have incredible luck on the field, such as being able to accidentally capture the Golden Snitch who "thrown himself into a trap".

However, luck does not equate to full strength. If you pin your hopes of victory at Hogwarts entirely on Harry's erratic luck, you may face a more disastrous failure.

Just as he was deep in thought, Mrs. Huo Qi ran over in a hurry.

"Roger, you're so good here!" She said, putting a bat into his hand, her eyes full of expectation, "You come to be the batsman of the school team and use the Bludgers to limit the opponent's movements. "

Mrs. Huo Qi put her hands on Rogge's shoulders, and the eyes of other people in the camp also gathered. George and Fred had displeased looks on their faces. They finally defeated Slytherin in the training camp and won the starting position. Now are they going to give it to Rogge who is late?

Moreover, the two brothers got the starting spot due to their natural understanding. Rogge's coming up means that both of them have to go down.

"Mrs. Hooch, I believe that the players at Hogwarts will be able to perform exceptionally well and prove their abilities on the field." His answer was very appropriate, and the Weasley twins' eyes softened a bit.

"If you let me join now, wouldn't you be questioning the players' strength?" Rogge continued.


Mrs. Hooch wanted to say something else, but Roger interrupted her firmly: "Mrs. Hooch, failure is not terrible. What is terrible is that there is a heart that is afraid of failure. The Hogwarts school team has Slater. Lin’s cunning, Ravenclaw’s calmness, Gryffindor’s bravery, Hufflepuff’s tenacity.”

"I believe that as long as the school team players unite, we can win no matter what opponent we face." Rogge's tone was full of confidence, and his words made everyone present feel a strong team spirit and fighting spirit. will.

He said as he walked towards the Weasley twins and handed the bat into their hands. Facing Rogge's encouragement, Mrs. Huo Qi nodded dullly in agreement. However, in her heart, she couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The secondary league is held during the summer vacation, which results in the seventh-grade players on the school team automatically withdrawing from the competition due to graduation. Without key players such as Wood, Hogwarts' strength will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

Mrs. Huo Qi had to let the players from the hospital team join the training camp, hoping to make up for the vacancies. Even so, good players are not enough. She now regrets that if she had known that she would face such a situation, she should have selected more third- and fourth-year players during the first selection.

Even if they can't play, it's beneficial to sit on the bench and soak up the atmosphere. After all, players who have experienced the baptism of competitions are completely different from the players of the academy who compete in the field. Now, they have to play in a stadium with 100,000 people. Mrs. Huo Qi could only pray secretly, hoping that the new players who joined the school team would not forget how to start the broom.

"What Roger said is so good." Zhang Qiu secretly told Hermione below. She smiled and clapped, sending strength to Cedric and the other players.

She turned to look at Harry in the corner and said generously: "Harry, come on, too."

"Ah, I will..." Harry lowered his head and hid behind the pillar unconsciously. Accidentally, he stepped on a bottle, lost his balance, and fell over.

Lupine and Sirius tilted their heads and closed their eyes in unison. Black even covered his face with his hands, not wanting to see his godson's poor performance.

"Harry, you are James' son! How can you be so disappointing?" He took a deep breath, grabbed Harry's sleeves and dragged him into the tent to avoid further embarrassing himself.

He secretly pondered whether he should tell Harry about his father's impressive record back then: childhood sweethearts could not withstand destiny.

At this time, Malfoy, who had returned from flying around, happened to see this scene. He mocked in a strange tone: "Dear little girl Harry, do you need the care of the vampire prince?"

The laughter in the camp grew louder, except Lupine and Black who were confused. They didn't know that at a Christmas party one year, Harry dressed up as a woman for the first time in order to perform.

You know, there are only zero times and countless times for women's clothing. Everyone looked at Harry curiously, wondering when he would put on that Gothic maid outfit again.

During this commotion, Mrs. Hooch secretly made up her mind to hand over the starting position of Seeker to Cedric. Compared to Harry, he seemed more stable and reliable.

If Harry learned that due to his fall, he lost his starting position, I wonder if he would regret it. Maybe when he sees Zhang Qiu smiling because of his fall, he will feel that it was all worth it.

"Cedric, work hard during the game." Zhang Qiu took a handkerchief and gently wiped the sweat on Cedric's head.

Harry, who was dragged into the tent, saw this scene and felt that his heart was like a dry river bed, cracked into clods of different sizes.

"Oh..." Seeing their intimate behavior, everyone cheered and laughed loudly. Zhang Qiu couldn't resist being shy, his cheeks turned red, and he ran out in a panic. In the blink of an eye, Hermione also disappeared into the camp. Rogge searched around desperately, but still couldn't find her.

At this time, Little Hangleton Village was surrounded by rain. Even if the rain sometimes stops, the dark clouds in the sky still weigh heavily on the villagers' hearts.

There is an old mansion on the highest hillside of the village. The house, once owned by the Riddle family, was the most luxurious building for miles around.

After that mysterious murder, Riddle Manor became increasingly dank, desolate, and even rumored to be increasingly terrifying.

The caretaker of the manor: Fleck, who was once the gardener of Riddle's house. He hasn't been seen for several days. The villagers were talking privately. Some said they heard a scream coming from the gloomy building late one night.

In the Hanged Man's Tavern in Little Hangleton Village, people gathered together to discuss these rumors. Some people believe that it is Riddle's ghost wandering the manor, seeking revenge on Fleck. Others speculated that the rich man who bought the manor came back and drove away the cunning old gardener. Everyone spoke vividly, as if the events were happening before their eyes.

The cook in the tavern held a stone sculpture of a mouse, placed it on the counter, and looked at it curiously. Behind her, there are six other similar sculptures on wooden shelves.

"Did a sculptor come to our village?" someone asked curiously.

"But we don't have suitable stones here." The old man next to the bar shook his head. He pointed in the direction of the hillside and whispered, "Will someone sneak into Riddle Manor while Fleck is gone and take these sculptures?" Stole it?"

"Riddle's old house was once the most luxurious place around. It is said that the furniture there was priceless, and even the candlesticks and forks were made of pure silver." The old man's words instantly ignited the greed in the hearts of the villagers.

That lame old fellow, Fleck, might have fallen to his death in some dark ditch. Regardless of whether he is dead or alive, he is not in the wooden house at the foot of the mountain now.

"So, we can sneak in and visit." Many young people exchanged glances with each other, put down their wine glasses, and quietly left the tavern.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the originally bustling tavern became empty, with only the cook and the old man left.

"Bella, you are getting less and less courageous." The old man's voice sounded particularly young, which was in sharp contrast to his appearance.

He picked up the wine glass and said in an arrogant and arrogant tone: "Why do a bunch of Muggles need to go to such trouble? If you hadn't stopped me, I would have dealt with them long ago."

The wine glass hit the table hard, and he used this heavy sound to express his dissatisfaction with Bella.

"Little Barty, what we have to do is follow the master's orders. Are you questioning the master?" Bella asked with sharp eyes, and the crazy and cold aura made little Barty stand up subconsciously, on guard. .

"Hmph, I think you've become a coward after staying at home for too long." Bella smiled, taking out a wand from her sleeve and playing with it.

Little Barty wanted to refute, but suddenly realized that Bella had stayed in Azkaban for more than ten years, and he couldn't help but feel afraid. In that desperate place, just ten days and a half made him almost commit suicide or go crazy. However, Bella survived intact, albeit mentally disturbed.

"I'm not as knowledgeable as a madman." Little Barty comforted himself in a cowardly tone.

He did not dare to talk back and quickly brought the topic to others: "Are Buck and Pettigrew trustworthy? I heard that his nephew Roger Travis is very valued by Dumbledore."

"Besides, don't you think it's a coincidence that Buck escaped from Azkaban?" Barty Jr. continued.

"This is not a problem you have to consider." Bella sneered and poured herself a glass of strong wine. "To be honest, Buck is far more loyal than you. In my eyes, you are just a deserter, and that dirty Like a rat."

"Peter Pettigrew?" Little Barty obviously disagreed with Bella's evaluation, but when Bella's wand touched his chin, he quickly expressed that he had no objection.

"Have you heard about my wand?" Bella asked.

"According to the Ministry of Magic's records, it was destroyed." Barty Jr. said without hesitation, and Bella slowly took back her wand.

"However, the file is different from the actual situation." He smiled evilly and took out a black package from his sleeve.

He gently untied it, and inside were all wands that the Ministry of Magic had confiscated from Death Eaters. The lazy staff at the Ministry of Magic did not destroy them as required, but simply threw them on the bookshelves in the archives.

"I found another one. You might... no, you will definitely like it." There was an evil smile on his lips, and the wand in his hand had extremely beautiful and complex patterns.

Little Barty handed it over with a hint of regret in his tone: "I thought he was also one of us, but I didn't expect that he turned out to be a lackey of justice."

"Red oak, phoenix tail feathers, twelve inches long." Bella picked it up with a smile, looked at it carefully, and nodded secretly, "Sirius's wand, tsk tsk, my stupid brother."

"The Ministry of Magic actually lied to him that the wand was lost. Hmm, those magic bugs only use lame excuses to deal with others." She rubbed it carefully, as if she was ravaging her brother, "Very good, although not as good as me. It’s a wand, but it’s easier to use than the current one.”

"Where did you find it?"

"In a pile of rubbish." Barty said perfunctorily, using rubbish to express his disdain for the Black family and the Ministry of Magic.

Bella looked at him coldly, with a regretful smile on her face: "If this piece of evidence had been handed over to the Wizengamot, a small flashback spell would have cleared Black's innocence. Unfortunately, he doesn't know magic at all. The behavior of the Ministry, thinking they would prove his innocence."

"My innocent brother deserves it." Bella waved her wand and cast a series of amazingly powerful spells.

Her eyes suddenly lit up and she read to little Barty: "Avada Kedavra."

In an instant, a green light flashed past Little Barty's ear. He swallowed, his body trembling slightly. This crazy woman is even crazier than before she was imprisoned.

Immediately afterwards, there was a heavy falling sound at the door, and the Muggle man who came to drink died in fear.

"With such a decadent Ministry of Magic, how can we do well in the magic world?" Bella drank strong wine and said firmly: "Only by fulfilling the master's great ideal, pure blood and the magic world can usher in new life."

"Long live my master!" Little Barty immediately sent a hymn of loyalty to Voldemort.

Bella nodded slightly, very satisfied with Barty's performance. However, in her own heart, a voice floated secretly: "Voldemort is a half-blood mongrel."

She stabbed the knife into her thigh suddenly, using the physical pain to warn herself that it was a rumor, and it could only be a rumor! With gritted teeth and red eyes, she swore to Merlin that she would kill the little wizard who spread the rumors.

Batty across from her was completely stunned by her crazy behavior. Anyone who saw a madman who stabbed himself when there was nothing wrong would want to hide away.

"Sure enough, escaping from Azkaban was the right choice." Little Barty thought secretly in his heart, if he had not escaped from prison, would he have ended up like this... He shuddered suddenly and did not dare to elaborate further. Think about it.

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