A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 40 Unconvinced Hermione

"That's cool." Ron looked at Principal McGonagall standing in front of them, unaware that they were late. Or maybe this is Weasley-style courage, brainless and fearless.

"Thank you for your comment, Mr. Weasley." Professor McGonagall said seriously, "Maybe I should turn one of you two into a pocket watch so that the other one won't be late."

"We're lost." Harry explained quickly.

"Then turn it into a map. At least the map will not lead to missing seats!" Professor McGonagall turned back to the podium and looked at the little wizard below. "Because of your tardiness, Gryffindor will deduct 5 points."

Harry lowered his head, and Malfoy's mocking voice came from behind.

Although he is a student of his own college, the strict Professor McGonagall will not show any favoritism. This is why all the students in the school respect Professor McGonagall.

"Transfiguration is the most complex and dangerous spell in our Hogwarts curriculum. Anyone who tries to cause trouble in my class will be asked to leave and never come back again..." Professor McGonagall Wave your magic wand and turn the podium into a pig.

The little wizards below exclaimed and leaned out curiously. Some of the bold ones wanted to touch it, such as Weasley.

Rogge was sitting at the back, but he could clearly see the entire process of Professor McGonagall casting the spell. The spell was pronounced clearly and the wand waved accurately, it was such a graceful and swift movement.

The pig no longer looked like a table, and even the butcher couldn't tell it apart from a real pig.

"Remember, transformation is not just fun, it requires extremely strong concentration. The wrong pronunciation of a single syllable may lead to serious consequences." Professor McGonagall warned everyone seriously, and then dismantled the entire magic piece by piece. curse.

"You must master the waving method of the wand, and control the node, intensity and rhythm of each movement." Professor McGonagall restored the pig and demonstrated the trajectory of the wand in the air in an extremely slow way.

"What you have to do now is to follow my instructions and turn the matches on the table into needles." Professor McGonagall demonstrated again, and then let the students do it themselves.

"Roger, it's so difficult!" Daphne frowned and tried several times, but there was no change in the match in front of her. Rogge on the side lowered his head and took notes, instead of waving his wand impatiently like the others.

"Your syllables are wrong." Roger pointed out, "Your purpose is to turn the match into a needle."

"The spell consists of two parts, one is Vertor, which represents the transformation, and the other is the transformed target." Rogge wrote the Latin word for transformation in the notebook and continued: "The pronunciation of needle is Arcus. "

"Huh?" Daphne asked confused, "But Professor McGonagall didn't talk about etymology."

"Maybe Latin is a basic skill when the professor goes to school. At this point you can learn from Hermione." Roger pointed to Hermione sitting in front of Daphne. The matches in front of her already had some metal reflections.

Hearing Roger's praise, Hermione raised her neck happily. She was the first place in the elementary school Latin competition.

"Virtor Arkus." Hermione chanted the spell loudly, and the strong emotion made the transformation spell flying from the tip of the staff shine.

"Wow, Hermione, you're so awesome!" Daphne praised sincerely when she saw half of the matches on Hermione's table turned into needles.

As a member of the Greengrass family, she strongly advocates the concept of pure blood. But facing the even more outstanding Hermione, he praised her without hesitation.

"Not bad." Professor McGonagall came over and praised, "Hermione, please be more steady when waving the wand, so that it will be more perfect next time."

"Thank you, Professor." Hermione smiled sweetly, and out of the corner of her eye she spotted Roger writing and drawing with a quill.

"Mr. Rogge." Professor McGonagall certainly noticed him, "I think the Transfiguration Curse is not the history of magic. Personal practice is far more effective than long lectures."

"Why not give it a try?" Professor McGonagall encouraged. She knew that the child had mastered the God-calling Guard. Basic transformation spells are not difficult for him.

"What you said makes sense." Rogge wrote the last character and nodded: "Then let's try it, Virtoakus!"

He waved his wand steadily and rhythmically, drawing a smooth and graceful arc in the air, and then pointed the tip of the wand at the match.

A silvery white light flashed, the match turned into a perfect silver needle, and the experience level of the transformation spell on the panel was +1.

"Very beautiful, Roger!" Professor McGonagall nodded, picked up the needle and inspected it carefully. Even with the most critical eye, he could not find any flaws.

"Incorrect pronunciation or improper waving of the wand will cause the silver needle to deform." She held up Rogge's work for everyone to look at.

"If the wand outputs too much or too little magic power, the silver needle will become too hard or too soft accordingly." Professor McGonagall pressed the needle, and then it bounced back to its original shape, which showed that the magic power was just right.

"Remember, you must accurately picture the shape of the needle in your mind, and then recite the spell firmly." Professor McGonagall returned the needle and looked around: "Who else wants to give it a try?"

Hermione raised her hand without saying anything. Apart from Roger, she was the only one in the whole classroom who was the most confident.

"Hermione, please start." Professor McGonagall nodded and encouraged.

Hermione closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She was no worse than Rogge in transfiguration, and then shouted firmly: "Viltoakus!"

I saw the wand swinging steadily from right to left, and a ray of silver light flew out from the tip of the wand.

"Not bad." Professor McGonagall nodded with satisfaction when she saw the match turned into a silver needle.

Hearing Professor McGonagall's compliment, Hermione turned her head and glanced at Roger, as if asking how it was?

"Anyone else wants to try?" Professor McGonagall continued to ask, her eyes lingering on Harry for a while.

Harry turned his head and stared at his match, unable to turn it into a silver needle. His status as a savior seemed nothing compared to their talents. This made him feel lost and depressed, but fortunately Ron was with him.

"Okay, everyone should practice more after we get down." Professor McGonagall motioned Hermione to sit down and gave points to both of them without hesitation: "10 points for Slytherin and 5 points for Gryffindor."

The Slytherin students cheered. If the little lions didn't have Hermione, they would be 15 points behind in the first class.

"Professor, why does he have 5 points more than me?" Hermione stood up and asked hurriedly. She didn't think there was such a big gap.

Professor McGonagall did not blame the strict Miss Hermione. She placed the two needles in Hermione's hands and let her see for herself.

"The easiest way to succeed in basic transfiguration is to ensure that the appearance is similar. This is why I asked you to use matches to change needles instead of textbooks." McGonagall saw the corner of Hermione's mouth turned down and knew that she understood the difference.

"The closer the appearance is, the higher the success rate of the Transformation Spell." Professor McGonagall walked back to the podium, waved her wand and turned the quill into a scale.

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