A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 413 This dragon rider is not that dragon rider

Laihe's dragon eyes burst out with a vicious light, which was the blazing heat that finally ushered in the hunting moment after a long wait.

This cunning dragon will play tricks whenever it encounters an invincible opponent.

It first uses deception, showing its soft belly to show submission, inducing the enemy to relax its guard. Then, with lightning speed, it releases a powerful spiritual impact.

Even if you can't control the other person's consciousness, you can still make his head fall into a temporary trance. Finally, he took this opportunity to control the other two dragon heads to kill the other party.

Such a cruel and cunning method has no negative consequences. Except for Baba Yaga's head, which cannot be chewed into pieces, it has not met an opponent so far.

Lech raised his remaining two heads and opened his mouth angrily, revealing terrifying fangs that were as bright as white blades. It bit Rogge's little head hard!

In its mind, it had already rehearsed the blood-curdling sound of bone cracking, red and white liquids mixed together, and hot brains spewed out like a volcanic eruption. The rusty smell of blood will permeate the air, and the broken skull fragments will bloom like blooming roses.

Lech indulged in wonderful fantasies, imagining the wizard falling to the ground after his brain exploded. It will bite Rogge's chest tightly with its powerful jaws, sucking up every drop of his blood.

Finally, he used three rough, barbed tongues to lick all the flesh off Rogge's body. Just imagining the taste of this delicious food makes the whole dragon tremble with joy!

"Oh, you must crush the thigh bone and suck out the marrow inside." It quickly reminded itself in its mind.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Rogge's voice was light and full of sarcasm, floating from the top of its head.

Laihe's two heads flew into the air, and the six dragon eyes were wide open, shining with confusion.

"You?!" Its huge head couldn't understand why its mental attack failed to have any effect.

"What am I?" Rogge put away his sword calmly and rolled up his sleeves to reveal his muscular arms. He clenched his fists tightly and looked at the three dragon heads carefully, trying to figure out where to hit them.

"Big Lizard, it seems you are very unconvinced!" Rogge sneered, and then swung a punch, hitting Laihe's head.

"Ah..." The heartrending roar of the dragon came from the forest, shaking the leaves and making all the little animals in the forest stand in fear.

Rogge skillfully controlled his force and struck the three dragon heads in succession. Each of his punches was precise and powerful, hitting all three heads evenly. He assured Merlin that the strength was just right and that it would not hurt his brain.

The three heads emitted howling sounds of varying lengths and pitches, as if several leaky trombones were played one after another.

"You're the only one with the most brains! You're the only one who's smart! You're the only one who's a human being..." Rogge taunted and beat him violently, hitting the raised faucet heads one after another like a whack-a-mole, suppressing them with his fists.

Lech was in great pain, but there was nothing he could do. It kept howling miserably, and its cries were so ferocious that they echoed throughout the valley. The green dragon who escaped into the Forbidden Forest woke up from his sleep and looked in the direction of the cry in confusion.

"I must have misheard because I didn't have enough sleep!" It secretly cursed, covered its head with its wings, and continued to sleep while protecting a nest of dragon eggs.

Whenever Laihe wanted to fight back, he would be hit by Rogge's precise and cruel fist, which was so painful that he could not gather strength at all. Punch after punch, in the long process of convincing people with reason, it gradually began to believe in Rogge's principles.

Finally, it lost the strength to resist and fell limply into the soil, leaving only helpless crying and wailing...

As the sky darkened, Rogge finally jumped off the dragon body with a heavy breath. Laihe cautiously used his wings to tightly protect the dragon head of the large and small packages, not daring to look directly at the terrifying wizard in front of him. Its body curled up, its huge body trembling slightly in pain, surrendering to Rogge's principles.

"You're so fucking durable!" He rubbed the back of his sore hand and casually pulled over a thick vine, "Stretch your neck over here."

"Which...which one?" Laihe asked timidly with a cry, carefully raising his wings and looking at the little devil with tears in his eyes.

"The one in the middle, hurry up." Rogge hooked his fingers, and the faucet in the middle stretched out obediently. It even raised its head wisely, letting the rough vines wrap around it tightly.

"Sir, can you find a piece of cloth or something?" Laihe begged softly, looking extremely cowardly.

"Cloth?" Rogge's stern eyes scanned the huge dragon body, "I never heard that dragons need to wear clothes."

"Well... I'm afraid of losing face." It lowered its head and muttered softly.

"What's wrong with you?" Rogge couldn't help but laugh, and comforted softly: "Follow me obediently, no one will think you are embarrassed. Besides, even with your three heads, you will be recognized even if you are wearing a bikini."

"What, are you afraid that your wife won't want you anymore?" he asked in a joking voice.

"What kind of wife..." Lech muttered quietly, as if it brought back wonderful and embarrassing memories, "Baba Yaga comes to me every spring with wine and pancakes. Then, and then..." It said something strange. Sorry.

Rogge turned his wrist and asked curiously: "What happened next?"

After seeing the little devil's persuasive questioning, Laihe replied vaguely: "Then she slept with me... You don't know, her teeth are made of iron, and her chest is also made of iron. The inside of her hair It was all full of fleas and maggots. I drank wine and was raped by her in a daze..." Its voice gradually lowered, seeming a little shy.

Without Laihe finishing his words, Rogge roughly guessed the plot behind it. He never expected that Baba Yaga would have such a good time. Don't let the dragon with three heads go, you beast, you beast!

"But, I don't think you were forced." Rogge said in a slightly teasing tone, "Otherwise, you wouldn't have taken the initiative to come here to avenge that old witch."

Laihe turned his head in embarrassment and explained: "There is no way, I have to hibernate. She used to come to my cave every year at this time. I can't sleep without being fucked by her."

Rogge's face froze, obviously he didn't expect to hear such a strange reason. What kind of weird dragon is this? It has to be guided by Baba Yaga before hibernating. He couldn't help but feel a little regret, should he kill the dragon and make it into various magic props.

But then I thought about it, and there were more than a dozen dragon eggs in the bag. He curled his lips and decided not to worry about these things anymore.

The dragon has a bad temper and is arrogant. It is extremely ineffective to tame people by convincing them. If the Imperius Curse is used, they will turn into unintelligent puppets.

"Sir, what are you going to do with me?" Laihe asked cautiously.

"How about making it into a dragon skin robe?" Rogge fiercely tugged on the silver robe and threatened: "Since your skin has such high anti-magic properties, wouldn't it be more cost-effective to kill you?"

"Sir..." Laihe cried whenever he could, with tears streaming down his face. It fell to its knees with a plop, its two big wings huddled humbly under its ribs, "Sir, I am really useful, please don't kill me!"

"Useful? Not necessarily, right?" Rogge sneered, looking down at the howling dragon: "If you eat too much, your temper is not very good. Especially the head in the middle, it is restless no matter how you look at it. Otherwise, Cut off your middle head and spare your life?”

The other two heads immediately looked towards the middle, their vertical pupils flashing with dangerous light.

"Sir, I have long disliked the head in the middle!" the fire-breathing faucet yelled, "talking all day long sounds like a sissy, not manly at all. You cut it off and secretly do things without it, Poison Dragon Head and I will definitely not dare to disobey you."

"Sir, why bother?" Poisonous Dragon Head smiled coldly, "It's better to use a magic spell to obliterate its consciousness. This way we don't have to weaken our strength, let alone worry about our betrayal."

"You!" The middle head never thought that his compatriot Long Tou could be so vicious and openly betray himself in order to survive.

"Hey, when you put it like that, I think the faucet is a bit redundant. If you open three mouths, I will prepare three portions of food. Otherwise, leave one head alone?" Rogge asked humbly.

"Sir, leave me alone! I can breathe fire!" the fire-breathing faucet shouted desperately.

"Bah, the little flames you spit out are not as good as the Fireball Dragon." Poisonous Dragon Head said disdainfully, "Sir, I can spray poison, I am definitely a rare dragon talent in the dragon world!"

"Don't listen to them both!" The dragon in the middle roared unwillingly, "I am the smartest and can command other dragons. As long as you keep me, I can definitely help you build an army of giant dragons."

"When the time comes, you can ride on my back and command countless giant dragons. That scene is so majestic and spectacular!" it said eagerly, "If you leave me behind, why should I go to school? That white-bearded guy just now Old man, I can drown him with my spit."

"Bah! Without my venom, who can you drown?"

"Shit, my dragon breath is the most powerful!"

Just hit the three heads, and you still have to make a noise. Rogge couldn't help but cover his ears and dragged them down the mountain.

The principal and professors stood outside the castle, and students crowded the corridors and looked into the distance. I saw the three-headed dragon walking staggeringly, its three heads biting and hitting each other, and its loud roars made people's eardrums hurt.

When Lech got closer, they saw clearly that a slender vine was tied around the dragon's neck. Rogge only needed a slight tug, and the big guy followed him obediently, like a tamed giant loyal dog.

"Rogge, this..." Professor McGonagall wiped the beads of sweat from her forehead, and for a moment she didn't know how to speak.

Hagrid on the side was staring at the three-headed dragon with burning eyes. He couldn't help but slowly approached it and reached out his hand to sneak up on it.


The three dragon heads stopped biting instantly, and their fierce vertical pupils stared at the dwarf in front of them. Their nostrils blow out turbulent breath, warning each other to stay away from them.

Dumbledore frowned. He walked forward and said, "Roger, I'm afraid there's no place for it in the school."

"Albus, according to the laws of the Ministry of Magic, private individuals are not allowed to tame dragons." Fudge jumped out shamelessly, staring at the big guy in front of him with a smile.

He secretly thought: "If you dedicate it to the master, you will definitely receive the master's reward."

"Mr. Rogge, thank you very much for helping us deal with this troublesome dragon. But you should know that the Ministry of Magic has an express prohibition on raising dragons. If you don't mind, I can send it to the dragon farm and hand it over. Leave it to a professional breeder.”

"Also, regarding your damage to the Ministry of Magic's property..." Fudge clapped his hands, and several Ministry of Magic staff poured out the head of the Brachysaurus from the bag. "The life of a giant dragon should be respected and should not be treated so carelessly. The earth is slaughtered. The life of the dragon is also life!"

"But..." He blinked slyly, and a disgusting smile appeared on his grease-covered face.

"No need." Rogge snorted and slowly took out his wallet. He flipped it over gently, and the golden galleons splashed all over the floor.

"It's just a dragon. I don't mind if you hold me accountable." He kicked him casually, and a few gold coins hit Fudge's trouser legs: "Are these enough?"

The false smile on Fudge's face disappeared instantly, and a dangerous cold light flashed in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Fudge, I don't have much, just Garondo." He gradually raised his voice, and then cursed: "As for the issue of private individuals not being allowed to raise dragons. Let me correct you, who do you think you are?"

"A has-been Minister of Magic, oh, former Minister." Rogge looked at Fudge's fat and red face, and said in a sinister tone: "A wizard scum who uses love potions to lure witches is worthy of discussing the law with me?"

There was an uproar in the corridor, and the students let out short shouts, followed by all kinds of chatter. Little did the students know that Fudge had resigned as minister due to the love-drug scandal.

However, starting from tomorrow, this matter will spread throughout the magical world.

"Then again, magical creatures are not under the control of a little bureaucrat like you. Besides, who wants to raise them privately?" Rogge asked coldly, "You can eat whatever you want, but you can't talk nonsense. Otherwise, I will sue you for slander!" ,do you know?"

Fudge's face was as gloomy as water, and his fists were clenched blue. His body was trembling with anger, and the fat on his face trembled.

"I will formally apply to the Ministry of Magic for permission to build a dragon farm. Now, you can take Lech away." He said, letting go of the vines in his hands and giving Lech a look.

Before the other two heads could react, the middle head was the first to understand. It popped its head out, opened its huge mouth, and roared loudly at Fudge.

Thick saliva sprayed all over Fudge, as if he had just crawled out of amniotic fluid.

"You, you guys!" Fudge wanted to yell, but Lech's other two heads came over.

He was trembling with fear and backed away in fear. If these two dragon heads open their mouths, what will be sprayed out will not be spit, but dragon breath and poisonous mist.

Fudge gritted his back molars and let out a vicious roar from the depths of his throat: "Let's go!"

"Roar!" Laihe held up his broad wings and blocked their way out. Fudge had to lower his head and bend over to get out from under the dragon's wings.

"Mr. Fudge." Rogge stopped him with a smile, "Don't forget to collect the mucus on your body. Ambergris saliva is a precious potion material, but it is very expensive."

"You don't know, don't you? No?"

Fudge's whole body was like an inflated balloon, almost bursting with anger. He gripped his wand fiercely, wishing he could torture this kid to death right away with his heart-crushing bones.

"Travis! Travis!" He kept repeating this last name in his mind, looking back at Roger's bright smile with sinister eyes, "Wait!"

He was full of resentment in his heart, especially the fact that he didn't know anything about the love potion. "Damn fat pig, you almost made me reveal my secret!" He thought fiercely.

Little Barty now takes Fudge's identity and naturally enjoys everything he has. When he thought of the female singer, he suddenly felt an evil desire. If he can't take care of Travis, why can't he take care of a witch who sells songs?

"Reward you." Rogge waved his magic wand, and the Galleons on the ground flew towards Lech.

The three-headed dragon was overjoyed and caught the gold coin with its wings with a smile. The three heads got together and started arguing about how to divide the money.

"I'll share it!" The head in the middle did his part, "One for you, one for me; one for him, one for me; one for you, one for me; one for me, one for me..."

"No, why do you seem to have more than us?" Charizard protested.

"That's because the way gold coins are stacked is different..."

"It's just not right!" The three heads started beating again, their wings and dragon claws waving wildly.

The students laughed loudly as they watched themselves beating their own dragons. Hagrid stared at it closely, trying to sneak up on it.

"Roger, how are you going to arrange it?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

"Temporarily arrange it in school?" Rogge asked tentatively.

"Absolutely not!" Professor McGonagall flatly refused, "This big guy is too dangerous, and the chain can't lock it."

"I remember that the Ministry of Magic confiscated the dragon rings from goblins." Snape interjected, his greedy eyes wandering around the dragon, as if he saw the ingredients for a peerless potion.

He continued: "It is a magic prop composed of two metal rings nested in each other, covered with runes designed by fairies. As long as it is put around the dragon's neck, it will be obedient."

Lech looked over in horror and looked at Rogge with pleading eyes. It shouted loudly: "My lord, I will never betray you!"

"If you don't want to wear it, you might as well kill it and make it into potion ingredients." Snape threatened coldly.

Lech was about to cry without tears. He looked helplessly at the ancient Hogwarts Castle, feeling like he had fallen into a dragon-eating den. If he had known that Hogwarts was so dangerous, he would not have avenged Baba Yaga.

"Isn't it just that without Baba Yaga, I can't hibernate? As a dragon with three heads, I can't bear it anymore?" It lamented in its heart.

"Sir, I wear it, I wear it!" it finally shouted helplessly.

Dumbledore smiled kindly and said to Rogge: "It seems you need to go to the Ministry of Magic. Oh, by the way, give this to Mr. Ollivander."

He took out a long box from his robe sleeves, his eyes shining with wisdom. Rogge didn't need to open it to know that inside was the Elder Wand that he had broken.

"Has the Headmaster not given up the Elder Wand yet?" He thought to himself, putting the box into his bag.

Recalling the power and comfort brought by the Elder Wand is truly something that any wizard who has used it will never forget. Rogge waved to everyone, stood on Lech's back, and let it fly towards London.

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm a dragon knight too." He kicked Lech to make it fly more smoothly.

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