A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 414 Department of Mysteries

Roger looked down through the thin clouds and mist at the London nightlife that had just begun. Wearing thin clothes and bracing themselves against the whooshing cold wind, young people stood under the neon signs outside the bar, anxiously waiting to enter.

For them, it’s not that they can’t afford thick clothes, but the storage fee is not cost-effective.

Lech was completely unaccustomed to the Muggle city. The noise of the Muggle world surrounded him like a symphony of noise. The chirping of the iron box, the neon sea of ​​chaotic colors shining in the bar... It wants to open its mouth and spit out the burning dragon's breath, turning the entire city into peaceful ashes.

"How do we get down?" Rogge sat on Lech's dragon head, tapping his chin with his knuckles and lost in thought.

If he was alone, he could easily avoid Muggle sight. Sneak down quietly, get into the red phone box, and dial 62442 to enter the Ministry of Magic.

But now, he needed to keep the three-headed dragon from being discovered by Muggles. Especially since that particular phone box was near Whitehall, he didn't want to become what Muggles thought of as a terrorist.

"Sir, how about I wait there?" Lech rolled his big eyes and pointed with his nostrils at the Tower Bridge of London not far away.

The Muggles have just renovated it with lights, attracting many tourists to see the new landmark of London at night.

"What a beautiful idea!" Rogge scolded and slapped the dragon's nose hard. "Follow me honestly and stop thinking nonsense."

"Sir, how dare I?" The man in the middle quickly lowered his head humbly, his tone extremely flattering.

"Oh, do you think I will believe it?" Rogge rolled his eyes at it, then turned to the other two faucets and said coldly: "You guys watch it for me. If it makes any little move, report it to me immediately. When the time comes, I will make the first person who reports the report the boss."

"Don't worry, sir, if it dares to make any small moves, I'll spray it with salt soda!" The two heads on the left and right quickly expressed their loyalty, and then stared at their eldest brother fiercely.

Although the three heads share a dragon body, the middle head has always been in charge. The other two also tried to usurp power, but for reasons that were not very smart, they were always fooled by the head in the middle. In addition, it also has the unique ability of psychological shock, so it firmly occupies the dominance of the body.

"Misty clouds." Rogge waved his wand, and a light and misty cloud sprayed out from the tip of the wand.

It is like incense flowing backwards, slowly spreading over the city. Soon, the entire city of London was gradually enveloped in clouds and fog, and all the lights became dim.

"Get down quietly." Rogge ordered in a low voice.

Reluctantly, Lech spread his wings and slowly landed on the Muggle street. Its body was huge and it completely blocked the dark streets. The three faucets kept colliding in the narrow space, making a terrifying and strange noise, which frightened the residents near Whitehall and called the police to Scotland Yard (London Police Station).

"Come here, hurry up!" Rogge opened the phone booth and motioned for Laihe to get in.

"Sir, it's too small!" Laihe shouted reluctantly, but seeing Rogge's unkind eyes, he still put the huge dragon head in, "Look, it can't even fit my head. ……Huh!"

Lech suddenly shut up, because the entrance to the Ministry of Magic was far more magical than he imagined. Not only were all three dragon heads able to get in, but the huge dragon body, wings, and even the last dragon tail were also able to squeeze in. Finally, Roger kicked it and completely stuffed the last bit of tail inside.

The slim and narrow red phone booth has never been ravaged by a giant dragon. It was crowded with giant dragons, like a stuffed balloon that was ready to explode at any time. Roger pushed it, then stood in and turned the dial.

Immediately afterwards, the phone booth turned into a passenger elevator and began to sink rapidly, instantly taking the guests deep underground.

At the same time, the car with the siren flashing was late. The royal policemen walked around the area for a few times, then yawned and went back.

There are still staff at the Ministry of Magic busy late at night. For example, Percy, the diligent little clerk, was directing a large pile of documents to run to the minister's office.

"Long time no see, Percy." Roger held Lech's hand and greeted the acquaintance with a smile.

"Roger?" Percy smiled when he heard the familiar voice.

But when he turned around and saw the huge figure of the three-headed dragon, he was so shocked that he almost fell over. The document at hand collapsed instantly and turned into countless white flying butterflies scattered on the ground.

"This, this is...?" He pointed at Laihe anxiously and stammered, "What is this?"

"A... no, a three-headed dragon." Rogge patted Lech on the head to indicate that it was not dangerous. "Just think of it as Hagrid's three-headed dog. It's just that Leh is bigger. , and a pair of wings.”

"Bigger? More wings?" Percy looked at the dragon blankly, wondering how it resembled the three-headed dog Luwei.

Staff from the Ministry of Magic gathered around and looked at the dragon in front of them curiously. Some people secretly measured its size, while others secretly muttered which head was the most powerful.

The chatter outside alarmed Amelia. She stood at the door with two big dark circles under her eyes and shouted, "Percy, where are the documents I want?"

"Minister, come right away!" Percy, who turned into a social animal, immediately sorted out the scattered documents and carried them over cautiously.

"Put it on the table first." Amelia ordered, her eyes falling on the uninvited guest. She glanced at the dragon and said to Roger: "I don't remember that the Ministry of Magic can store dragons. If you need help, you might as well go to Amos Diggory, he is in charge of Fantastic Beasts."

"That wizard who mocked Old Batty in the World Cup camp?" Rogge asked.

"That's right, the father of your Hogwarts warrior Cedric." Amelia waved her hand, indicating that they could leave.

Recently, she could hear Digory showing off his son every day, which made her ears feel calloused. Although she was very curious about the three-headed dragon, she obviously had more important work to do, so she turned and left after speaking.

Roger remembered Diggory, a middle-aged wizard with some gray hair. Wears round lenses and likes to wear plaid suits.

"Minister, I'm not here to see the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Besides, he must be off work at this point." Rogge stopped Amelia who was about to leave and explained: "This big guy is in the Triwizard Tournament. Ordinary chains and dragon trainers are completely useless to cause trouble at the competition. What the principal means is to use the dragon-binding ring made by fairies to control it."

"Triwizard Tournament?" Amelia's interest was suddenly aroused, and she was keenly aware that the so-called destruction was definitely not a trivial matter. Otherwise, Dumbledore would not have sent this behemoth to the Ministry of Magic.

Especially the Triwizard Tournament was organized by that old guy Fudge, which gave Amelia the motivation to investigate further.

"Percy, you go to Hogwarts right away and investigate in detail what happened." Amelia ordered without looking back. In line with the principle of using it to your death, she said ruthlessly Squeeze freshly graduated Percy.

"Don't worry, Minister!" Percy cheered up and took a sip of black coffee before leaving.

Rogge looked at the energetic Percy and sighed sympathetically: "Alas, social animals in the magical world also have to rely on coffee to survive."

"Those dragon-binding rings should be in the Department of Mysteries." Amelia motioned for Rogge to follow her, with a hint of dissatisfaction in her tone: "Those silent people have been studying something all day long, and even I, the minister, have been In the dark.”

Roger pulled Lech into the elevator and entered a narrow and crude passage under the leadership of Amelia.

"Professor Green from your school is also here." Amelia mumbled, "He is in the Time Hall and seems to be conducting experiments on time travel."

Roger listened quietly and followed Amelia to a plain black door. This is the main place of work for Ravenclaw graduates, and no one knows what they are doing there.

"Fish?" Rogge put himself in his shoes and thought, "I haven't researched anything in hundreds of years, and I can still get my salary on time. My immediate boss still doesn't understand the situation. If I don't do it now, how long will it take?"

Behind the pure black door is a circular black room. The ceiling, floor, and even the candles are black. Twelve identical, unmarked doors were embedded in the circular wall, faint blue flames swaying gently.

Amelia's expression became serious, she looked back at the dragon, and then opened the second door on the right.

As they entered, the door behind them suddenly closed. The twelve doors on the circular wall suddenly began to rotate rapidly, making it difficult to tell which room they had entered.

The entire room is very large, with rows of wooden shelves neatly arranged. There are various alchemical products with strange shapes and strange appearances placed on it. Some of the shapes are not even recorded in the most comprehensive natural history books.

"Most of them are ancient items with unknown uses." Amelia introduced. "The Ministry of Magic used to be much more powerful than it is now. When wizards traveled around the world, they would collect mysterious items everywhere."

"Some are made using local secrets, and some are excavated from ruins. Now, the wizards of the Nile still send some ancient alchemy items every year."

"The goblin's dragon-binding ring should be inside." She muttered and walked deeper, signaling Rogge to stand still and not move.

After suppressing the goblin rebellion that year, all the artifacts they created were confiscated by the Ministry of Magic. Afterwards, the wizards will use the forgetting spell to completely erase the methods of making dangerous items from the goblin's mind.

The most famous among them is the dragon-binding ring, which is regarded as an important weapon by fairies. As long as you put it around the dragon's neck, you can completely control the dragon for your own use. If it hadn't been discovered in time that year. I'm afraid the goblins have already ridden the dragon to overthrow the wizard's rule.

If that happens, no confidentiality law will be more useful than toilet paper. The Muggles might have to go naked and be whipped by goblins for a spectacle.

Rogge stood quietly, looking at the strange objects on the shelf that shone with magic: stone men, wooden masks, gold-encrusted skulls, creeping green snot... many of them made people feel dangerous.

Laihe had long lost the dragon's dominance. It squatted on the ground obediently and buried its head under its wings. "Wizards are terrible!" it screamed in its mind.

"Sneeze..." Amelia blew her nose and picked up a box. She tapped it lightly with her wand, and the box opened immediately, revealing a pile of dragon-binding rings.

"Speaking of which, these things are not very moral." Amelia took out three and handed them to Roger.

Rogge looked at the iron rings covered with runes in his hands, and he could indeed see the outstanding alchemy skills of the goblins. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the fairies were able to create such a magical device.

Amelia continued: "Voldemort, do you have any news about you?"

Rogge's hand holding the dragon-binding ring froze in mid-air, not understanding why Amelia would ask him such a thing. He was a student at school, not an Auror from the Ministry of Magic responsible for investigating Voldemort and Death Eaters.

The minister smiled upon seeing this and explained: "The Department of Mysteries has a room called the Eye Hall, where you can see many things."

"It's a pity that Voldemort cannot be monitored, but the actions of other wizards can be seen. For example, your uncle Buck, I sent a team of wizards to keep an eye on him in the next room." Amelia's tone gradually became serious, and her eyes changed. It was extremely sharp, as if spying on Rogge's reaction.

Rogge remained silent, not knowing whether her words were true or false. If the Department of Mysteries really had such a room, why couldn't the escaped prisoner Peter Pettigrew be found?

A thought suddenly flashed through Roger's mind. He understood that the other party was deceiving him and suspected that Buck had been in contact with him.

"I'm afraid the Ministry of Magic will step up its actions." A faint smile appeared on Rogge's lips, and he casually placed the dragon-binding ring around Laihe's neck.

Amelia's scrutinizing eyes fell on Roger, expecting his further words.

"I heard that Mr. Fudge returned to the Ministry of Magic to defeat you and become the Minister again." Rogge did not mention Buck, but hit Amelia's pain point.

A trace of disappointment flashed in Amelia's eyes, but she quickly concealed her emotions and said dismissively: "He? He's just a clown."

"Don't underestimate Fudge. Maybe Old Barty's unconsciousness was his handiwork." Rogge suddenly thought of something and reminded: "The Daily Prophet said that Old Barty's elf Twinkle died in the fire. You Don’t you think it’s strange?”

"Strange?" Amelia narrowed her eyes and slowly understood Rogge's words.

"House elves are very good at apparating, and houses can be burned to ashes on heavy rain days, as if they were covering up something." Rogge waved his hand and said in a confused way before leaving, "Back then, Old Barty But he is the perfect choice for the minister.”

Amelia felt that the truth was right in front of her eyes, but there was a layer of mist blocking it firmly in the middle. She didn't like guessing riddles, but Rogge was pretending to be mysterious and didn't want to say more, so naturally she couldn't continue to force him.

As for the eye room, it was just the room she made up about. If the Ministry of Magic really had such magical tools, she wouldn't have to send people to keep an eye on the former Death Eaters.

With the dragon-binding ring under control, Rogge felt much more at ease. Lech twisted his neck awkwardly, and Rogge only needed to give a command, and it would instantly turn into a puppet.

However, for Lech who is very obedient for the time being. Rogge did not deprive it of its sense of freedom as a dragon. He arranged for the three-headed dragon to come to the manor and gave it the rescued dragon egg to hatch.

"Sir, I am a mighty and majestic dragon!" it protested angrily.

"Does it matter?" Rogge slapped it hard on the nose, "You can't eat for free and not work, right? Or, how about cutting off the faucet in the middle to make a decorative panel?"

Facing the vicious little devil, Laihe wholeheartedly agreed. It glanced at the dragon eggs under its body and saw that they were not all in one nest. Finally, with tears in its eyes, it lay down on its nest and took a nap, starting the male dragon's journey of hatching eggs.

"Damn Baba Yaga! Damn hibernation!" Looking at Rogge's disappearing back, Lech let out a miserable dragon howl unwillingly.

However, when it thought of Galleon, which Rogge said was as high as a mountain and as deep as the sea, it wanted to become his loyal dog right away.

"I can't fight again and again, and I still have to eat. What can I do?" Laihe looked at each other with his three heads, staring at the unshakable dragon-binding ring around his neck, and gave up his last fantasy.

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