A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 415 Ollivander’s Faith

After leaving the manor, Roger had to deliver the long box that the principal gave him to Ollivander's Wand Shop.

At this time, London was still surrounded by thick fog, and everything you looked at was hazy, as if you had returned to the coal-burning nineteenth century. Muggles are wondering where this persistent white fog comes from. No matter analyzing climate conditions or exploring the heat island effect, they cannot explain such strange white fog.

After passing through the layers of fog, Roger pushed open the wooden door of the Leaky Cauldron: "Good morning, sir!"

Old Tom was setting up the tables and chairs. When he saw the Hogwarts badge on Roger's robe, he couldn't help but have a look of surprise on his face: "Good morning, young man! I remember the school is not on holiday yet, right?"

"Are you skipping class?" he joked. "Dumbledore will definitely take you back. If you were a Gryffindor student, it would be terrible. Professor McGonagall will definitely criticize you severely. Oh. , and college points will be deducted.”

"No, no, I'm delivering something for the principal." Rogge explained, patting the box in his hand. Then, he looked at the menu on the wall: "Can I have breakfast?"

"You came too early. The dough is not ready yet, and the oven is cold." Old Tom scratched his bald head with an apology on his face, "Would you like to try my extraordinary mashed potatoes? Although they are leftovers from last night. It’s a bit off, but I promise it tastes absolutely top-notch.”

As he spoke, he brought a black pot and scooped out a spoonful of sticky, green mashed potatoes.

Rogge looked at the mashed potatoes with weird color and questionable texture, and quickly waved his hand to refuse: "No... no need."

How did I think that I had unrealistic illusions about the cooking skills of Old Tom, a veteran British wizard? "I'd better go back to school to eat." He hurried behind as if running away.

Old Tom looked at his back, shrugged regretfully, raised his spoon and took a bite.

"It tastes pretty good. I really don't understand the tastes of today's young people." He complained as he swept away the remaining mashed potatoes and began to prepare drinks and food.

Roger finished knocking bricks and came to the familiar Diagon Alley. The alley was still very cold at this time, and most of the shop doors and windows were closed. Only the goblins in Gringotts were in high spirits, counting gold coins all day long.

In Knockturn Alley nearby, dark wizards occasionally passed by in a hurry, with malicious looks under their hoods.

Roger walked to the end of the alley and came to the front of the wand shop. It's the same here as before, with a magic wand placed outside the door as a decoration. The boxes in the store are stacked to the ceiling, leaving a small path for customers.

"Roger?" Ollivander, who was enjoying breakfast, looked surprised. He put down the bread in his hand and asked, "Is there something wrong with the wand?"

"I thought you would read out the material of my wand first." Rogge smiled and shook his head and said: "Rosewood, unicorn heartstring, 12 inches..." The two of them read out the material of the wand in unison, and Ollivander was full of A happy smile appeared on the wrinkled face.

"Yes, that's it." He put on his glasses and looked at the long box handed over by Roger.

"What is this?" Ollivander noticed that the wand in the box was broken into two sections. It was completely different from Roger's wand, and it did not come from the wand shop he was familiar with.

The wand is beautiful, though. Even though it was broken, Ollivander was still amazed by its craftsmanship.

"This...Dumbledore asked you to give it to me?" he asked quickly.

"Yes. The principal just asked me to give it to you and didn't say anything else." Roger told the truth.

Ollivander nodded, picked up the magnifying glass and looked carefully at the ancient wand, thinking about its craftsmanship. His expression gradually became serious, and his eyes shone with inquiring light.

"Exquisite craftsmanship, far superior to all wand masters of this era." After a long time, Ollivander issued a heartfelt admiration: "The elderberry and thestral tail feathers fit together, naturally and perfectly. Although the size cannot changes, but it contains the common essence of wizards.”

"In other words, this wand is suitable for use by any wizard." Ollivander looked at the broken wand, nodding as if appreciating a work of art.

He carefully put the wand back into the box, "If you don't mind, please come in with me."

He took Roger to the production room behind the store, which was a narrow corridor. There are various types of wood of different ages and shades stacked on both sides. Behind the dark blue workbench, there is a whole wall of magic materials used to make wand cores.

He hunched over and said as he walked: "Originally, the Ollivander family only used thirteen types of wood to make wands. At that time, wands were made based on the wizard, not the wand to select the wizard."

"Birch, rowan, ash... they all belong to the Celtic tree calendar, and each wood corresponds to a different month. When a wizard bought a wand, my ancestors would compare his birthday with the tree calendar. Then, Then determine the core material."

Ollivander placed the two sections of the Elder Wand on the stand and continued to explain: "Before I take over the family business, wizards can provide their favorite magical substances as core materials."

"Ah? Is it so casual?" Rogge was stunned for a moment and asked in disbelief: "If I like the cat at home, can I pluck out its beard and use it as a wand core?"

Yumi, who was sleeping soundly under the morning light, felt a cold feeling on her back. She seemed to sense something and looked around cautiously, fearing that someone was going to harm her.

"Of course you can at that time." Ollivander nodded, "Any material, even fresh white branches and mermaid hair, can be used as the core of the wand. However, this will cause the wand to be made extremely unstable."

"So since I took over the family business, I have abandoned this practice." He picked up the fine tweezers and carefully took out the Thestral tail feathers from the Elder Wand.

After careful observation under a magnifying glass, a satisfied expression appeared on his face: "Although I don't know who the maker of this wand is, he obviously understands the importance of the wand core. I don't often use the Thestral tail hair." "

"Since I made my own wand, I have been strict about the type and quality of the wand core. Phoenix tail feathers, dragon heartstrings, and unicorn tail hair are my most commonly used materials. They are easy to obtain, of high quality, powerful, and can work with Wizards make each other successful.”

"Alas." He said regretfully after checking the wooden wand: "Unfortunately, the elder tree is not perfect and has a short growth period. Moreover, when it was used to make a wand, it was not in the corresponding tree calendar cycle."

"If it had been handled more carefully, the power of this wand could have been improved to a higher level." Ollivander was immersed in his research and muttered: "There has been a saying in the magic world that 'the elder wand will never... Prosperous' argument. In my opinion, this is completely nonsense..."

Roger listened to the old man's endless explanation of wand knowledge. He wanted to tell the other party that the source of the rumors was the broken Elder Wand in his hand. The fate of its previous owners was often extremely miserable, and most of them died in vain.

"I can make limited repairs." Ollivander said looking at the broken staff in his hand, "However, the violent damage cannot be completely erased. If you use it to cast a spell, the flow of magic power will definitely be extremely difficult."

"Even..." he sighed, feeling a little regretful when he saw such a powerful wand being broken, "it can only be used as a decoration."

As he spoke, he carefully put away the remains of the Elder Wand. Then, he looked up at Rogge: "How is your wand? Kirin Heartstrings are not easy to get."

"It's very easy to use." Rogge took out his wand and waved it gently, and sparks burst out from the tip of the wand.

"Very good!" Ollivander nodded with satisfaction, "Since it has chosen you, it will naturally not let you down."

"By the way, I remember Albus's wand was not like this." He scratched his messy hair and tried to remember: "His wand was very old, as smooth and black as obsidian. Oh, it should be sandalwood. The material, the core of the wand is made of flaming phoenix tail feathers, very rare! The length is... 13.5 inches, slightly shorter than this broken wand."

Ollivander stared at the box in silence, not sure why Albus had changed his wand. But he could feel that this wand meant a lot to him.

Dumbledore's birthday is in July, Roger thought. According to the tradition of the Celtic tree calendar, the material of the headmaster's wand should be oak or holly. However, judging from Ollivander's description, the principal is not a wizard who follows the rules and follows the tree calendar.

"Mr. Ollivander, the principal once mentioned that the broken wand can resist the Unforgivable Curse." Rogge said tentatively.

"What!" Ollivander shouted suddenly, his eyes bursting with disbelief, "This... this is impossible!"

He murmured to himself in a low voice: "Except for the pair of wands..." Ollivander immediately stopped talking, unwilling to say more.

"In that case, I will try to decipher the mystery." Ollivander said firmly, "If all wands could be given the ability to resist the Unforgivable Curse, then so many tragedies would not happen in the magical world."

Facing this pale-haired old wizard who was still concerned about the magical world, Rogge couldn't help but remind him softly: "Mr. Ollivander, the Death Eaters have become active again recently. You must be more careful and pay attention to your safety."

"If there is danger, you can take shelter in my Flash Golem House. The defensive magic there is very comprehensive. There is no safer place in Diagon Alley than Gringotts."

"You also know that those goblins give out umbrellas on sunny days and take away umbrellas on rainy days. I'm afraid they won't let wizards take refuge." Rogge kindly reminded.

Ollivander smiled and said: "I am an old wizard who works with wood, and I have no use for them."

"More than ten years ago, when the Death Eaters were at their most rampant, Ollivander's Wand Shop was still open for business. Now, I'm not afraid of them." He stared at the wand in the box and said confidently: "I We will definitely crack the secret of its resistance to the Unforgivable Curse. In this way, you no longer have to be afraid of death when dealing with Voldemort and Death Eaters."

Rogge stopped trying to persuade him. He could see that this was the belief of a wand master. Just like his attitude towards potions, there is no room for sloppiness.

When good wizards face Death Eaters, they are often the first to get hurt. Because they are not good at the Unforgivable Curse, they can only use some slightly funny spells to engage in life-and-death duels with each other.

Avada Kedavra may sound as ridiculous as chewing a big melon, but faced with the green light of Kedavra, wizards can only avoid it. With the weak bodies of most wizards, this is just delaying death.

Although the goblins crafted a serpentine shield in Uganda, Grindelwald also gave him a brow rosary. However, they counteract the power of Avada's Kedavra by consuming other lives, and do not completely solve the problem of fighting it.

Rogge walked out of the wand shop, looked at the clouds in the sky, and said secretly: "Since you can't fight, then join." When it came to competing for magic power, he really wasn't afraid of anyone.

"The clouds have cleared." He looked up at the thick fog covering London and waved his wand gently.

A burst of red light shot out from the tip of the Kirin wand, and slowly, the white fog covering the city began to dissipate. The blazing sunshine spread across every corner of the city, and Muggles marveled at the strange weather changes.

After returning to Hogwarts, Roger became a popular target among students. Every time after class, the Slytherin students would gather around him and follow him around.

As Rogge's most loyal friend, Malfoy firmly occupies the position closest to him. Especially when Lucius returned from the Ministry of Magic, his gratitude to Roger was beyond words.

The Triwizard Tournament was still going on. Krum, who failed midway, and Harry, who didn't enter the competition, won the golden egg under Fudge's decision. The next step is to get clues to the second project by cracking the golden egg.

Rogge had no interest in the rest of the game. The mermaid tribe lived in the Black Lake of Hogwarts, and they also borrowed Slytherin's old house. Under Dumbledore's organization, there will be absolutely no surprises in the second game.

Rogge hid in the Jackdaw Magic Club and began to write a combat guide to help the members enhance their actual combat capabilities.

Hermione sat aside and suggested modifications from time to time: "Flying sand and stones can be used as a confusion spell, suitable for use when escaping."

"It's too demanding on the environment." Rogge shook his head. "If it's indoors or in the water, the effect of flying sand and rocks will be extremely poor. We should find another spell with greater applicability. For example, the mist is misty."

"Ah? What kind of spell is that?" Hermione asked curiously, "It sounds like it creates fog."

"That's right, it means using water mist to obscure the enemy's sight." Rogge nodded and continued, "The mist is easier to operate, less susceptible to environmental influences, and has a better effect than flying sand and rocks."

As he spoke, he taught Hermione the spell and how to swing the wand. Hermione only listened to it once before she could cast it. Instantly, a large amount of white mist was sprayed out from the tip of her staff.

"Really!" Hermione said excitedly.

Rogge smiled and recited the spell. The mist was originally intended to cover the entire Muggle city to facilitate the movement of wizards. Even if the little wizards have limited magic power, the clouds they release are enough to cope with the battle.

Hermione shouted excitedly: "If at this time, we use the Shenfeng Shadowless Attack..."

Before she could finish speaking, the entrance to the magic club was suddenly opened. Neville jumped in and shouted to Rogge: "President, Miss Fleur from Beauxbatons is looking for you."

Fleur stood outside the clock and smiled brightly at Rogge, "Rogge, can you help me?" She said, opening the bag and revealing the golden egg.

"Do you know each other?" Hermione stared at the uninvited guest with a scrutinizing look.

"My mother's relatives in France." Rogge put down the battle guide and walked out, and Neville closed the door very politely.

Hermione stared at him with evil eyes and asked, "Longbottom, why did you bring outsiders to our magic club?"


"Call me Vice President!"

"Vice president, she said she could tell me what Veela likes." Neville said with some fear.

"Vela's preferences!" Hermione couldn't help but raise her voice and shouted angrily: "For Veela, you betrayed the Magic Society?"

"I didn't!" Neville frowned and retorted: "Fleur is not from our school. Besides, she is still related to Rogge."

"What's wrong with relatives? Sirius and Bella are still siblings!" Hermione scolded him and walked out of the magic club quickly.

Fleur has Veela blood, and many wizards in the school are fascinated by her. Moreover, the other person is tall and beautiful, and his alien style that is different from human beings is particularly eye-catching.

When she hurriedly walked out of the clock, Roger and Fleur had disappeared. She stamped her feet angrily and walked to the library without looking back.

Neville looked at the empty room, his eyes involuntarily focusing on the battle guide. It was a black-covered book with a golden symbol of a wand and a sword crossed together.

He put his hand up curiously, and instantly, an illusory version of himself appeared in the room. Neville, who was made of light and shadow, looked more serious. He waved the illusory wand without saying a word, and his first hand was to seal his throat to prevent the incantation.

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