A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 419 Scared the mermaid baby to death

Chapter 419 Scared the mermaid baby to death~

It is not difficult to transform the old academy with magic. He has mastered Newt's construction magic, and the corresponding level on the panel has reached double digits. If there is any difference between it and the Farm of Fantastic Beasts, it is that this time it needs to be transformed in the real space.

The real space is much more stable than the traceless expansion box, and the effect of the spell is even better. The only drawback is that it will definitely alarm Dumbledore.

"Traceless expansion." He waved his wand gently, and beams of light shot out in all directions. The old college instantly expanded dozens or hundreds of times. The floors, walls, and dome seemed to have eaten golden fertilizer, becoming higher, larger, and deeper visible to the naked eye.

"Sunshine, beaches, islands, cacti, and an old captain... Bah, it's not a cactus, it's a coconut tree." Rogge hummed about Penghu Bay, turning into a copycat of nature and presenting the tropical style in his memory one by one.

The hot sunshine penetrates the thin clouds and shines on the fine white sand beach. Countless coconut trees stand on the coastline that stretches for miles. Their branches and leaves swayed in the wind, as if waving to Rogge. The mini ocean sparkles like sapphires sprinkled with Venus.

This small sea area is about 50 meters deep, and Rogge also needs to ensure that the water layer below 20 meters always maintains a constant temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. The surface water temperature fluctuates between 18 and 25 degrees according to the movement of the sun, creating as real an ocean experience as possible.

He faced the magic sun and kept adding spells. According to the celestial phenomena outside, it slowly turns into a bright moon at night and back into a blazing star at dawn. The water temperature soon began to rise, and the air was so warm that it made people want to sleep in front of the sun.

Roger then dives underwater and casts a thermostatic spell on the mermaid statue. In this way, the bottom temperature can be maintained continuously. Even if the statue is smashed, the magic sun will still shine and heat.

"By the way, we need to add an upper limit to prevent them from being boiled into a pot of fish soup." Rogge thought of a very important safety issue. He swam to the glass separating the black lake and cast new spells. Once the water temperature of the mini ocean exceeds 38 degrees, the glass will burst directly.

"We have to add other marine environments." Rogge sighed, somewhat regretting the promise he made not long ago.

The Caribbean Sea, the Cape of Good Hope, the South China Sea and the Maldives have completely different marine environments. Not only did he have to create four different ocean views in the same space, he also had to ensure that they did not interfere with each other and could be switched at will.

"What a big project." Rogge sighed with a wry smile, but he still had high morale to meet this unprecedented challenge.

Among them, the fastest construction is in the Caribbean. It is an inland sea with no wind or waves and maintains a stable water temperature all year round. Almost identical to the basic version.

It should be noted that the water becomes extremely clear, and you can even observe colorful coral groups at the bottom on the sea surface.

"Coral is so expensive." He sighed and laughed at himself: "I pretend to be 13, but I have to do it even on my knees."

Although he wouldn't go to the bottom of the Americas overnight to steal corals, he could use magic to simulate realistic fakes. If Mercus is dissatisfied with the imitation decoration, he can ask his compatriots to help him get real coral to replace it in the future.

The hydrology and meteorology of the Cape of Good Hope is completely opposite, extremely complex and changeable. Roger wants to use magic to simulate strong tidal currents and storms. He pulled his hair and thought hard for a long time, and finally came up with the corresponding spell.

"Let's just build a cliff along the coastline." He stood on the corner cliff and looked down at the rough waves and foam on the shore, and he actually felt a bit of pride in his heart.

Among the four, the South China Sea is the most difficult to simulate. Not only is its water area vast, its depth is also unpredictable. He had to continue to expand the depth and add a supercharging spell to the entire ocean. In this way, a water depth of only 20 meters can have an equivalent water pressure of 200 meters.

He carefully shaped various underwater ecosystems such as coral reefs, seagrass beds, and mangroves on the bottom, and added everything he could. Finally, a few reef islands were even filled in so that the mermaids could float to the water and sing.

In the final Maldives, there is almost nothing to do. As long as you build some water villas and underwater restaurants on the basic version, this dreamy sea is initially completed.

Slytherin's old house was once the external embodiment of Salazar's pure-blood philosophy. But after Rogge had undergone such a makeover, there was almost no trace left behind by him.

If he knew that the academy he had worked so hard to build was being lent to the mermaid tribe to live in, he would definitely climb out of the coffin and drag the gloomy skeleton to find Rogge for a fight to the death.

"The premise is that Salazar Bencha can read the password correctly." Rogge changed the ruby ​​​​to the controller and pressed it back and forth to check if there was any problem.

"Complete!" He nodded slightly and prepared to hand it over to the mermaid for acceptance.

Anyway, the framework has been set up and the hardware conditions are definitely sufficient. As for soft furnishings, it depends on whether the Selki tribe has strong financial resources.

He dives underwater and taps the mermaid sculpture's nose. Merkus, who was about to take a rest, his face stiffened, and he thought to himself: "Rogge won't regret it, right? I know it's better to believe in the fairy tale book in the sunken ship than to believe in the little wizard."

She angrily left the tribe, threw away the octopus blocking the way, and threatened: "Next time you dare to block the way, I will roast you!"

Merkus's strong fish tail swung suddenly, turning into a water arrow and piercing the lounge. She pinched her waist, as if the anger in her chest would burst out at any moment.

But when he saw the scene behind the glass, his whole body stiffened involuntarily. Roger was lying leisurely on the white beach, holding a glass of lemonade in his hand, enjoying the sunshine.

"You came so quickly." Rogge smiled and held up the ruby, which glowed dazzlingly red under the sunlight.

The sun, the beach, the waves... they were all things she couldn't even imagine. Her eyes widened in surprise, staring at everything behind the glass with disbelief, and she couldn't say a word for a long time.

Rogge pressed the ruby ​​gently, and the surrounding environment instantly changed into another completely different sea area. The second, third... the ocean landscape changes one after another, dazzling the mermaid Merkus.

"Is this a dream?" She stood outside in a daze and asked stammeringly: "You... did you do all this?"

Rogge hooked his hand and motioned for her to come in and talk.

Merkus finally regained his composure and hurriedly let out a string of high notes. She couldn't wait to get through the glass, and the huge difference in water pressure almost made her faint on the spot. She coughed violently, and her face turned pale.

"Are you okay?" Rogge asked concerned.

Merkus shook his head and rested for a long time before regaining his breath: "Can it become something else? I almost couldn't resist the water pressure that changed so drastically." Her tone was slightly weak.

"You adjust it." Rogge handed her the ruby ​​controller, and he put on a pair of sunglasses and lay back on the beach.

Merkus played with the gem curiously and pressed it carefully. Suddenly, the calm sea turned into strange turbulence. The raging waves pushed up layers of foam, almost submerging the rocks under the cliff.

"The Caribbean Sea is not suitable for sunbathing at all." Rogge complained, the stone under his butt hurting. Even when I stand up, my feet feel numb.

"Quickly change to something else," he reminded.

"Oh oh oh." Merkus pressed the button quickly, and the shallow sea of ​​the Maldives immediately appeared in front of his eyes. The soft sea breeze made people feel relaxed and happy.

She looked around at everything around her and smiled silly. As for the anger that was suddenly shouted out, it disappeared without a trace, without even a bubble popping up.

"Rogge, this...is this really done by you? How long can the magic last?" She looked at him with admiration in her eyes, unable to conceal her excitement in her tone.

Rogge sat on the recliner and said casually: "If there is no third person here, I can only reluctantly admit it. As for time, as long as I am willing, it is permanent."

"Thank you so much!" Merkus jumped forward to hug him happily, but Rogge quickly avoided it. The fragile recliner couldn't withstand the impact of the fish-man and broke instantly.

"I don't want my little arms and legs to be broken." He joked, and then pointed to the corals on the seabed and added: "But those are all fake. There are also fish and the like, you need to take care of them yourself."

"That's no problem at all!" Merkus couldn't help but nod, and patted his chest confidently: "Although our tribe is not rich, our relatives' tribes definitely don't lack these. By the way, do you want blood coral?"

"Blood coral?" Rogge repeated in confusion. He really didn't know much about the ocean. Just know that it comes with a rose gold bracelet and a regret chair package. Oh, and food and accommodation are included.

"The blood coral is bigger than me." Mercus' eyes flashed with excitement, and he gestured with the exaggerated size with his hands.

She explained: "Blood corals are very rare. Their color is as bright as blood and extremely beautiful. They grow slowly and the one I'm talking about is older than me."

"Hmm..." She pondered for a moment, then continued: "Perhaps it is the same age as Hogwarts Castle. If you are interested in raising it, we can give it to you as a small gift among friends."

"You mean it's alive and I need to create a marine environment for it at home?" Rogge asked slightly surprised.

Merkus nodded, with a natural expression on his face: "Yes, it is very rare!"

Rogge thought for a moment and said hesitantly: "I don't know how to raise him. What if he dies?"

"Hmm..." Merkus pondered, also lost in thought. Suddenly, her eyes lit up and she thought of a solution: "Well, let me transplant it here first. How about you take it away after you learn how to take care of it?"

She looked around at the dreamy seascape and smiled sheepishly. Unexpectedly, just singing a song for Roger would lead to such a comfortable and generous living environment. Moreover, you can really switch to other sea areas at will.

"Wait for me." After she said that, she got into the black lake and swam towards the tribe without looking back.

Not long after, Mercus returned panting and holding a flawless white nautilus.

"If you encounter trouble near the sea, blow it, and the nearby mermaid tribe will come to help." After that, she played a unique tune.

"Isn't it very valuable?" Rogge took the nautilus and looked at it carefully.

This nautilus has been completely transformed into jade, and its shell shines with a warm luster, just like a jade carefully carved by nature. It's also quite impressive in size, measuring about twelve inches long, eight inches wide, and four inches thick.

The shape of the entire shell is very elegant, gradually shrinking from the shell mouth to the shell tip, forming a perfect spiral shape. On the unique milky white shell, there are delicate textures and natural color changes, like a beautiful abstract painting.

The light of the magic sun shines on it, and the surface of the nautilus reflects a faint light. It's like pearls embedded in it, making people unable to put it down.

Merkus nodded slightly and replied truthfully: "Each tribe has only one nautilus. Selki has always lived in the Black Lake, and there are very few opportunities to use it. Don't worry, we have other ways of communication, please accept it. This gift."

Looking at Mercus' sincere eyes, Rogge found it difficult to refuse such an offer. He carefully put the nautilus away, cherishing the gift from the mermaid tribe in his heart.

"Then you guys take a look first and I go back to sleep first?"

"Yeah, yeah!" Mercus kept nodding, smiling and watching Rogge leave.

"If you have any questions..." Rogge then remembered that the mermaid couldn't let the owl mail it. "You can come to me when I come in two days. Good night."

"Okay, good night." Merkus responded softly.

As Rogue left, Merkus frolicked in the warm water. Now, this is her exclusive moment! Please allow Merkus to shout loudly: "Wow, awesome!"

She shuttled freely across the ocean floor, then suddenly jumped out of the sea. Under the light of the magic sun, she spit out a stream of golden bubbles. Then walk through the rainbow and enjoy all this beauty.

"It's very nice here." A familiar voice sounded, and Dumbledore said calmly while looking around.

Merkus, who was playing, was startled, and the smile on his face disappeared instantly. She immediately became serious and greeted slightly guiltily: "Albus, good midnight."

"I just came to take a look." Dumbledore waved his hand, casually sat on a recliner, squinted his eyes and enjoyed the warm sunshine.

"This is Slytherin's house originally, and Travis is still a member of the school board. It's normal for him to make some changes, and there's no problem." There was a faint smile in his tone, "It's just that the movement is a bit loud, and the castle is disturbing I couldn't sleep well. The noise from the principals on the wall of the office made me dizzy and thought someone was demolishing the school."

Merkus listened quietly and said nothing. Dumbledore's breathing gradually became softer, and he actually fell asleep on the recliner.

"Ah!" Dumbledore suddenly woke up and said in a self-deprecating tone: "People are old and their spirits are really weak."

"How long have I been asleep?"

"About five minutes."

"Only five minutes?" Dumbledore sighed. "It feels like a whole night's sleep."

"You haven't decided whether to join Hogwarts and become the fifth academy?" Dumbledore looked at Merkus with kind and kind eyes.

Merkus hesitated for a moment and answered truthfully: "It's better...it's better not to."

She secretly observed Dumbledore's expression, and seeing that his expression remained the same, she insisted: "Mermaids have their own traditions. We are already very embarrassed to borrow the old college of Hogwarts. If we still use your teaching funds, , that would be too inappropriate..."

"I understand." Dumbledore was not surprised by her rejection, and smiled and nodded to show his understanding.

He respects the mermaid's choice. After all, diversity is also the charm of the magical world. Moreover, even if the Selki tribe agrees to join Hogwarts, I am afraid that the Ministry of Magic and the School Board will not easily agree.

He was about to turn around and leave when Merkus suddenly asked: "Albus, what are notes and music theory?"

"That's a way of recording music tunes, which seems a bit childish to you mermaids." Dumbledore looked at her curiously, "Why are you asking about this all of a sudden?"

"I want to help someone record a song. We can't understand the score he gave us at all." She silently took out the sheet music and asked, "Can you help me hum it again? His vocal range is too exaggerated. The puddles are as shallow as after a light rain.”

Dumbledore understood and understood who Merkus was talking about. He took the sheet music, raised the frame and glanced at it. In an instant, his confident expression completely froze on his face: "It's too high, I can't even hum." He answered truthfully.

"Well, now we have to wait for the master tape. I hope it's not too late before Christmas." Merkus sighed slightly frustrated.

"I think it will definitely be played at the ball." Dumbledore encouraged her with a smile, returned the sheet music to her and left.

After watching Dumbledore leave, Merkus quickly dived into the water. She covered her chest and gasped: "The mermaid baby is scared to death!"

Although Dumbledore was known to be peaceful, Rogge was always polite. But in Merkus' view, when the little mermaid's strength began to approach that of the tribal leader. The increase in strength will definitely cause the atmosphere in the tribe to become tense.

No matter how friendly the fishman leader is, he will definitely be wary deep down. What's more, Merkus knew that Dumbledore was not the only white wizard.

She firmly believed that Dumbledore noticed it as soon as Rogge started to renovate the old college. The reason why he didn't come immediately was probably because he was waiting for the right opportunity to intervene to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

"Distance brings peace, but I hope no tribal war breaks out." She muttered secretly, and got into the black lake to greet the tribesmen to move into their new home.

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