A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 420 Gore’s bad idea, but let’s do it!

"get out of class is over!" Snape said with a straight face and cold eyes, as if he was pushing the students out of the classroom with an invisible cold wind.

However, this time things were a little unusual. The Slytherin students did not leave in a hurry as usual, but looked at him expectantly, as if waiting for something special to happen.

"What happened to them?" Ron stood at the door of the classroom and looked in, confusion written on his face.

Harry shook his head slightly, wondering in his heart: "I don't know, there must be some activities. By the way, have you found a dance partner?"

Ron's face instantly became embarrassed, and there was a hint of disappointment in his voice: "Those girls are not willing to accept my invitation."

"Maybe you can try someone else." Harry patted his shoulder sympathetically and sighed softly, "Some girls are really weird. They don't accept the invitation even though they don't have a male partner..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Qiu Zhang wiping tears from the corners of his eyes and hurriedly walked out.

Suddenly, Harry's heart felt hot and his brows raised subconsciously. "Ron, help me take the book back." After saying that, he was in a hurry and had to suppress his pace to follow him out.

Because Harry knew that Cedric had been quarreling with her after he discovered that he had a crush on Cho Chang. From the beginning of school, we kept arguing until Christmas, and almost broke up.

Harry's heart was pounding. Maybe this was a good time to extend an invitation to Qiu Zhang! He wasn't sure if the other party would be willing, but he wanted to give it a try.

"Hey..." Ron said to himself with a depressed face, "No brothers."

Just as he was about to call out to Patil who was passing by, Snape's loud and majestic roar came from the corridor behind him.

"This is not a place to listen to mermaids singing and swaying like crazy!" Snape's voice was like a cold snake message, causing the temperature in the air to drop a few points: "Also, find the crucible I lost! Roger, take them out immediately!" He glanced at everyone present with stern eyes, then turned and walked into the small office next to him.

Snape swore at Merlin's torn socks that he was the worst student he had ever had! The wooden door slammed shut behind him, making a dull sound that echoed in the dungeon and the corridor outside.

Roger's wand touched the metal horn, and it immediately changed back to its original appearance. He smiled and said, "Gentlemen and ladies, how about we go back to the common room?"

"Great! Let's go, let's go!" Everyone suddenly thought of something and cheered: "The environment in the lounge is better than here."

In the blink of an eye, the originally noisy dungeon regained its calm. Snape gently opened the door and his eyes fell on the cauldron in the corner. He took it in and turned it into a small and exquisite record player with a click of his magic wand.

Melodious music floated out from the bars and windows, the sound was so soft that one had to be careful to hear it. The music is like the scent of lilac, unique and elegant.

The lounge at the highest point of the tower was temporarily turned into a dance floor. The gorgeous large crystal lamp shines with gentle light, and everyone is waiting for Roger to play music. Then they can sway like seaweed...

"Ahem..." Rogge cleared his throat, and the noise in the lounge immediately disappeared, and all eyes were focused on him.

"If we Slytherins were the only ones attending the Yule Ball, then of course we could be as merry as seaweed. But everyone knows that the Gryffindor lions will also be at the ball."

"Professor McGonagall teaches them the most formal pas de deux, and they are studying the activities of high society seriously."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone asked a question. "Huh? Doesn't Gryffindor hate purebloods the most?"

"They are all hypocritical." Another person quickly added, "They all say they hate purebloods, but they secretly imitate them and pretend to be noble."

"We can't lose to them!" someone shouted.

"That's right! We are Slytherin and pure blood. How can we lose to those guys?"

Emotions spread rapidly among the crowd, and everyone's blood was boiling, as if they were ready to rush into Gryffindor and compete with them at any time.

Rogge raised his hand and pressed it down, signaling everyone to quiet down. "So, we must not lose to them at the Yule Ball." His tone became serious, "And we must not let them tease us that we are a group of wizards who can't dance. We must let them understand that Slytherin's dance It’s the most orthodox.”

As he finished speaking, the atmosphere in the lounge changed from passionate to determined. Everyone understands that the upcoming Christmas ball is not just a dance, but also a battle of honor.

"But...but we don't have anyone who can dance duet." Someone asked uneasily, "Did you find a suitable dance teacher, Roger?"

Rogge shook his head slightly, with a mysterious smile on his lips: "I haven't found the right person, but I happen to know a suitable dance teacher."

"What's the meaning?"

"A noble lady from a pure-blood wizarding family, her mother is the founder of Hogwarts. She is..." He deliberately prolonged his voice, looked at the gorgeous crystal chandelier, and loudly invited: "Helena ·Ravenclaw.”

Miss Ghost fell gracefully from above and looked at the new building curiously. The materials used in the tower are very solid, and the interior decoration is exactly what a pure-blood wizard would do: luxurious.

The lounge became silent due to her sudden appearance, without even a bit of welcoming applause.

Daphne tugged on Roger's sleeve and asked secretly: "Why is Helena here? Hasn't she already gone to the world of the dead?"

"That's a trick from Blood Man Barrow." Rogge explained softly, "Miss Ghost is almost annoying him to death. But she has already died once and cannot die a second time."

He shrugged, smiled and said, "It's a matter of rules."

"Rogg, does Professor Flitwick know she's coming?" Malfoy said worriedly, "Does this count as abducting ghosts from other colleges?"

"Joke!" Rogge puffed up his chest and responded righteously: "If the professor can control us, can he also control where ghosts like to go?"

"You are absolutely right!" Gower nodded, as if he had made up his mind, "I have decided to invite the Gryffindor witch to be my companion!"

"Ah?" The students looked at him in confusion, with a fierce look in their eyes: "You dare to rebel against Slytherin?!"

"No, no... listen to my explanation!" Goyle waved his hand quickly, "If we invite all the Gryffindor witches away, won't they be able to dance the pas de deux?"

"That's not necessarily the case." Malfoy's lips curved into a smirk, "Harry and Ron can at least hold hands, side by side, and dance while touching each other's waists. Well, since they are both wizards, they should be touching each other. "

"Draco, please stop talking..." Someone imagined the scene and couldn't help shouting: "The scene is too beautiful, I dare not look at it."

"Don't say it, you really don't say it, I think Goyle's idea is good." The wizards' eyes lit up one after another, "We in Slytherin have few witches. Even if the school allows inviting girls from lower grades, Not enough."

"Hufflepuff and the others are quite large, but they are just right if they include the lower grades. Ravenclaw is a gathering of witches..." Someone was analyzing the situation, but before he finished speaking, Helena threw A cold look.

"We have to steal the Ravenclaw witch so those Gryffindor guys can't find a dance partner."

"But, all the people in Beauxbatons are girls?"

"Hey, don't forget that the Durmstrangs on the Black Ship are all wizards."

"Rogge, what do you think of Gower's plan?" After a heated discussion, everyone finally turned their attention to him.

"It's such a bad idea." His voice was low and firm, and then he suddenly raised his voice: "But who told us to be Slytherins! What's not said, let's do it!"

"The dresses are coming!" He waved his magic wand, and the dresses that his mother had stuffed into the suitcase came out and flew into the lounge.

Draco looked at the circle of shining dresses above his head and couldn't help but sigh: "So many? Rogge, you won't empty out the Fengya Wizard Clothing Store, will you?"

"Look at that blue one! Merlin, it's so beautiful!" A girl exclaimed.

"No, no, no, I think the white one looks better. Especially the flower made of gems on the chest is so elegant." Another girl retorted.

"Everyone." Rogge signaled everyone to be quiet, and his eyes swept over everyone, "I think if we wear formal clothes to invite dance partners, the success rate will be higher. Let those Gryffindor bumpkins see, What is the true manner of a wizard gentleman?"

"If you need it, please borrow it." He left the black dress to himself, flicked his wand, and the other dresses were automatically folded and placed on the table, "You're welcome."

Theodore rubbed his hands and secretly rejoiced: "The president is so generous! I originally wanted to attend the party in my school robe, but now..."

Helena looked at this group of energetic little snakes who often had bad ideas, and shook her head helplessly. She took out a wand-like pointer from her sleeve and tapped on the table.

"Gentlemen of Slytherin, can you dance?" She looked around, but no one dared to look at her.

"I can!" Malfoy said unconvinced, "I don't think my dancing skills need guidance from the ghosts of Ravenclaw."

Helena turned to Roger, who shrugged and motioned for her to do her own thing.

"Really?" Helena floated in front of him, taking advantage of her height to scorn Malfoy with her nostrils arrogantly, "Since Mr. Malfoy is so confident, let everyone see your peerless dancing skills."

Facing Helena's disdain, a trace of hesitation flashed across Malfoy's face, but he quickly straightened his back, ready to show off his dancing skills.

"I'll be your dance partner..." Before Pansy could finish her words, Helena interrupted: "A mature dancer knows how to perform loneliness. Please, sir."

Malfoy never expected that he would dance a pas de deux alone. But he was unwilling to surrender to Miss Ghost, so he put up a brave fight. Helena couldn't help shaking her head, almost unable to look straight at Malfoy's poor movements.

Still, she banged her pointer on the table, giving Malfoy a rhythm. The more he jumped, the more awkward and awkward he became. Finally, his legs magically connected together and he fell straight onto the carpet.

"I think the troll's appearance in ballet is not as ridiculous as yours. Come on down." Helena waved her hand and floated into the field with her head held high. "Dancing, especially pas de deux, is an elegant etiquette. Once you enter the ball, your Speech and behavior must comply with basic social etiquette. Although the requirements are not so high nowadays.”

"But the Yule Ball is still a formal occasion, not a zoo or a circus sideshow. Since Roger sincerely invites me to teach you, I will enforce my standards with the strictest requirements!" She deliberately said the last few words. The tone was emphasized, obviously dissatisfied with the misbehavior of a certain acorn elf.

In fact, what she wants to teach everyone is not just dance, but training in etiquette and grace. Students at Hogwarts must never let European wizards make fun of them, even at the ball.

"First of all, can anyone tell me what this is?" She raised the pointer in her hand and glanced at the students.

"Magic wand?" someone replied tentatively.

"You should be thrown into the pigsty by the Sorting Hat." Helena scolded mercilessly, even more bluntly than Snape.

"Wooden stick?"

"Wipe your rusty brain."

"Point to... the baton?"

"Some brains, but not much. The baton was an invention at the end of the sixteenth century. Binns should teach you a lesson."

"Pointer?" Daphne replied in a low voice.

"Very good!" Helena smiled and said in a clear voice: "It seems that the tutoring ceremony of the nobles is still acceptable in your family. Unfortunately, Miss Tutoring Complete, I can't give you any extra points."

"Slytherin always said that his academy only accepts wizards with the purest blood." Helena said with a regretful tone, "Looking at it a thousand years later, you have lacked some of the most important life experiences of a pure-blood family. .”

"Don't be afraid, I will make up for it for you. I guarantee that everyone can have a complete and happy childhood." A cold smile appeared on her face, and the pointer gently slapped the palms of her hands.

"I will use the pointer to beat the rhythm for you, but..." She paused deliberately and said sternly: "I believe that most of the time it will fall on your independent-minded and rebellious limbs."

"Now, our tutor, Miss Complete, will be the first to come." Helena smiled and looked at Daphne, motioning for her to come up.

Daphne swallowed nervously, her body shaking slightly. Apparently the pointer in Helena's hand brought back some not-so-good memories in her. Roger patted the back of her hand gently to reassure her not to be afraid.

Helena saw the small movements of the two people and reminded: "The tutor is intact..."

"My name is Daphne Greengrass!" Daphne interrupted her and faced her bravely.

"Sorry, Miss Daphne." Helena nodded and said politely: "I don't recommend choosing him as my dance partner in my dance class."

"Why?" Everyone looked at her puzzled.

Helena pursed her lips and explained in a muffled voice: "Because his dance steps are very jumpy and do not meet my requirements. My pointer will fall on you mercilessly."

Daphne didn't know why she said that, she sounded like she knew Roger very well. She stared up at him and insisted, "I'm not afraid."

"Don't worry, I will block her when she hits you." Rogge comforted her gently.

"Yes." Daphne walked to the field resolutely and studied with Helena seriously.

"Others, keep your eyes open and watch carefully. I don't have much patience to teach basic dance steps..." Helena's severity reminded people of Snape, even scarier than the Dean himself.

But in order to beat Gryffindor at the dance, everyone comes to study every night. Although the pointer in Helena's hand was very light, it penetrated directly through clothes and skin, piercing the low temperature into the flesh. At the end of the night, many people were so cold that their faces turned purple.

"Tomorrow...tomorrow, we will invite the Gryffindor witches." Malfoy said with chattering teeth.

Pansy threw the hot towel in his face, glared at him, and ran away angrily.

"What's wrong with her?" Malfoy clutched the towel to keep warm and subconsciously asked Rogge for help.

"What will she do if you invite others?" Rogge drank hot water, looked at the crown on the chandelier, and cursed in his heart: "Helena, you are really dirty."

"Huh? I...I didn't mean that!" Malfoy cried sadly, not knowing how to explain.

He saw Daphne caringly heating water for Roger, and asked curiously: "Why isn't Daphne angry? Didn't you agree to go with us?"

"That's right." A sly smile appeared on Rogge's face, "I told her that this is to bring honor to the college. Moreover, I guarantee that the first dance of the prom will be hers alone."

After hearing this, the people around him immediately gave him a thumbs up and secretly sighed: "As expected of Rogge, our shadow prefect."

"I'm going to find her right now." Malfoy grabbed the towel and ran out.

"We can't get into the girls' dormitory." Someone whispered, not expecting Malfoy to find Pansy.

"Try a few more times, what if someone comes out on their own?" the experienced seventh-grade student said quietly.

Obviously, this senior student often fails to visit his bed. But, he always has something extra to gain.

Malfoy tried several times to step on the stairs leading to the girls' dormitory, but as soon as he stepped on it, it immediately turned into a slide. There was also an invisible force pushing him. On the smooth stone slab next to the entrance was engraved: "Draco Malfoy, tried to break into the women's dormitory today: 3 times, 5 times, 10 times..."

Finally, Pansy had to step out and put a stop to his antics.

"You idiot." She cursed in a low voice, pointed to the writing on the slate and said, "Tomorrow you will be laughed to death by everyone!"

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