A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 436 Rogge’s Failure Diary

As soon as Neville stepped out of the hospital's threshold, he couldn't wait to take steps and hurried towards home. His heart was full of urgency. He wanted to tell his grandma as soon as possible that Veela was not a dark creature of evil silver, but had the magical power to cure amnesia!

Rogge watched Neville's hurried away figure, his raised hand awkwardly staying in mid-air, as if frozen in time. Suddenly, he felt a biting chill coming from behind. He turned around suddenly, only to see an endless stream of pedestrians, nothing out of the ordinary.

Over the Christmas holidays, Roger chose to relax at home on the banks of the River Thames. A few days later, he received a letter from Neville, full of complaints. It turned out that his uncle personally traveled to Bulgaria and kicked him into the fireplace without mercy.

Today, he is strictly confined at home by his grandma and is not allowed to go out. Rogge couldn't help but reveal a teasing smile. At least Neville and his Veela, Dravill, had reconciled.

Roger wrote replies to other friends and then opened the package from France. Inside were bold and avant-garde photos sent by Furong. The letter mentioned that her parents were traveling. The words seemed to be waving to him, inviting him to her home.

Faced with such an active invitation, Rogge's heart moved and he immediately transformed into Prince An Ye. He went to Delacour Manor through the Floo Network. The moonlight shone on the big bed, reflecting them.

"What are you doing?" Fleur lay on his chest and asked curiously.

"Make a portkey so I don't have to rely on the Floo Network next time I find you." Rogge answered.

"Then...are you going back tonight?"

"How about you go to my place at night and come back in the morning." Rogge looked at her charming eyes and kissed her gently, "Keep your voice down, Jessica will definitely not notice."

Fleur slowly sat up, the velvet bed like a boat rippling in the water. She moved lightly for more than ten minutes and then fell down panting.

After taking over, Rogge shook his head and said, "Have you thought about it?"

Fleur leaned against the head of the bed, resting her chin on his shoulder, and said in a slightly nervous voice: "Then you must remember to wake me up. Every time you come, I have to sleep until noon the next day."

"When the sun shines on your butt?" Rogge had a teasing smile on his lips.

"Hmm..." Fleur responded coyly, her eyes swept across the door inadvertently, and found that the door had been secretly pushed open a small crack, "Add...Gabriel."

She shouted violently, pinning Rogge down in a showy manner. As if in some victorious gesture, she showed off her trophies to the peepers at the door.

Fleur raised her neck proudly, and there was a hint of provocation in her voice: "Gabriel is not used to eating food cooked by elves, she must... insist on me..."

She seemed to be hiding something, and her whole body became even more excited. She was ridiculous all night, even covering Roger's eyes with a hood to prevent him from seeing outside. At this moment, she was like a Valkyrie.

The morning sun shines in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the mottled light spots and the chirping of birds break the tranquility of the night. Fleur finally stopped her conquest at this moment.

"Are you going back?" she asked softly, with a trace of reluctance in her eyes.

Rogge stroked her forehead, and her messy hair looked soft and warm under his fingertips.

"Well, what happened to you tonight?" He asked gently, trying to understand her unusual tonight.

"Do you want to take care of it?" Furong suddenly raised the corner of her mouth and pretended to be angry and said, "Don't come tomorrow night!"

"Hey?" Rogge licked his lips with satisfaction after a burst of powerful output.

He picked up the silver pendant in his hand, hung it around Fleur's neck, and said, "It can take you to my room."

"Who cares?" Fleur said she was disgusted, but her body accepted Rogge's gift very honestly.

After a long, deep kiss, Roger returns to London with another portkey.

Furong lay quietly on the bed, the morning sun casting a halo around her body. She turned to look at the door with a proud smile on her lips: "Gabriel, aren't you going to sleep?"

The door was gently pushed open, and Gabrielle, who was wearing pajamas, had eyes full of shock and curiosity.

"You... you?" She walked to the bed, looked at her sister's smooth and perfect body, and couldn't help shouting: "I want to tell my parents!"

"It's up to you." A proud smile appeared at the corner of Fleur's mouth, and her eyes were full of confidence. "He just came to me to learn French. Mom likes Rogge very much and has no objection to our relationship. After he graduates, , he will be my husband."

"Husband?" Gabrielle repeated the word, her face full of confusion. It was obvious that she didn't fully understand the deeper meaning behind the word. "Is that what you all do at night?"

Fleur just responded with a smile, a hint of tiredness in her eyes: "Go and have a rest, I'm exhausted."

Fleur lay on her side on the bed and soon fell asleep. Gabrielle looked at the satisfied smile on her sister's face, and her eyes couldn't help but cast her eyes on the necklace around her neck, the silver pendant that Rogge gave her.

After that night, Fleur became bolder. She even found Rogge during the day and left traces of their battles in every corner of the house.

"Do you want to be the Sun King?" she asked provocatively, "let's go to the Louvre..."

"Have you been to Notre Dame?"

"I took a leap of faith from above." Rogge's tongue gently licked his lips, receiving unprecedented stimulation from Fleur.

I have to say that the French witch with Veela blood knows how to be romantic and exciting. Some novel experiences far exceeded Roger's imagination.

The palace of Versailles, the clock tower of Montmartre, the gardens of Luxembourg... Rogge admired the beautiful scenery below and around him amid Fleur's provocation.

After a ridiculous holiday, Rogge finally said goodbye amidst his entanglement with Fleur: "See you again when school starts."

After hearing this, Fleur's legs couldn't help but tremble. She watched Rogge leave before her eyes, and felt that her heart had followed him.

When Rogge returned home, he opened his diary with a heavy expression and wrote: Last night, the hibiscus flowers bloomed, but he could not resist this fatal temptation. Fortunately, school starts tomorrow, so I can give myself a holiday.

The Triwizard Cup is still going on, and Cedric also unlocks the secret of the golden egg in the bathroom. In the mermaid's singing, he suddenly understood why Rogge asked him to maintain a relationship with Qiu Zhang.

Cedric looked around the corner, where the witch was waiting for him, and a smile appeared on his lips involuntarily. This was the first time he felt in his heart that he could smile so hypocritically.

Today is the weekend, and Cedric takes Qiuchang to the teahouse in Hogsmeade Village for a date. As they passed the hall, Cedric deliberately passed Harry Potter as if to challenge him.

"Mr. Potter." Cedric smiled at Harry with a sunny smile, "I have solved the secret of the golden egg. I wonder if you have solved it? Do you need my help?"

"I...of course I untied it!" Harry retorted stubbornly. When he saw Cho Chang standing next to Cedric, his heart couldn't help but feel a twinge of pain.

"Really?" Cedric smiled and stretched out his hand, with a kind of confidence and calmness in his words, "We will definitely defeat the other two people this time and win the championship for Hogwarts."

Harry hesitated for a moment, but still held the other person's hand. He noticed the beads on Cedric's wrist and asked curiously: "What is this?"

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