A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 437 Neville wants to buy a house?

"You mean cuff pins?" Cedric was immersed in his own rhythm and answered according to his preset questions: "Qiu Zhang gave me a Christmas gift, and it matches my suit very well."

He turned his sleeves and deliberately pointed the cuff pins facing Harry: "It's beautiful, isn't it? I like it very much."

His eyes lingered on Harry's depressed face, seeming to enjoy this subtle awkward situation.

Then, Cedric glanced at Ron, seemingly intending to stir up more topics: "Harry, what Christmas gift did your girlfriend give you?"

"Girlfriend?" Harry opened his mouth wide, his eyes full of confusion.

Ron on the side was flushed with anger. Cedric's words made him feel angry and embarrassed. He couldn't help but feel a wave of emotion deep in his heart, but it was quickly replaced by anger.

Harry came to his senses and quickly explained: "No, no, no, you misunderstood! Ron and I are just dance partners, nothing more."

He subconsciously distanced himself from Ron, as if trying to prove his innocence. At the same time, his eyes turned to Qiu Zhang involuntarily, hoping that she would understand that it was a helpless move.

"I'm so sorry!" Cedric said sincerely, "I thought...I'm sorry, Harry Potter and Ronald...Mr. Ronald."

"Ronald?" Harry turned to look at Ron, obviously he was unfamiliar with the name, "Is that your name?"

Ron nodded angrily. He didn't expect that Harry didn't even remember his name. He lowered his head and ran toward Hogsmeade in a dull tone.

"Don't you go after your friend?" Cedric advised kindly, but there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Harry looked at Ron's gradually blurring back, and the voice in his heart reminded him that he should catch up and resolve the misunderstanding between the two. But he was worried about what Cho Chang would think of him if he followed Cedric's suggestion.

He hesitated, so he lost.

Cedric's eyes flashed with a hint of cunning, and he turned around and left. Qiu Zhang quickly followed and asked curiously: "They really have that kind of relationship?"

"What's the relationship?" Cedric pretended to be confused.

He was very satisfied with the little episode, which made Harry look embarrassed in front of Cho Chang. All of this made Cedric feel that he had the upper hand in this game.

"That's the kind of relationship." Qiu Zhang blushed and muttered: "I heard a Muggle joke. If a male and female couple were robbed on the streets of London at night, the female would go to the police station and the male would go to the anorectal department."

Cedric was crazy with joy, but he kept a sunny smile on his face: "Don't say that, Qiu Zhang. They are just ordinary classmates. Even if they are true, we should not discriminate."

As he spoke, he took out today's Daily Prophet from his pocket and turned to the second page, which contained an article about Rita's evaluation of Grindelwald's memoirs.

Dumbledore and Dumbledore had a natural tacit understanding. The two always avoided each other, but they looked forward to meeting each other in a sea of ​​people. If I had to describe a relationship, I would use the word "lovers."

"Oh my God, how could she slander the principal like this?" Qiu Zhang held the newspaper tremblingly and covered her mouth with her other hand. Her voice was full of shock, "That was the big devil who almost changed the world. How could the principal be with Is he related?"

Seeing Cho Chang's reaction, Cedric was very satisfied with his little trick. No matter how good Harry is, even if he is stronger than himself, Qiu Zhang will not like him as long as he is thrown into a different category.

With ulterior motives in mind, Cedric takes Cho Chang to Mrs. Puddy's Tea House. Last time, they had a big fight here and broke up; but this time, their relationship has become so close again.

Harry stared blankly into the distance. He stood at the door for a long time, unwilling to leave. He heard Qiu Zhang's whispers completely, and he had never felt his heart so painful.

"I must defeat you and prove to Qiu Zhang that I am the strongest warrior in Hogwarts!" With endless courage in his heart, he turned around and returned to the dormitory firmly, vowing to crack the secret of the golden egg. .

When he opened the golden egg again, the harsh sound echoed in the dormitory. Even though he endured his physical discomfort and insisted on listening to all the noise, he still couldn't find any clues.

"Harry, you should listen when you take a shower." Myrtle shyly poked her head out from the wall, her eyes constantly looking at Harry, as if she was hinting at something.

"Take a bath?" Harry asked quickly, "Myrtle, do you know something?"

Myrtle nodded, but did not continue. She glanced at Harry shyly and left quietly.

Harry looked at the empty walls and decided to try the prefects' bathroom. Because few people have access there, he can crack the golden egg without being disturbed.

At the same time, Rogge and his party were sitting together in the Three Broomsticks Tavern in Hogsmeade Village. Their eyes were all attracted to Neville and the charming Veela beside him.

Malfoy glanced at Pansy secretly, sighing at Neville's good luck. He wondered how Neville, who was both forgetful and unhandsome, could find such a beautiful girlfriend.

"So, you want to buy a house in Hogsmeade?" Rogge stared at him and asked seriously: "The houses here are not cheap, you have to think about it."

"Of course!" Neville nodded, his eyes full of determination, "Roger, didn't you say that Veela can cure diseases? With Dravina, my amnesia and my parents' diseases have been cured. It can be good."

Daphne and Hermione instantly turned to stare at him, as if questioning how he knew. Especially Hermione. According to the information she read in the book, Veela has always enjoyed charming wizards. There is no data proving that they can cure diseases.

Rogge secretly felt bitter and thought secretly: "Neville, how could you sell me?"

"I found some files in the Ministry of Magic. Your amnesia is related to the Unforgivable Curse." Rogge looked as usual and explained in a calm voice: "If you want to use stimulation therapy, you have to make sure not to go crazy. In addition to a firm will, Unforgettable happiness also protects the soul.”

"I heard that Veela can give wizards the most unforgettable memories." He explained in a low voice the reason why Veela can cure diseases, but his tone was a little weak.

Delvina opposite had a clear smile on her face, squeezing Neville's arm with her abundant capital, as if it was a silent oath and possession.

Through the British Veela sisters, she learned about the Longbottom family's background. It was noble and wealthy, which fit her criteria for choosing a mate. If you want her to leave Neville, it's very simple, you have to pay more.

Old Mrs. Longbottom once negotiated with her and offered her a price she couldn't refuse to leave her grandson. However, the old lady never thought that Neville would dare to resist her and secretly ran away to Bulgaria.

Now, Veela has been invited to Hogsmeade by Neville. If the old lady knew about this, she might kick Neville out of the house.

The girls at the table were blushing. They obviously didn't expect the Veela to be so bold. He dared to tease Neville in broad daylight. Fortunately, Neville was relatively slow and didn't sense anything wrong with Delvina's little movements.

"You can borrow a sum of money from the Magic Society." Rogge looked at Hermione. She had always been the housekeeper of the Magic Society and knew the finances well.

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