A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 48 Dumbledore’s Worries

There was silence all around, and all the students focused their attention on them. Professor McGonagall wanted to stop him, but seemed to have received some news. He just stood quietly at the door and watched everything.

Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe stood behind Malfoy. At the same time, Daphne Greengrass came to Rogge firmly and looked directly at him.

The situation became 3:2, and it seemed that Malfoy had the advantage.

At this time, the prefect Marcus Flint shouted inappropriately: "What are you doing?"

He did not want the internal disputes in the college to become public, which would become a laughing matter for other colleges. He yelled angrily, showing two huge front teeth: "Because of a stupid...insignificant person, you are the first to start a quarrel?"

Rogge turned his head and stared at Marcus, his cold and meaningful eyes making his hairs stand up. He is a fifth grader, how can he be calmed by the eyes of a first grader!

"If you don't choose a side, just go back to your seat and sit down." Roger's tone was majestic and admonishing, as if he was the male prefect of Slytherin.

Only then did Marcus realize that the essence of this dispute was a competition between pure-blood families, even though it seemed so immature on the surface.

"You..." Marcus felt ashamed and sat back at the long table without saying a word. The Flint family chose to stay out of the dispute, perhaps feeling that the dispute was too childish.

The little snakes looked at him with half-smiling eyes, and there was a half-hearted mockery hanging on the corners of their mouths. As if to say, you don't have to choose sides, but at least don't be as stupid as Gryffindor, or even act stupider than them.

Feeling everyone's eyes, Marcus knew that his prestige had suffered a major blow. He hammered the table angrily, covering up his inner panic with incompetent fury.

"Travis, look at the people you helped." Malfoy looked at Neville with disdain and pushed Neville hard, "I robbed something, but you didn't dare to say a word."

"Come on, Neville, just say 'Longbottom is a coward' and I'll give you your rags back."

"Neville...stand up!" The little lion whispered to encourage Neville who was shrinking into a ball.

"It seems that the courage of the Longbottom family has completely disappeared with you." Rogge glanced at Neville with an indifferent look, and turned to leave.

Seeing that Rogge was about to leave, Malfoy mocked even more wildly: "You have even forgotten how to spell courage!"

"Malfoy, give me back the memory ball!" Neville suddenly stood up and roared with wide eyes, even with a slightly funny crackle in his voice.

"What did you say?" Malfoy was stunned, never expecting that Neville would dare to resist him. That funny roar was like a slap on his face.

"Give me the memory ball back!"

"Hmph! We'll see!" Malfoy said with a sullen face, threw the memory ball to Neville, and left the auditorium dejectedly.

"Bah bang bang..." The Gryffindor long table burst into warm applause, and the little lions congratulated Neville on his victory. The brave Neville defeated the annoying Malfoy.

"The courage of the Weasley family is always foolishly excessive and untimely lacking." Rogge's words were like a heavy hammer, severely cutting off the endless applause.

He looked at Percy and mocked: "As a prefect, you are not even as good as Marcus. He at least knows how to protect his own college, and you just use various excuses to cover up your selfishness."

Marcus' face was complicated, he didn't know whether to praise himself or scold himself based on Rogge's words. But as long as he could hit Gryffindor, he was happy.

"Conflicts between pure-blood families?" Rogge thought playfully, his eyes sweeping over the Weasleys. If I remember correctly, Harry, Ron, and Seamus were Neville's roommates.

"If this is a reason for some people to escape, maybe you can follow Voldemort's example and conduct a general cleanup on us."

"You..." All the little wizards trembled at that name and their eyes widened in horror. He...how dare he call that person by his name!

"What? Are you scared?" Rogge continued to suppress the courage of the lions. "Compared to Grindelwald, a dark wizard who only digs and digs in the British Isles is also worthy of being called the Dark Lord?..."

"Rogg, the mysterious man is dead..."

"Ha, then you don't dare to call him by his name?" Rogge smiled contemptuously and said sarcastically: "Gryffindor's courage is ordinary in my opinion."

The meal ended in an eerie silence in the auditorium, and the little wizards fled there one after another. The two colleges, which already disliked each other, became increasingly conflicted.

In the Transfiguration Professor's office, Professor McGonagall asked Dumbledore in confusion: "Albus, why didn't you step forward to stop them? Malfoy's bullying of Neville should not be solved by the students themselves."

"That kid Rogge...not only did he read out the mysterious man's name, he even mentioned Grindelwald." Hearing the familiar yet unfamiliar name again, Dumbledore couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

"Forgive me, Minerva. I am too curious about Rogge. The child surprised me when I first met him in Azkaban."

"Do you know how Professor Snape introduced this student of his to me? He is extremely talented and unparalleled." Dumbledore stared at Professor McGonagall and asked, "Minerva, what do you think of this child?"

"Modest, steady, and extremely talented." Professor McGonagall agreed with his old rival Snape, "Among the students I have taught, young men with extraordinary talents like him will all become famous in the wizarding world in the future. figure."

"But compared to them, Rogge..." Professor McGonagall considered the words, "How should I say, lazy? It is difficult to find a word to accurately describe this trait."

"He is not as proactive as Hermione. He seems to be only interested in things that interest him." Professor McGonagall sighed. "This is also the consensus of all professors about him."

She couldn't help but feel a little troubled by Rogge's character: "If we don't take the initiative to ask questions, he will never take the initiative to answer, even if he knows clearly."

"To be honest, the first-year courses have no effect on him at all. They are just a waste of time." Professor McGonagall added, "In this regard, even Miss Granger is much worse."

"Yes, Rogge has always strictly abided by school rules." Dumbledore nodded and looked out the window. "I even hope that he will break the school rules a few times like other Slytherins."

McGonagall was somewhat sympathetic to Dumbledore's ideas, although she was known for strictly enforcing school rules.

"Albus, I understand your curiosity. But..." Professor McGonagall frowned and said worriedly: "Maybe it's inappropriate for me, but Slytherin has always respected the strong. We can all foresee that, Rogge will overpower Draco and become the core."

"You know, the core of his wand is a unicorn heartstring. Ollivander always said that the wand chooses the wizard. If it is true..." Before McGonagall could finish, Dumbledore interrupted her.

"I understand your worries." Dumbledore sighed, Qilin's choice was such a familiar yet distant past.

"Minerva, on the surface, the conflict this morning was that Malfoy stole Neville's memory ball, but what was the reality?"

Dumbledore had a complicated heart. On the one hand, he suppressed the family forces that maintained the theory of pure blood, but on the other hand, he also understood that this was not a task that could be completed in a short time. Pure-blood theory was born with the wizarding world and cannot be eradicated in one generation.

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