A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 49 The Broom that Can’t Scream

"The conflict between Rogge and Malfoy is more like a metaphor for the future." Dumbledore took out a roll of parchment, which was Snape's test paper.

"This child has ideas for change." Dumbledore sighed, why excellent wizards always have unique ideas.

"Unlike Tom, he wants to reform the entire magical world by borrowing from Muggles, although in my opinion this is not necessary."

"But that's what I'm worried about." Dumbledore looked out the window at the lawn, where the little wizards' flying lessons were about to begin.

"Voldemort is still lurking in the darkness, and another thought is sprouting under the soil. As you said, the Kirin Wand chose him."

After hearing this, Professor McGonagall was silent for a moment, and then said: "Albus, at least we have discovered it. Roger, like other children, has the right to form his own values. Even if it seems very immature now."

Professor McGonagall looked out the window: "This is also the school's responsibility, to guide them to grow up healthily."

"Well, our Mr. Rogge doesn't seem to be very good at Quidditch." Dumbledore looked towards the court. Mrs. Hooch was teaching the little wizard how to make the broom fly into his hand.

The afternoon sun shone on the green field, and Mrs. Huo Qi walked past the little wizards who were lined up in two lines. There were broomsticks placed at their feet, all of the same unknown model and the same tatters.

"Get up." Harry said softly, and the broomstick immediately flew into his hand.

Mrs. Hooch nodded approvingly. Harry seemed to be born with extremely high Quidditch talent.

"Get up... get up..." Other students also shouted commands, trying to make the broom obey. But so far, it seems that no one has been able to achieve Harry's level.

"Quidditch is a sport based on talent. Maybe Harry will be able to join the team next year." Mrs. Hooch sighed while encouraging everyone.

"Roger, why doesn't your broom move at all?" Daphne looked at Rogge in confusion. The broom at his feet seemed to have taken root, and it didn't move at all no matter how Rogge called.

Rogge spread his hands helplessly and looked around. Malfoy was the second to finish, holding the broom and looking at the others triumphantly, and even looking at himself provocatively.

Rogge just wanted to say: "What are you looking at?"

Since the beginning of the school year, Malfoy has been suppressed by Rogge in almost all classes. This feeling of being the second best in his life was killing him. Today, he finally managed to win the game in the flying class, which made him feel very good.

If Rogge knew what he was thinking, he would definitely tell him that Hermione was in charge of his studies, and he was far from second. Even in flying lessons, Harry seemed more talented than him.

Five minutes later, everyone had their brooms in their hands. Only Roger's broom remained indifferent, like a proud and cold iceberg goddess, refusing his invitation with silence.

"The broomstick can sense the emotions in your commands, with emotions, kid!" Mrs. Hooch encouraged.

"Some people are not born to fly." Malfoy mocked triumphantly.

"Wandering snake!" Ron looked at the other party with a gloating look on his face with the red mark of being pulled out by a broom. Even Harry was laughing at Rogge's clumsy performance.

Everyone laughed. It turns out that even geniuses are not good at things.

"Mrs. Hooch, maybe the broom is broken?" Rogge shrugged indifferently, not caring about their ridicule.

"Get up." Mrs. Huo Qi thoughtfully walked to the side and called softly.

The broom, which showed no reaction to Rogge, slowly rose up and then fell obediently into Mrs. Huo Qi's hands. The laughter of the little wizards became more joyful, and the surrounding air was filled with joy.

"Roger, maybe you are not emotionally invested enough." Mrs. Huo Qi looked at him helplessly. This was the first time she had encountered this situation after many years of teaching.

"Not enough feelings?" Rogge frowned and asked Mrs. Huo Qi for advice, "Can any kind of feelings be okay?"

"Of course, any relationship is acceptable." Mrs. Ho Qi nodded affirmatively and explained: "The broomstick is not just a tool, it is the wizard's companion... companion."

"It can sense the wizard's emotions, whether they are joy, anger or firm determination." Mrs. Huo Qi continued to explain, "As long as you are full of emotions, the broomstick can fly according to your ideas."

"Take a deep breath, and then close your eyes." Mrs. Huo Qi guided him to adjust his emotions, "Call it with full emotion."

"Get up, or I'll burn you." Rogge's tone was piercingly chilly, and an indescribable sense of oppression emanated from him.

The little wizards around him couldn't help but shudder, and even Mrs. Huo Qi's expression changed.

The flying broomstick that had just ignored him immediately floated obediently. Before Rogge shouted a second time, it stopped firmly in Rogge's palm, letting Rogge hold it quietly without shaking or shaking.

"Roger..." Mrs. Huo Qi opened her mouth when she saw this scene, not knowing how to comment.

The students around him looked at each other in astonishment. They had no idea that he would control the broom in this way. They couldn't help but ask questions in their hearts: Why is Rogge's understanding of emotions so unique?

"Thank you for your guidance, Mrs. Huo Qi." Rogge noticed her surprised gaze, and a gentle smile broke out on his face. There was no trace of the indifference just now.

Mrs. Huo Qi sighed softly, walked to the middle of the queue and reminded: "Everyone ride on it now, remember to hold it tightly and don't slide off from behind."

"I blow the whistle, you push hard, and then lift off to maintain balance." She picked up the whistle hanging around her neck and taught everyone how to land: "... When I blow the whistle again, lean forward and land steadily. Return to the ground.”

"Now listen to my whistle, 3, 2, beep..."

As soon as Mrs. Hooch blew her whistle, Neville's broom took him into the air and climbed rapidly into the sky.

"First-class reaction speed." In the blink of an eye, the broom carried Neville higher and higher, and Roger couldn't help but praise him from below.

Daphne rolled her eyes at Roger and said mockingly: "Didn't you see how panicked Neville was? His broom was completely out of control."

Neville was spinning up and down in circles amid Mrs. Hooch's calls and everyone's exclamations. He was performing Brownian motion in the air, which kept Mrs. Hooch's wand out of sight.

Just as he was about to rush toward the Forbidden Forest, the statue lady on the roof took action in time, hooked his school robe with a spear, and fished him down. The out-of-control broom flew higher and higher, and finally disappeared in the direction of the Forbidden Forest.

The robe could not withstand Neville's weight and split with a squeak, and he fell screaming.

"Flying Feather Curse!" Rogge took out his wand and stopped Neville, who was falling rapidly, in the air.

"It's so heavy!" Rogge sighed. His magic power was quickly consumed, and he thought it was time for Neville to lose weight.


Despite the cushioning of the Flying Feather Curse, he still fell heavily to the ground.

"Neville!" Mrs. Hooch rushed over, blaming herself for her negligence. Fortunately, Rogge's spell buffered him in time. Neville seemed uninjured, just a little frightened.

"I will send him to the school hospital for examination. You stay where you are and no one moves." Mrs. Hoqi supported Neville and gave serious instructions to the other little wizards.

"Put your broomsticks back." She stared at everyone, her eyes like eagles watching for prey. "If I find out that any of you is riding a broomstick privately, you will be kicked out of the school gate."

"Come on, dear." She said gently to Neville again, comforting the little wizard who had just fallen from a height of dozens of feet.

"Mrs. Huo Qi should give you extra points." Daphne looked at Mrs. Huo Qi's back and defended Rogge.

"Your spell played a key role, otherwise Neville would have been seriously injured even if he was not thrown to death."

"Okay, Daphne." Rogge smiled. It was a bit inappropriate to add points at this time.

As if a trick of fate, Malfoy got Neville's memory ball again. He tossed it back and forth in his hand and said, "What a fool."

He smiled maliciously, the sunlight passing through the glass ball leaving colorful light and shadow on his face: "Roger, I agree with you."

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