What is a home? It is a place where people sleep peacefully. Rogge lay on the bed relaxedly and fell into sleep comfortably. It may not be as safe as Hogwarts, but it's more reassuring.

There was heavy snow falling outside the window. Yumi, who had returned from her fun, shook the snowflakes off her body and jumped onto the two-legged beast. It stomped around on the bed, found the most comfortable position, curled up in a ball, and purred contentedly.

Early the next morning, Roger couldn't wait to run to the living room. There are piles of gifts under the Christmas tree, and owls descend from time to time outside to deliver gifts.

"Merry Christmas, Mom."

"You too, kid." Jessica held up a carefully wrapped gift box with a smile and handed it to Roger: "Open it quickly and take a look."

Rogge carefully opened the wrapping paper. Inside was a thick magic book and a tail ring inherited from the family.

"Mom, I like it very much!" Roger opened the magic book, which was written in runes.

"It's written in runes and records many ancient spells; the ring is the symbol of the Travis family. I hope you like it." Jessica said softly.

"Of course!" Rogge nodded happily and gave her his gift.

Jessica took it expectantly and carefully opened the wrapping paper to see that there was a thick photo album inside. The cover read in gold squiggles: Roger Travis and Hogwarts.

"It's great, I can't wait to see it." Jessica was so happy that she couldn't wait to sit on the sofa and read it. She asked Paopao to get the photos sent back by Rogge and put them into the album together.

Roger snuggled up to Jessica and told her about his life at Hogwarts. He pointed to the Slytherin common room and told Jessica that he had found the elf kitchen.

"It's opposite Hufflepuff. I often went there when I was in school." Jessica looked at a photo, either happy or surprised about her son's life in school.

When he heard that he encountered a troll, he couldn't help complaining that he was too reckless, and he was proud of his son's behavior of killing the troll. She happily put away the photo album and asked Roger to see the gifts sent by her friends.

"Hey, it's Erwin!"

The small box at the top turned out to be from a bad store, containing a 20% off discount card and a roll of parchment. Rogge curled his lips, the old wizard Erwin was so cool that he even advertised for himself on Christmas.

But it was a kind intention, but unfortunately I didn't expect Erwin to give a gift, which caught Rogge off guard, "Oh, I will buy something from your store next time."

Then came Snape's gift, a potion that he had never seen before. Feeling the abundant and powerful magic power inside, Rogge felt that his dean must have spent a lot of money.

Daphne gave her a black crystal pendant, which was obviously some kind of ancient ruins artifact. She probably found it from the underwater ruins with Mercus. The scarf Hermione knitted was extremely beautiful, with silver and green intertwined into a diamond pattern.

The whole morning passed, Roger was opening the gift box. Almost every one of Slytherin's classmates sent a Christmas gift, even Malfoy, who had conflicts and conflicts with him, was no exception.

Looking at the coat of arms of the Malfoy family, Rogge remembered the ancient magical alliance mentioned by Lucius. But there is no news now, and he must have forgotten about it.

"So, what is this bottle of magic potion for?" Rogge carefully raised the bottle of magic potion and looked at it against the light. It shone like liquid gold.

He rummaged around the carton and finally found a line of words on the inner wall of the box: Tears of the Phoenix.

"Tears of the Phoenix?" Rogge frowned. The main material could not really come from Dumbledore's pet Fawkes.

Phoenix Tears have extremely powerful healing effects and can heal all kinds of magical and non-magical injuries. The materials that can be paired with it must be extraordinary, at least unicorn-level rare medicinal materials. If this is the case, this gift is too valuable.

Roger carefully opened the bottle cap, and a sweet and fragrant smell mixed with evening primrose and waterweed hit his face. He suddenly became nervous, but he couldn't help but be curious.

Finally, Rogge mustered up the courage to shake the potion slightly, took a deep breath, and drank the Phoenix Tears in one gulp.

As soon as he entered his mouth, a strange taste instantly filled his mouth. The Phoenix Tears slid over the tip of his tongue like flowing gold. It was bitter and spicy, but also had the sweetness of evening primrose.

It was different from any potion I had tried before. After drinking it, I felt a warmth flowing through my body, just like the sunshine in spring spreading all over my body. Then, an indescribable peace and tranquility emerged from the bottom of my heart, and all anxiety, fear, and stress disappeared at this moment.

That powerful force spurted out of his body like a volcano, instantly penetrating his body to his fingertips. He seemed to be touched by golden lightning, his eyes widened, and the skin around him emitted a faint golden light.

Rogge felt as if he had been reborn, and his body and mind were filled with unparalleled vitality. His physical strength and magic power seemed to have been enhanced by the Phoenix Tears potion. He felt like a phoenix reborn from the ashes, full of strength and exuberance.

The quiet galaxy deposited in the body was activated again, and Rogge's magic power and physique almost doubled.

Roger Travis

Magic: 50/50

Mental strength: 25

Talents: Dark Affinity, Strong Will, Night Vision

Skills: Wandless Spellcasting, Silent Spellcasting - Dark Magic, Advanced Potions Master

Magic spells: Divine Edge Shadowless lv3, Phantom Body Curse lv2, Invoking God Guard lv2...

Magic potion: mermaid potion, blue moonlight, magic energy storage potion...

"2:1, the magic power is finally normal." Rogge took a long breath and slowly opened his eyes.

The damage caused by eleven years of Azkaban disappeared at this moment. He looked at the empty potion bottle, speechless. This was Snape's Christmas gift to him - Phoenix Tears, a healing elixir like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

At this moment, his gratitude to Snape surged like a wave in his heart. No matter how many bottles of blue moonlight or quiet galaxies there are, Rogge knows that they are only temporary measures.

As he grows older, the damage Azkaban has left on him will become more and more obvious, and the magic power in his body will stop growing one day in the future. Even if he himself has unparalleled talent, without sufficient magic power, he will become a loser like water without a source or a tree without a root.

In competition with other wizards, his only survival strategy is to beat them with lightning speed. Then, meet the Sword of Damocles hanging above your head. Once the magic power is exhausted, this sword that is independent of the battle situation will fall.

But now with Phoenix Tears, all possible twists and turns in the future will be solved.

"Thank you, teacher." Roger put away the bottle solemnly. He didn't know how to face Snape after school started.

"Roger, it's time for us to go to the store." Jessica was carrying a brown leather bag and a magic Polaroid in her hand, while Paopao followed behind holding a big box. She took advantage of her son not paying attention and took several photos in a row.

"It's so convenient, you can see it instantly." Jessica smiled, took out the photo paper, admired it, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Mom, the black and white photos are still almost boring. I will continue to study and make a color version next time." Rogge looked at the photos in his mother's hand and considered improvement plans.

"Good boy, you don't have to work so hard." Jessica's face was full of pride. When the Flash Golem House opens, the camera in her hand will definitely bring surprises to the wizarding world.

Diagon Alley is covered with thick white snow, and the shop lintels on both sides of the street are hung with shining elk antlers and strings of colored lights. The back of the closet is decorated with a festive Christmas tree, and there are exquisite gummy dolls inside, who from time to time perform various antics to amuse passers-by.

The air is filled with the aroma of roasted chestnuts and mulled wine, and wizards wrapped in the shape of Santa Claus sell holiday gifts and snacks door-to-door on the streets.

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