A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 64 Flash Golem House

When the Flash Golem House was first taken over, it was as crooked as the houses built by other wizards. Roger insisted in the letter that it should be repaired upright and neatly.

When he came to the front of the store, he saw a simple and elegant two-story building. The exterior walls are dark red masonry, with light yellow decorations on the corners and window sills.

The wall facing Gringotts is inlaid with a huge glass closet. It is also covered with cloth and does not display the goods to the outside.

The arched lintel above the oak door hangs with a glittering sign bearing the words "Flash Golem House", flanked by pairs of owls. There was a huge lightning sign above the signboard, which aroused the curiosity of the passing wizards.

Since it is a flash, lightning must be used to express the convenient advantages of magic polaroids. Rogge can guarantee that the direction of the lightning bolt logo he designed will definitely be different from Harry Potter’s scar.

Rogge pushed the door open and was greeted by a spacious and bright store. In the middle is an open activity area, with tall merchandise display shelves on the left and right sides.

The most conspicuous thing on the left is the Magic Camera section, with five or six wooden shelves neatly arranged, and Magic Polaroids in black, silver, and coffee colors carefully displayed on the shelves. They are small and exquisite in appearance, each with a red round mark engraved with golden lightning.

On the right side is the photo supplies area. The top shelf contains black and white golem paper printed with cute panda patterns, and the glitter developing tinctures are neatly arranged below. There are various lenses placed in the innermost part. They are placed in exquisite boxes and can be taken out for trial use.

In accordance with her son's request, Jessica specially arranged some protective spells such as the alarm bell charm, anti-theft charm, and anti-Apparition charm here, making her feel that the security measures of her store are second only to Gringotts opposite.

"The decoration is really nice." Roger liked the bright and neat environment here, which made his shop completely different from the surrounding wizard shops.

"Of course, I put a lot of thought into it. For this opening, Diana came to help." Hearing Jessica's praise, Diana on the perch quickly chirped in response.

"Mrs. Jessica, Merry Christmas. Oh, what a cute little kid." Sophie, who had just come out of the warehouse, saw them and greeted them quickly, "Hello, I'm the store clerk Sophie."

Her golden hair is slightly curly and her blue eyes are very bright. Wearing the store's uniform, she looks pretty and lively.

"I heard from Madam Jessica that you are a true magic genius."

"Haha, that's a bit exaggerated. In fact, I'm just more diligent." Roger smiled and shook his head. The clerk his mother hired was too enthusiastic.

"Sophie, take Roger to the Jumping and Laughing Magic Store to buy fireworks. We must be ready before 2 pm. Quick, quick, take action." Jessica entered work mode and immediately became resolute.

"Okay, Mrs. Jessica, we'll go right away." Sophie's eyes lit up, she grabbed her coat and led Roger to the magic shop.

"Roger, Jerry Giger's prank shop has everything. Puff candy, fake magic wands, magic fireworks..." Sophie said and walked a little faster. She loved the magic joke shop when she was in school. .

"Sophie, we are going to buy fireworks." Roger reminded, "What if we go back late?"

"Don't worry, it's okay." Sophie showed a sly smile, "Roger, have you never been to a prank shop?"

"As long as you don't tell Mrs. Jessica, I'll buy you toys." Sophie looked pitiful and cheered immediately when she saw Roger nodding.

"Hey, my parents are both Muggle actors, so I couldn't exchange for many gold galleons when I was in school. Now it's better. I have a job and can make money. I can buy whatever I want." Sophie looked at the door of the store. The crowd pushed through with great difficulty, taking Rogge with him.

"Roger, take what you like." Sophie disappeared before she could finish her words.

"Hey, who is the clerk?" Roger had to go to the boss Jerry, hoping that Sophie would still remember the opening event in the afternoon.

"Hello, Mr. Jerry, are there any fireworks?"

"Fireworks? Little wizard, you are talking about the magical fireworks that bloom when the water appears, right over there." Jerry pointed the direction to Roger while paying the bill.

It's Christmas, and little wizards who have received pocket money flock in to buy all kinds of magic toys.

"Seeing the water blossom?" Rogge was stunned, what the hell is this.

"Mr. Jerry, don't you have normal fireworks in your store?"

"Normal fireworks? Kid, this is a prank shop." Jerry frowned and shook his head no.

"Then I'll go to Muggle Chinatown and buy it."

"Muggles? How can their fireworks compare to mine!" Jerry heard that Roger thought Muggle fireworks were better and immediately stopped him.

"What do you want fireworks for?"

"For opening."

"Tell me earlier!" Jerry waved his wand and brought the magical fireworks from the shelf. "They only need a little water to ignite, and they fully meet your requirements."


"Don't believe it? Look!" When Jerry heard that the little wizard doubted his product, he immediately wetted the magical fireworks with water like a spring.

Just hearing the sound of "Bang!", the fireworks exploded instantly, and the gorgeous firelight bloomed in the store, making the entire store shine brilliantly.

"How's it going?" Jerry looked at Roger proudly. No little wizard could resist the charm of magical fireworks.

"It's okay, here are 10." Rogge curled his lips. Can this effect be regarded as fireworks?

I thought Sophie would have to play in the store for at least half an hour, but she came back dejected within five minutes.

"Sold out?"


"Then why do you look depressed?"

"Roger, I find those things boring. I still liked them so much before graduation!" Sophie wailed, "Have I changed?"

"Maybe it's because you're not in school, so it's boring."

"Well, what you said makes sense." Sophie forced a smile and took the fireworks from Roger's arms.

"Okay, although I can no longer feel the joy of playing pranks, you are still okay. Go pick out a magic toy, choose whatever you want!"


"Hurry up, we have to go back to open the business!" Sophie pushed him in without any explanation. Roger turned around and finally used his onomatopoeic mouth.

It was a big scarlet mouth, like a circus clown's mouth enlarged 10 times. Two thick and full lips, bright and exaggerated in color. Bai Sensen's front teeth are particularly conspicuous between the two rows of teeth, which looks weird and scary.

Whenever you speak to it, it acts like a giant speaker, amplifying and repeating it exactly as it is, with the same tone and timbre.

"Isn't this Talking Tom Cat?" Roger looked at the boss named Jerry and said that they had a close relationship.

"Ah? You just use this? The onomatopoeic mouth is so boring!" Sophie looked at Roger, who had no prank bacteria, and protested dissatisfied.

"Huh? You just use this? The onomatopoeic mouth is so boring!" The onomatopoeic mouth imitated Sophie's speech and repeated it perfectly.

"Well, at least it can make people angry." Sophie motioned to Roger to close it, not wanting to hear her own voice amplified 10 times.

The curtain outside the store has been removed, and the winter sunshine shines on the smooth glass display window. Susan set up a small stage in front of the store and prepared to start the lottery.

On the glittering tripod, there are various shining prizes. A complete set of photography lenses with a price tag of 10,000 Galleons, a Nimbus 2000 broomstick, and an invisibility cloak made of invisible beast fur;

The bright gold spine of the complete works of Lockhart shines in the sun, the small pocket contains hot gold galleons, and there are some golden pocket watches and music boxes on the lower layer.

As long as you spend more than 10 Galleons in the store, you can draw a numbered ball from the velvet box next to it and have a chance to win these generous prizes.

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